Nintendo Wii Media | Mario Strikers Wi-Fi & Gameplay Video

By Adam Riley 24.04.2007 61

Mario Strikers Charged Football comes out in a month's time, but so far details have been somewhat scarce on the game. However, now it has just been completely blown open.

Following Cubed3 was first off the mark at finding the information from the latest Official Nintendo Magazine about region-specific online gameplay, Jeux-France has followed up with an extensive video highlighting the wealth of new features in the Next Level Games-developed Wii title, plus more details of online play. Check it out below:

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Original News - In the latest issue of the UK's Official Nintendo Magazine (out now), Next Level Games' Mike Inglehart, Director of Mario Strikers Charged, has confirmed the online Wi-Fi mode will only be region-specific to prevent lag issues.

A major disappointment or nothing to worry about? Let us know inside...

Box art for Mario Strikers Charged Football

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I hope it's not like the DS's opponent search. Waiting ages for 3 people to be found only for one of them to drop out causing the search to start again.

Region specific sucks, I would fight one of you rather than fighting these bunch of wimps from Panama...Smilie

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

It will be global with friend codes, you can't tell who your playing when you have it on worldwide or regional anyway.

Kyubi Ricky said:
i bet theyll do the same for smash bros.i guess this is when the wiis power is really an issue


It's internet latency. Has nothing to do with your local hardware (be it Wii, 360, PS3, DS, PC, etc.).

It's a problem for any high speed games you play over the internet, particularly when you're playing Peer-to-Peer (as opposed to connecting to a central server).

i'm pretty sure its like PAL territories and NTSC territories that they mean. its not too bad, think about it, Us and Japan (NTSC)= MASSIVE population, Europe, South America, Oceania, PAL & PAL-G, MASSIVE population, that is a lot of people to play against! plus iw on't affect friend codes, i saw on various sites that region specific do not affect friend codes so don't winge before it happens! they've already said that Pokemon will not be region specific, its out in japan already and they have world wide option, so take it easy, don't forget that Mario Strikers is their experiment on online games, so of course it won't be perfect so just wait and see.

Well Australia is PAL right??? I fail to see how I am not going to experience lag when playing someone from England? Stupid policy, there should be the option to play overseas. But honestly, I am not that bothered. The only thing that is going to annoy me is that, I won't be able compete in US or UK tournamnets for SSBB.

This is a complete disaster for Nintendo. It was hailed as the first proper wi-fi game, and then it can't even do that properly. They have failed us... (hangs head)

Screwing the rules since 1989.

It sounds okay to me. Even if you don't like the idea, it is too early to panic since this is only one game, and as someone or other said, we may be able to play friends in other countries with *friend codes* anyway.

Having said that, I would prefer if Nintendo at least gave the option of playing international opponents - who wouldn't right?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duffman ~~~~~~~~~
"If you make yourself really small, you can externalize virtually everything", Daniel Dennett

I guess it's disappointing, but if it's to prevent lag (the game is fast paced) then I guess it's fine. At least you can still match up with others in your reigon, will still be loads of fun.

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That's rubbish. You can play with people from America on XBL, without any lag issues. I fail to see how limiting us to play against other PAL gamers (and therefore, people waaaay over in Australia) has got anything to do with lag.

It's rubbish. Nintendo are cutting yet more corners with their online service.

( Edited on 22.04.2007 16:08 by Oni )

Thing is though considering you don't communicate with people over random Wifi connection anyway it won't really matter...i'm sure it will allow US and UK players to play each other once friend codes are exchanged.

That's pretty shitty, but as Blade says, the service is already compromised to the point that it cancels out any further compromises. So it doesn't matter.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Ugh, the Nintendo's whole concept of 'online gaming' is clearly botched. They showed utter unwillingness to bother getting involved in the biggest development in gaming last gen, and due to it's success, have been dragged, kicking and screaming into it this gen, and their implementation is terrible.

They're only doing it because they literally have to this gen, and the pathatic, feeble little excuses they give for their service's inadequacy (a service which is still yet to be up-and-running) just prove this, and furthermore, are outright lies. There's no reason why playing with someone in Australia would give me any more lag issues than someone in America. Australia is actually further away.

Nintendo's online gaming implementation is utter bollocks. MS and even Sony do it far better.

It is, i stopped adding people too my wii once i learned the wii code wasn't universal. Just a waste of time.

Well i think thisis good news! Smilie I can't wait for this game, it looks awsome! Smilie

This is fucking bullshit.

Wii online is going to be an absolute joke at this rate.

Most of the people I'd be playing against live in the US!

I think people are still missing the point that others have raised before me.

It will probably still allow you to play against people in other regions who are on your friends list.

So, it will only affect random match ups where no-one cares who they are playing against anyway.

If 'tis the case, then this news is fine.

( Edited on 22.04.2007 17:16 by Spydarlee )

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

My anger towards Nintendo on this subject will be lessened if that generally happens to be the case across all games, Spydar (not just this one). But at the end of the day mate, it's still unsatisfactory. And if, god forbid, all online modes are region locked, then the Wii's pathetic online gaming service is just dead to me. It may as well not exist.

( Edited on 22.04.2007 17:22 by Oni )

Look everyone knows it's not gonna be like that for every wii game online. If DS can do worldwide wi-fi, then the wii can definitely handle it, so don't get all worried about SSBB or anything else.

No real biggie as far as i'm concerned, although not being able to play Smash with those on the other side of the pond would be a far greater let down for me. We cannot assume that it will be the same for SBB. LS

( Edited on 22.04.2007 22:31 by Linkyshinks )

So then if it's not an 'issue' which will apparently be subject to all Wii online games, why this one? What makes this one so special that it suffers more lag?

Well they've only had since last October, likely earlier, to get it sorted, so you can understand why it might take too long for them. I mean, c'mon, 9 months is a short time.

( Edited on 23.04.2007 08:22 by dojo )

Well Australia is PAL right??? I fail to see how I am not going to experience lag when playing someone from England? Stupid policy, there should be the option to play overseas. But honestly, I am not that bothered. The only thing that is going to annoy me is that, I won't be able compete in US or UK tournamnets for SSBB.

I don't think anyone has quoted themselves before, but that was a typo. I was meant say that was that I would still experience lag within my region, since Australia is PAL and that means I could theoretically play people from England, which be laggier than playing someone from the US.

It's all too obvious that online gaming just doesn't matter to Nintendo. It's one of the areas where they're still stuck in the past. Despite the success of online play for the DS, Nintendo really don't care about it. The friend code system, the lack of fully integrated online components in almost every game, and the lack of an online multi-player game at launch are all the evidence you need for this.

Nintendo still fear the internet and only see the potential for harm. They still have an old company mentality in this sense.

Thankfully, I don't give a shit as I've never had any desire to play online multi-player games.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Me likey video.

Online gaming does matter to Nintendo - simply because one developer limited the game to region specific matches (for lag issues no less) then that's not much of a big deal as long as online is actually playable. You seem to forget Dr R that the online service is still in it's infancy (yes it's an old excuse but a valid one), with the first game being Mario Strikers, and by the looks of it, along with ranked and unranked along with things like striker of the day sounds like it'll be a good online game too. No online games at launch does not mean lack of dedication or importance to them, it could be a hundred million things, and you say lack of full integration in all online games - what online games would that be then? The whole point is that Mario Strikers is Wii's first (over here) online game, and seems like it'll do a good job too.

E: It seems later on in the video he provided the answer.

( Edited on 24.04.2007 09:07 by Modplan Man )

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