Capcom's Official Forums, stating that he sees the userbase "as being very, very broad with a family focus (especially in Japan)". Read on for more..." /> News: Industry News | Capcom: Wii is for a Younger Audience Page 1 - Cubed3

Industry News | Capcom: Wii is for a Younger Audience

By Ben 10.02.2007 68

Christian Svensson, Senior Director of Strategic Planning & Research for Capcom voiced his opinion on Nintendo's Wii in Capcom's Official Forums, stating that he sees the userbase "as being very, very broad with a family focus (especially in Japan)". He goes on to say "If there is a "core player base" on Wii, within two years, it will be largely a younger player (far younger than 360 or PS3)."

This might not come as much of a surprise to people following Capcom's support of Wii, which currently rests at one named title, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles and an unnamed project from Capcom's Keiji Inafune. There is also a mention is his post on the forums of more titles from Capcom that have yet to be officially announced.

Hopefully this doesn't mean that Wii will miss out on some of Capcom's best loved franchises such as Street Fighter, Mobile Suit Gundam, Onimusha and Devil May Cry.

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[Thanks to C3 member Hulk' for the tip]

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Once again 3rd party ignorance and stupidity strikes at the heart of Nintendo fans every where. *sigh*

They need to wake up and pay attention to the events that are taking place world wide. As do most other devs & publishers.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

It's a shame that some major developer's have this sort of sentiment.

It's this sort of thing that makes games like Manhunt a double -edged sword to me. On one hand I'm repulsed that such a thing is going to be on a Nintendo system, and yet it will probably do much to alleviate the "kiddie" image Nintendo seems to still be carrying with them into this gen, though albeit to a seemingly smaller degree.

MechaG2 said:
Once again 3rd party ignorance and stupidity strikes at the heart of Nintendo fans every where. *sigh*They need to wake up and pay attention to the events that are taking place world wide. As do most other devs & publishers.

Wrong. The presense of older Nintendo 'core-gamers' on a few internet message boards doesn't change the facts for a company which must consider it's finances and where best to spend them. The Wii is a 'family' console. Most games aimed at an older audience will go to other consoles.

If this is going to change, then Nintendo fanboys should go out and buy Manhunt for their Wiis in droves.

Oni-Ninja said:
MechaG2 said:Once again 3rd party ignorance and stupidity strikes at the heart of Nintendo fans every where. *sigh*They need to wake up and pay attention to the events that are taking place world wide. As do most other devs & publishers.
Wrong. The presense of older Nintendo core-gamers on a few internet message boards doesnt change the facts for a company which must consider its finances and where best to spend them. The Wii is a family console. Most games aimed at an older audience will go to other consoles.If this is going to change, then Nintendo fanboys should go out and buy Manhunt for their Wiis in droves.

I might just do that, seeing I don't have anything against mature games, a good game is a good game, no matter what the image isSmilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Nah, Nintendo fans need to wear Nintendo t-shirts and do some real violence. That'll show em. That'll show em..

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Nah, Nintendo fans need to wear Nintendo t-shirts and do some real violence. Thatll show em. Thatll show em..

I'm with JB. We the members of Cubed3 should band together and form a criminal gang called the Nintendo hoodlums. That'll get Ninty the press they need. Smilie

Jacob4000 said:
jb said:Nah, Nintendo fans need to wear Nintendo t-shirts and do some real violence. Thatll show em. Thatll show em..
Im with JB. We the members of Cubed3 should band together and form a criminal gang called the Nintendo hoodlums. Thatll get Ninty the press they need. Smilie

Combine this idea with the c3 meet up idea.
It should work great.
And we could all hopefully get on the newsSmilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

jb said:
Nah, Nintendo fans need to wear Nintendo t-shirts and do some real violence. Thatll show em. Thatll show em..

Great idea!
Dress up like Bowser, or Ganon and set out to cause some real mayhem!

MSN: [email protected]
Xbox Live Gamertag: Steve Vice
Nintendo Wii Friend Code: 0662 4893 5734 8819

Ha, Capcom state the obvious.

Ga Ga Goo Goo. Nintendo Ga Ga.


Anything family orientated is going to get it's fair share of software developed for children, probably more so because of the fact the Xbox360 and PS3 almost near enough ignore the market.
Just means your going to get a broader range of software on wii and that has to include childrens games.

( Edited on 11.02.2007 00:05 by Blade2t3 )

Blade2t3 said:
Anything family orientated is going to get its fair share of software developed for children, probably more so because of the fact the Xbox360 and PS3 almost near enough ignore the market.

You can tell that Nintendo is aiming for everyone this time though if you simply stand in front of one of their stands in HMV or Virgin wtc. You watch video clips of practically every age of person playing Wii Sports. Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicals is highly unlikely to be for the littleuns now is it?


I do hope they bring the Pheonix Wright franchise to the Wii.

MSN: [email protected]
Xbox Live Gamertag: Steve Vice
Nintendo Wii Friend Code: 0662 4893 5734 8819

Yeah sure my 18 year old sister her boyfriend and her two friends are playing wii sports at the moment.
If your not going to be sharing the the wii and you want a console for your self with shooter after shooter well don't pick it up it ain't that kind of console.
Not saying it won't have it's fair share of hardcore games it's just obvious that it's not going to be nearly as specilaized in that area as say the 360.

( Edited on 11.02.2007 00:16 by Blade2t3 )

I fully agree when he says the Wii is a family console. But that doesn't mean kiddy. It simply means everyone can enjoy the game and the young 'uns don't have to go play in the other room while the older people play.

