Nintendo Wii Media | Mario Strikers Wi-Fi & Gameplay Video

By Adam Riley 24.04.2007 61

Mario Strikers Charged Football comes out in a month's time, but so far details have been somewhat scarce on the game. However, now it has just been completely blown open.

Following Cubed3 was first off the mark at finding the information from the latest Official Nintendo Magazine about region-specific online gameplay, Jeux-France has followed up with an extensive video highlighting the wealth of new features in the Next Level Games-developed Wii title, plus more details of online play. Check it out below:

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Original News - In the latest issue of the UK's Official Nintendo Magazine (out now), Next Level Games' Mike Inglehart, Director of Mario Strikers Charged, has confirmed the online Wi-Fi mode will only be region-specific to prevent lag issues.

A major disappointment or nothing to worry about? Let us know inside...

Box art for Mario Strikers Charged Football

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He lives on the other side of the ocean to his girlfriend.

DAMN !!!

Oh come on, it's not that bad, just the random match-ups! Smilie What's the point in doing match-ups against US people rather than EU people? It doesn't have voice chat, so as far as game experience goes, it shouldn't make ANY difference whatsoever! Besides, Friend Codes are almost definitely going to be worldwide, so stop complaining for crying out loud!

Besides, this may only be temporary, as the game won't even be released anywhere else for a while, WiiConnect24 does have a purpose y'know, & this is the first online Wii game, I'm sure they wouldn't do it with SSBB, even if it is super laggy Smilie

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Oni-Ninja said:
Ugh, the Nintendos whole concept of online gaming is clearly botched. They showed utter unwillingness to bother getting involved in the biggest development in gaming last gen, and due to its success, have been dragged, kicking and screaming into it this gen, and their implementation is terrible.Theyre only doing it because they literally have to this gen, and the pathatic, feeble little excuses they give for their services inadequacy (a service which is still yet to be up-and-running) just prove this, and furthermore, are outright lies. Theres no reason why playing with someone in Australia would give me any more lag issues than someone in America. Australia is actually further away.Nintendos online gaming implementation is utter bollocks. MS and even Sony do it far better.

Damn I think this is the first time I agreed with Oni- Ninja. Come on Nintendo has to make up for what they did with the Cube. Having that launch box with no online And Melee taunting me every day asking me why can't it play online like the other consoles. Then all my friends saying xbox live is so cool and I couldn't play cause my xbox died. Flash backs of last gen are very ugly.Smilie

I agree with Nintendo being very behind the times, but this is definitely not as bad as the whole Friend codes thing anyway, just taken far out of proportion. It's doubtful every Wii game will be like this, I'm certain the Wii is far more capable of online gaming than the DS, & the DS has pulled it off very well.

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Each one of us was brought here for a reason.

Nintendo may not like to integrate the best of online features but hopefully they won't restrict third parties.Smilie

The lag issue was mentioned because of this game requiring twitch-like reactions at times, meaning stuttering during online gameplay would kill the experience. Imagine if your opponent scored ONLY because the game juddered whilst playing online against someone...that would be very annoying.

Trying to play a decent online game of PES6 on DS is a real pain due to it playing at a snail's pace (if you're lucky to get a quiet time on the servers!).

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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I'd say football games require less precise timing than the vast majority of games. How can you even compare the "twitch" reactions needed in a football game to sniping in an FPS?

I think you're just trying to make excuses here jesusraz Smilie

This is shitty news and you know it. Nintendo are bullshitting. Hard.

knighty said:
Id say football games require less precise timing than the vast majority of games. How can you even compare the twitch reactions needed in a football game to sniping in an FPS?I think youre just trying to make excuses here jesusraz SmilieThis is shitty news and you know it. Nintendo are bullshitting. Hard.
I don't see how it's shitty news, it won't be the same in most online games, I can tell, besides, what difference does it make who you're matched up with if you can't even voice chat? This is MATCH UP we're talking about, chances are worldwide friend codes will still be used.

So there really isn't a problem. Smilie

I can see why lag may be a problem for games like SSBB though, as it SSBM needs the most lightning fast of reactions, those who disagree obviously havn't played the SSBM matches I have, especially with 4 players from different places all with lightning fast reactions, I may be able to understand if the underpowered Wii lags a little Smilie

On the bright side, games like this will have little to no lag, unless the opponenet in question has a bad connection. If you do, then it's your fault.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

knighty said:
Id say football games require less precise timing than the vast majority of games. How can you even compare the twitch reactions needed in a football game to sniping in an FPS?I think youre just trying to make excuses here jesusraz SmilieThis is shitty news and you know it. Nintendo are bullshitting. Hard.

And other companies don't?

Seriously, this is juvenile. Write in physicaly to your company of choice and if they do not change, you are not force to buy there stuff.

Anyhow, that made me excited for a soccer game. I did not care for the other Mario Soccer game, but that Smilie

Hey anyone wanna team up wifi if you do pm me

Go Typhlosion!

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