Nintendo Media | Mario and Link Brawl on Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.05.2007 104

Nintendo have updated the recently revamped official Super Smash Bros. Brawl website with a handful of tasty new screens of two legendary mascots getting it on: Link and Mario.

A whole load of new screenshots can be found in the game's album below.

Be sure to stick around for updates..

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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They really aren't and it's just Wii fanboys trying to pretend that a game actually looks good to get some kind of one up on 360/ps3 owners, which is ironic as they all say that graphics don't matter.

Quit the Wii-Fanboy thing will you? The graphics are very nice and it's plan obvious that they are. Now I do agree that they could be better, as I stated in my previous post, but no one on here is a Wii-Fanboy.

( Edited on 23.05.2007 19:57 by Marzy )

Ah ok. I had DOA3 briefly (was too shite at it), assumed it couldn't possibly have been a launch game because it looked so much more advanced than anything else I'd seen.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Who cares if they're a step up from Xbox, on the same level as Xbox, what? They still look good - I think it looks fantastic personally, character models similar to or improved over Xbox level, though the backgrounds could do with more work. Just because PS3 and 360 look better it doesn't automatically render these bad visuals. We know that Wii isn't up to scratch in terms of graphics in comparison to the other two, can we not just accept it is what it is and drop the complaining about it in every other topic?

This game looks gorgeous. I can't wait for the polished product. Mario's overalls have never looked so awesome.

I'd never thought I'd ever say that.

knighty said:
Jacob4000 said:Why did the Wii-haters have to throw a party in the Smash Bros thread. Smilie
Im not Wii hater, I have a Wii. But these graphics arent that good. They really arent and its just Wii fanboys trying to pretend that a game actually looks good to get some kind of one up on 360/ps3 owners, which is ironic as they all say that graphics dont matter.LULZ IS TO BE HAD.

What the heck do you mean they don't look good? Some of the shots look worse than others but they certainly don't look bad, and when compared to what the Wii has been getting lately they are a breath of fresh air.

All the character models look great, the levels look decent, and I could look at the fireball in Mario's hand in the first picture all day. There are some not so great areas, the quality needs to be upped here and there, but they look very solid over all. And the game isn't finished.

No one is "pretending" this looks good Knighty. It does. Not 360 quality, but you are foolish if you are expecting that.

Second of all, with an image all we have to comment about is the graphics. So it isn't some massive change of heart that all the sudden we've become graphics whores, no, it's that with an image that's all there is to judge.

EDIT: Mike hit the nail right on the head.

( Edited on 23.05.2007 20:14 by Jacob4000 )

We know that Wii isn't up to scratch in terms of graphics in comparison to the other two, can we not just accept it is what it is and drop the complaining about it in every other topic?

Anyone comparing them to 360 and PS3 is bonkers, but I haven't seen anything yet that's couldn't have been done on the old Xbox at a push, which people keep asserting that the Wii is more powerful than.

Mike hit the nail right on the head.

He missed the point entirely.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Mason said:
Who cares if theyre a step up from Xbox, on the same level as Xbox, what? They still look good - I think it looks fantastic personally, character models similar to or improved over Xbox level, though the backgrounds could do with more work.

As SEGA have said once before, its not the consoles power that nessecarily make it look, but how you make it... With the right bit of this & the right bit of that, a game can look incredible without the console being that technically so.

& I think its sad that the 360 fans feel the need to put everyone down about the Wii, its not fair, this is a Nintendo website after all, & whether its true or not, its not really nice to go on ranting about how a pre gen console could probably do it after weve said we think it looks nice. I dont see why you care we think it looks nice. Ive seen 360 games that look worse than this anyway, even if the 360 games in question are 1st gen 3rd party titles, the Wii is STILL FIRST GEN TOO. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Jacob4000 said:
Mason said:Who cares if theyre a step up from Xbox, on the same level as Xbox, what? They still look good - I think it looks fantastic personally, character models similar to or improved over Xbox level, though the backgrounds could do with more work.

All that just goes without saying, still misses the point that despite what people say, the Wii appears to be pretty much as powerful as an Xbox, but with a very restricting (but cheap) fixed function gpu that doesn't facilitate stuff like pixel shaders and normal mapping without considerable fiddling about.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

The Wii is nearly small enough to be a Game Gear, so you can't really blame it for not being as strong as the PS3 Smilie

Hey, I think it did good to get as powerful as/more powerful than XBOX, it's a little thing. XBOX was the monster of last gen, Nintendo are good with compact stuff.

Besides, I don't think we can comment on the Wii's final standing against XBOX until the Wii bites the dust in half a decade. We all know what the XBOX could do later to the end of it's life, we're talking way too early to see some realy comparison if you ask me, especially seeing as all we'll get for Wii until Winter are horrible 3rd party ports.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'm not Wii hater, I have a Wii. But these graphics aren't that good. They really aren't and it's just Wii fanboys trying to pretend that a game actually looks good to get some kind of one up on 360/ps3 owners

I'm sorry, but no-one said this or implied it. The closest anyone got was Mason saying it has the potential to come close to the 360/PS3. Why do you need to get all defensive?

As for the "doesn't even match Xbox", I think that when people said it looked good, they meant for the Wii's capabilities.

I also don't think that anyone expects 360/PS3 standard and by now, I would imagine that everyone followed this. So stating the obvious is not really required is it?

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
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Just look at the tree.

( Edited on 23.05.2007 20:58 by knighty )

knighty said:
Maybe it's a tribute to Paper Mario? Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Just look at the tree.

I said earlier:

Jacob400 said:
There are some not so great areas, the quality needs to be upped here and there, but they look very solid over all. And the game isn't finished.