When he says "in two years, it will be largely a younger player [base]", well that only depends on what kind of games the developers make. If they want to make games for older people, the Wii player base will be 18+, if they want to make games for teens, then it'l be 12-17. If they want to for little kids, it'll be for 11 and under. The Wii player will be whatever developers make it.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Just because Nintendo have stated they're aiming for everyone doesn't mean every game seen has to be rated E. What they pretty much actually mean is we'll take anything. While Nintendo themselves have the image of being family friendly and such, doesn't mean 3rd parties have to stick to it.

All the consoles get their fair share of E/kiddy games, although one thing that stands out is Nintendo's own brands that makes them stand out as that kind of company, most of their high name brands aren't blood, gore and swearing, which gives them this image, (along with competitors using this image as a way to dismiss them in interviews and such).

Meaning they want to cater to everyone does not mean every game has to or is going to be those kind of games. They literally want to cater to everyone - and that entails bringing the what is considered mature content too, why do you think they courted Rockstar? Not to mention they got Manhunt out of it.

And also, many surveys and such have shown the average Nintendo gamer far above what many companies have gotten fixed in their heads, it's just the stupid public image that keeps getting mentioned over and over again, which is what Capcom are now getting sucked into with the statement of on average being a younger gamer. If they want everyone, then surely the average would end up going higher, as that's often what they want to expand too, as it's the older market that often don't play games.

( Edited on 11.02.2007 00:35 by Amazingjanet )

CAPCOM state this but they have Resident Evil and Devil Kings in development, hardly kiddy titles, as well as an Infaune title which will most likely be a "mature title". As for developers "mature" titles not selling on Nintendo platforms over 3m units of RE4 suppose that didn't make CAPCOM any money, not to mention the fact that CAPCOM didn't market it.

Although this does quasi-confirm the extension of the Viewtful Joe, Phoenix Wright and MegaMan series on the Wii. Which is no doubt great news Smilie.

( Edited on 11.02.2007 00:47 by Hulkamania )

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Jacob4000 said:
jb said:Nah, Nintendo fans need to wear Nintendo t-shirts and do some real violence. Thatll show em. Thatll show em..
Im with JB. We the members of Cubed3 should band together and form a criminal gang called the Nintendo hoodlums. Thatll get Ninty the press they need. Smilie

yeah but not in a good way... John Thomson or whatever hes name is will sue Nintendo and say see what games do to out children.. and loads of mothers will go crazy and they will not buy anymore consoles for their kids... and everyone will be sad... if we need to do violance we need to do it in a cool way.... maybe go and destroy a Sony/Microsft factory!! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

If Capcom developed for Wii, its customers would buy for Wii and wouldn't have to buy other platforms.

Wii will be the most successful platform of this generation, period, and if Capcom wants to tap into that potential, it ought to help expand the boundaries!

The Wii is much more likely to have over 35's playing it then the PS3.

Its a shame the industary thinks that "family" means "young", for that mater. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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jmm36 said:
If Capcom developed for Wii, its customers would buy for Wii and wouldnt have to buy other platforms.Wii will be the most successful platform of this generation, period, and if Capcom wants to tap into that potential, it ought to help expand the boundaries!

Yep, indeed, CAPCOM missed the boat completely with the DS.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Capcom hasn't missed any boat with DS - its provided it with the Phoenix Wright titles (port and additional content for the first, port for the second, presumably a port upcoming for the third and an all-new edition in two months), Mega Man ZX (all new), Mega Man Star Force (all new), Mega Man Battle Network 5 (port), Viewtiful Joe Double Trouble (all new), Resident Evil DS (port with additional content) and has Kabu Trader Shun (all new) and Mega Man ZX Advent (all new) upcoming. They've been one of the better third party supporters of DS if you ask me - did you mean to put Wii, since they've not shown much so far?

Anyway, sure, this is stating the obvious, and we can take it as a negative if we really want. The way I see it, it just means we get a wider variety of titles on the system - it's not like we've not seen any non-child friendly games in the last month or even week. Despite this being said, there's clearly some faith from the company with one announced title (which is of the 'mature' approach - perhaps a testing of the waters), an unnamed title and more. I couldn't give a damn about which console has the most family friendly or the most violent games around, I play games for fun, not according to what age group they're supposedly aimed at.

( Edited on 11.02.2007 01:30 by Mason )

Street Fighter - SUCKS.
Mobile Suit Gundam - SUCKS.
Devil May Cry - SUCKS.


Anyway i doubt Capcom will stop supporting the Wii... they probably have loads of games in development but they dont wanna say!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Truffle Shuffle said:
Street Fighter - SUCKS.Mobile Suit Gundam - SUCKS.Devil May Cry - SUCKS.ONIMUSHA - ROCKS!!Anyway i doubt Capcom will stop supporting the Wii... they probably have loads of games in development but they dont wanna say!

Myself - ROCKS
Random other member - ROCKS
Truffle Shuffle - SUCKS!


The 2D Street Fighter games are, imo, very good games, and I still play two of the 2D iterations with very much pleasure at least a few times each week(Don't have much gaming time left). It's addiction lies in it's simplicity, though it's not too simple. It's just rightSmilie I've never played a Gundam game, so I won't comment on that... But Devil May Cry RULES! I'd never buy a console for a mere game or three, but if I would, It'd definitely be for DMC, amongst others. I've played part 3 quite recently, and I loved it from beginning to end!Smilie The whole experience was so action-packed, gave me quite a rush, lol. Nah, not that overboard, had a LOT of fun, though, which is what it's all about.

Please don't make comments like that, put some reasoning behind what you're saying, because you're coming across as pretty R-tardedSmilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~


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