shiptoncraig said:
I'm sorry, but no-one said this or implied it. The closest anyone got was Mason saying it has the potential to come close to the 360/PS3.
Exactly, potential is the key word here, and we've got to take the other key-phrase I said into account here - in SD resolutions (and even then it's a tough fight). In HD it's obviously a no-brainer.
Grumbler said:
Anyone comparing them to 360 and PS3 is bonkers, but I havent seen anything yet thats couldnt have been done on the old Xbox at a push, which people keep asserting that the Wii is more powerful than.
Isn't it pointless to keep going on like this, though? I’m sick of coming onto the forum and reading things like ‘Wii is worse than Xbox’, etc. It might be worse than Xbox. It might be equal to Xbox. It might be better than Xbox. Who cares? It isn’t an Xbox, it’s a Wii. It has inferior graphics to other consoles in this generation but debatably has better visuals than last generation - and this is still year one software (I don‘t expect it to improve that much more in all honesty, but inevitably it will do as time goes on - to what extent I‘ve no idea). If it looks good, does it really matter? And this, this to me looks good. If somebody stuck this on a TV in front of me, I wouldn’t be picking at it and comparing it to all the other games on my shelf, I’d be playing it and I’d be enjoying how it looks. What else matters?
I don’t mind Wii being slated. It deserves it at times. It has piles of mini-game collections or other shovel ware announced or out, it has a lacklustre online service at the moment and the European release lists have been frankly appalling. What I do mind is coming into topics and finding the system being panned for bad graphics because they’re supposedly not on the same level as an Xbox. It’s justified in some cases where developers have just chucked any old rubbish onto the system because ‘graphics don’t matter’, but there is a clear improvement here. Nobody can do any right, a developer puts in poor graphics and it’s a case of ‘the Wii is underpowered’, a developer puts in effort and comes up with decent graphics and it’s ‘the Wii is just an Xbox’. Who cares? We’ve known for over a year it was underpowered and I think the point has been hammered home by now. Yes, perhaps Nintendo should have put a more powerful processor in, or a better graphics chip, but the system is what it is, so let’s just make the best of it.
( Edited on 23.05.2007 21:46 by Mason )