Capcom's Official Forums, stating that he sees the userbase "as being very, very broad with a family focus (especially in Japan)". Read on for more..." /> News: Industry News | Capcom: Wii is for a Younger Audience Page 2 - Cubed3

Industry News | Capcom: Wii is for a Younger Audience

By Ben 10.02.2007 68

Christian Svensson, Senior Director of Strategic Planning & Research for Capcom voiced his opinion on Nintendo's Wii in Capcom's Official Forums, stating that he sees the userbase "as being very, very broad with a family focus (especially in Japan)". He goes on to say "If there is a "core player base" on Wii, within two years, it will be largely a younger player (far younger than 360 or PS3)."

This might not come as much of a surprise to people following Capcom's support of Wii, which currently rests at one named title, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles and an unnamed project from Capcom's Keiji Inafune. There is also a mention is his post on the forums of more titles from Capcom that have yet to be officially announced.

Hopefully this doesn't mean that Wii will miss out on some of Capcom's best loved franchises such as Street Fighter, Mobile Suit Gundam, Onimusha and Devil May Cry.

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[Thanks to C3 member Hulk' for the tip]

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!!!!!! Come on Smilie and tell this to evryone Smilie !!!!!!

the link :

Welll... That may mean good things, but face it: When they say 'younger audience', they do not mean Devil May Cry (Which is free from 16 years up in Germany) but 'The happy little Rabbit and Their Friends Playing On the Green, Green Grass'...

I do not understand these guys: They sold nearly 2 Million RE4 on GC (yes? I think so...) and consider Wii nearly younger in audience.
That would be great if they would think core-gamers would be 9-25 (That's young from some points of view). But that means 6-13 in their opinion methinks. So Devil May Cry - which totally rocks for me - will not be on Wii.

So every mature title o this console is good. But behold: Mature titles being crap *cough*Far Cry*cough* will pull down the mature image ones more, because they say 'Mature games do not sell!'.
That was the reason Neo Geo only had fighter games. The reason GC only had some crap and then less mature games then Lego had and that's the reason there are no mature games on DS. But that's not evil, because on DS you have a phenomenen: Games for everyone. Phoenix Wright, Lost in Blue... I can name quite a few, but these games are really for everyone. No blood. Heck, who cares. They are great and more or less ideal for grown-ups. If - and only then - Capcom meant that, then this is okay. But every time some developer or company says something like 'younger core-audience' and 'Nitnendo' together, they are misleaded by the cuddly image of Mario, Link and Pok

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Darkflame said:
The Wii is much more likely to have over 35s playing it then the PS3.Its a shame the industary thinks that family means young, for that mater.

Yes, I would even say that the Wii is the most mature console there is. It's far more likely to attract older gamers than other consoles.

When Nintendo say the're targeting a wide audience, how this translates in people's heads as a 'young audience only' is really beyond me! Most consoles already target a young audience and what Nintendo are doing is expanding its appeal to include older gamers. Also, I don't think that darker, more violent games are necessarily more mature, infact in my experience its often the younger gamers that these games seem to appeal most to.

Ugh... Crapcom are such twats nowadays. They really dont get Nintendo nowadays...

I mean, shutting down Clover is enough to see how stupid they are.

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SuperLink said:
Ugh... Crapcom are such twats nowadays. They really dont get Nintendo nowadays...I mean, shutting down Clover is enough to see how stupid they are.

YES.. bloody muppets!! Have a star!! Smilie

Street Fighter used to be good on the old days... now its shite and old... and ive played DMC & 2 and i dint like them i thought they were opreety shit... but Onimusha is AWSOME!! and one more thing i dont SUCK! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Truffle Shuffle said:
SuperLink said:Ugh... Crapcom are such twats nowadays. They really dont get Nintendo nowadays...I mean, shutting down Clover is enough to see how stupid they are.
YES.. bloody muppets!! Have a star!! Smilie Street Fighter used to be good on the old days... now its shite and old... and ive played DMC & 2 and i dint like them i thought they were opreety shit... but Onimusha is AWSOME!! and one more thing i dont SUCK! Smilie

You sure about that last bit? I could've sworn.. Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

yes i am sure.. because if i sucked i would be a Gay.. which im not.... HAR HAR!
Anyway DMC is gay!!

( Edited on 11.02.2007 12:55 by Click Here )

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I think that Capcom as a publisher/company has made a number of stupid moves in the past 2 years. This is another small addition.