By the way - quick hands there Superlink, now we get to see how Knighty was really feeling when he posted that picture. Smilie

( Edited on 23.05.2007 21:02 by Jacob4000 )

( Edited on 23.05.2007 21:03 by Jacob4000 )

Pfft. I don't care if people see it typed in caps. I only removed it because I knew it'd get some smart arse response if I left it.

Seriously though, it's not even the lack of polygons. It has no blending whatsoever. It looks like some photoshop n00b has slapped it in.

The Wii is nearly small enough to be a Game Gear, so you can't really blame it for not being as strong as the PS3

Goes without saying.

Hey, I think it did good to get as powerful as/more powerful than XBOX, it's a little thing. XBOX was the monster of last gen, Nintendo are good with compact stuff.

It's small because it's last gen performance, refined reduced in size and power consumption, like the PSP. The GC was incredibly small already, the Xbox was made with off the shelf PC bits and had an internal PSU.

Besides, I don't think we can comment on the Wii's final standing against XBOX until the Wii bites the dust in half a decade. We all know what the XBOX could do later to the end of it's life, we're talking way too early to see some realy comparison if you ask me, especially seeing as all we'll get for Wii until Winter are horrible 3rd party ports.

The Wii's 'almost identical to GC architecture but with more umph' should have brought Nintendo's own games up above high-end GC graphics with no excuses, but they didn't.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Can you imagine how shit Wii games will look in 5 years? It'd basically be the equivalent of playing N64 games right now (since it's been 10 years since the N64 launch).

knighty said:
Pfft. I dont care if people see it typed in caps. I only removed it because I knew itd get some smart arse response if I left it.Seriously though, its not even the lack of polygons. It has no blending whatsoever. It looks like some photoshop n00b has slapped it in.

Knighty, the game isn't finished. It's nearly six months away from release, and you are looking in the background for trees that don't look up to standard?!

We've all said that there are some snaggles, that the background could use some work etc. But the game is looking very nice so far, stop being so darn picky over tiny details of screens from a game that isn't finished for some time.

( Edited on 23.05.2007 21:16 by Jacob4000 )

Jacob4000 said:
knighty said:Pfft. I dont care if people see it typed in caps. I only removed it because I knew itd get some smart arse response if I left it.Seriously though, its not even the lack of polygons. It has no blending whatsoever. It looks like some photoshop n00b has slapped it in.
Knighty, the game isnt finished. Its nearly six months away from release, and you are looking in the background for trees that dont look up to standard?!

People always say that, and then most games come out looking either the same or slightly worse.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

It's nearly six months away from release, and you are looking in the background for trees that don't look up to standard?!

To be honest, it's not likely that they will change simple things like trees in that time though.

( Edited on 23.05.2007 21:20 by Marzy )

Well let's wait and see before passing judgment. You guys start passing final judgment far too early at times.

shiptoncraig said:
I'm sorry, but no-one said this or implied it. The closest anyone got was Mason saying it has the potential to come close to the 360/PS3.

Exactly, potential is the key word here, and we've got to take the other key-phrase I said into account here - in SD resolutions (and even then it's a tough fight). In HD it's obviously a no-brainer.

Grumbler said:
Anyone comparing them to 360 and PS3 is bonkers, but I havent seen anything yet thats couldnt have been done on the old Xbox at a push, which people keep asserting that the Wii is more powerful than.

Isn't it pointless to keep going on like this, though? I’m sick of coming onto the forum and reading things like ‘Wii is worse than Xbox’, etc. It might be worse than Xbox. It might be equal to Xbox. It might be better than Xbox. Who cares? It isn’t an Xbox, it’s a Wii. It has inferior graphics to other consoles in this generation but debatably has better visuals than last generation - and this is still year one software (I don‘t expect it to improve that much more in all honesty, but inevitably it will do as time goes on - to what extent I‘ve no idea). If it looks good, does it really matter? And this, this to me looks good. If somebody stuck this on a TV in front of me, I wouldn’t be picking at it and comparing it to all the other games on my shelf, I’d be playing it and I’d be enjoying how it looks. What else matters?

I don’t mind Wii being slated. It deserves it at times. It has piles of mini-game collections or other shovel ware announced or out, it has a lacklustre online service at the moment and the European release lists have been frankly appalling. What I do mind is coming into topics and finding the system being panned for bad graphics because they’re supposedly not on the same level as an Xbox. It’s justified in some cases where developers have just chucked any old rubbish onto the system because ‘graphics don’t matter’, but there is a clear improvement here. Nobody can do any right, a developer puts in poor graphics and it’s a case of ‘the Wii is underpowered’, a developer puts in effort and comes up with decent graphics and it’s ‘the Wii is just an Xbox’. Who cares? We’ve known for over a year it was underpowered and I think the point has been hammered home by now. Yes, perhaps Nintendo should have put a more powerful processor in, or a better graphics chip, but the system is what it is, so let’s just make the best of it.

( Edited on 23.05.2007 21:46 by Mason )

Meh it's new smash bros you cant get it on any other console and it certainly dosn't look ugly so I aint complainin.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

Mason, I owe you two stars for your posts in this thread. I'm already out though. I'll try to remember, feel free to remind me next week. Smilie

Basically what Mason says is entirely right here, if it looks fine, and it does, why are people complaining so much? We know the Wii isn't a powerhouse, but these visuals look very nice, and should at least be good enough. Besides, when the game comes out you won't be looking at the tree in the background, you'll be pounding the crap out of that exquisite looking Mario and his wonderful denim overalls. Smilie

Raab said:
Smilie Im gussing you didnt play much xbox? RE4 looks pretty poo when u go back to it now.

Smilie Ahh what RE4 on the GameCube had better graphics than any games i ever had for my Xbox.

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