Nintendo Media | Mario and Link Brawl on Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.05.2007 104

Nintendo have updated the recently revamped official Super Smash Bros. Brawl website with a handful of tasty new screens of two legendary mascots getting it on: Link and Mario.

A whole load of new screenshots can be found in the game's album below.

Be sure to stick around for updates..

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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I like the look of this so far, everything looks really nice, and I especially love the textures on Mario's dungarees. I have to admit though; there are a few graphical improvements that could be made.

Fox is one of them. In Starfox Adventures, Rareware used this gorgeous fur effect that made him look nice a fluffy. They chucked that out in

nice screens,

made a bebo skin recently for this game Smilie,

To use it (if you have a bebo) click on the following link:

I'm with Joe here. All I see over a go cube game is slightly sharper textures. The backgrounds look shit.

Probably what a GameCube would look like with component cables...

No Longer Temporarily Banned.

Raab said:
Probably what a GameCube would look like with component cables...

resident evil 4 on the cube with rgb cables.the visuals on that are better then most x-box games mate


Smilie I'm gussing you didn't play much xbox? RE4 looks pretty poo when u go back to it now.

No Longer Temporarily Banned.

huh pretty poo.your playing two much 360 mate the normal x-box visuals aint that good .you sound like a hater ov the wii as well


yeah i iz a total h8r ov da wii.


Normal xbox games were pretty good... fable, halo 1, halo 2, SPLINTER CELL (the xbox version was so much better than the GC one).

( Edited on 23.05.2007 19:08 by Raab )

No Longer Temporarily Banned.

you hating the wii aint going to make the wii any craper or better.your mad because you aint got one ha ha no smash bros brawl for you mate


I'm mad because I don't have one? I could get one right now if I wanted to... I don't though, thanks. I opted for the two truely next gen consoles...

No Longer Temporarily Banned.

truley next gen ?you mean next gen graphics because thats all your getting . wii is true next gen they have steped it up a level. ha ha no smash bros for you

( Edited on 23.05.2007 19:29 by d.v.n.e )


By adding a glorified lightgun/mouse?

DOA on Xbox pisses all over this.

Image for

Is smash bros usually 60hz? That might explain it a bit.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Do I care about smash bros? I hated the first one so I doubt this will be any different...

haha, no halo 3 for you...
haha, no gears of war for you...
haha, no oblivion for you...
haha, no haze for you...
haha, no motorstorm for you...
haha, no reistance for you...
haha, no mass effect for you...
haha, no bioshock for you...
haha, no splinter cell conviction for you...
haha, no deviil may cry for you...
haha, no metal gear solid for you...
haha, no ghost recon for you...
haha, no crackdown for you...
haha, no gta for you...
haha, no warhawk for you...
haha, no assasins creed for you...

Do I really need to list more? I can y'know...

No Longer Temporarily Banned.

mate i have all three consoles i like all ov them but wiis my favourite ha ha everything for me .thats the best way in it


Oh my gosh guys. Can't we just let the Wii haters hate and Wii lovers love? Besides, I'm a Wii60 guy myself, so I hate none of the current gen consoles... except the PS3... it sux.Smilie

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

Ah I c, do you keep these next to your huge pile of bull shit?

No Longer Temporarily Banned.

All three consoles and literate, I just can't compete any more.Smilie

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.


epic thread is epic

Why did the Wii-haters have to throw a party in the Smash Bros thread. Smilie

the graphics on doa aint good no textures just polygons thrown in it looks dull


Triple post for maximum damage.

DOA is pretty good, twas a launch game as well I believe...

No Longer Temporarily Banned.

Jacob4000 said:
Why did the Wii-haters have to throw a party in the Smash Bros thread. Smilie

I'm not Wii hater, I have a Wii. But these graphics aren't that good. They really aren't and it's just Wii fanboys trying to pretend that a game actually looks good to get some kind of one up on 360/ps3 owners, which is ironic as they all say that graphics don't matter.


Did you think it was DOA4? The screen I posted was from Ultimate which came out in 2004, on the Xbox

( Edited on 23.05.2007 19:52 by Grumbler )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I thought it was DOA3, lol. Similarish to ultimate.

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