Actually its only an opinion of one small guy that works @ Capcom so it really isn't a big deal. Probaly not worth making such a fuss about.

Unfortunately this small guy tells Capcom their future way and sets the course of the company. So it does matter, actually...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Truffle Shuffle said:
Street Fighter - SUCKS.
Mobile Suit Gundam - SUCKS.
Devil May Cry - SUCKS.


Anyway i doubt Capcom will stop supporting the Wii... they probably have loads of games in development but they dont wanna say!


{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

Well perhaps the Wii is for a younger audience. I'm a Nintendo fan, so I am not being biased here.
I just think once in a while people need to wake up and smell the coffee.
The Wii is an extremely accessible console making it immediately kid-friendly. Not too many of the games that are out are considered 'mature' games either.
The control scheme is also the easiest of the 3 to pick up. These 3 factors all contribute to the statement Christian Svensson made.

Maybe his view will change after a year or so, in which time Nintendo and other companies can bring out some of the big guns.

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Clover were an amazing studio. I absolutely loved the Viewtiful Joe series, & Okami looks awesome. I just wish that Capcom hadn't shut it down, definitely one of the most stupid things to come out of the gaming biz in years.

Yes, more stupid than PS3. Crapcom for the lose.

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Monkey Wii. Luffy said:
Truffle Shuffle said:Street Fighter - SUCKS.Mobile Suit Gundam - SUCKS.Devil May Cry - SUCKS.ONIMUSHA - ROCKS!!Anyway i doubt Capcom will stop supporting the Wii... they probably have loads of games in development but they dont wanna say!

GTFO.... SmilieSmilie

Street Fighter used to be good in teh golden days... Smilie but some of the games theyve made in the last few years were preety shit.

Superlink i agree with you.. i dont understand why they would close Clover... its not like they were making shit games...Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Truffle Shuffle said:
i dont understand why they would close Clover... its not like they were making shit games...Smilie
Yeah. If anything, Clover are way better at making decent/good games than Capcom's main company. Most of the Megaman games these days are pretty crappy.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Street Fighter used to be good in teh golden days... This is a smilie but some of the games theyve made in the last few years were preety shit.

Capcom have not made a 'new' Street Fighter since Street Fighter III on the Dreamcast, which is THE best 2D fighting game I have played. 8 years old and it still plays well today.

EDIT: Street Fighter EX does not count.

( Edited on 11.02.2007 15:40 by Monkey Wii. Luffy )

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

The guy's right though. The Wii's main audience is younger people, especially compared to the PS3 and the 360.

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

SuperLink said:
Truffle Shuffle said:i dont understand why they would close Clover... its not like they were making shit games...Smilie
Yeah. If anything, Clover are way better at making decent/good games than Capcoms main company. Most of the Megaman games these days are pretty crappy.

yeah Megaman games are preety shit... really... so its a shame Clover is closed... coz they made the best games.. Konami/ Namco / Nintendo should buy the right to Clover Smilie

( Edited on 11.02.2007 18:10 by Click Here )

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

capcom's Svensson: you are an idiot just like sony's karakker or what ever that guys name was that said the wii is an impulse buy. too bad i don't have a wii yet, and i'm an adult, not a kid.

Truffle Shuffle said:
Street Fighter - SUCKS.Mobile Suit Gundam - SUCKS.Devil May Cry - SUCKS.ONIMUSHA - ROCKS!!
... Please die ;-; I'm being polite! Onimusha is seriously one of the shittest games I've ever played

And yes, the Street Fighter EX games were awful... But CAPCOM won't make any more of those... Or else

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

yeah Megaman games are preety shit... really... so its a shame Clover is closed... coz they made the best games.. Konami/ Namco / Nintendo should buy the right to Clover

Thats not possible because Clover was funded and owned by Capcom, the development studio can not be bought by another company. Clover Studios IPs will go back to Capcom, so [hopefully] it's not the end of Viewtiful Joe, Okami, and God Hand.

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

Seems a bit of an idiotic statement considering they're making a Resident Evil exclusive title... good message to send to the prospective buyers.

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Monkey Wii. Luffy said:
so [hopefully] its not the end of Viewtiful Joe, Okami, and God Hand.
If Viewtiful Joe 3 never happens I'm taking my life ;_;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Megadanxzero said:
If Viewtiful Joe 3 never happens Im taking my life ;_;
*steals your weapons*

Now you can't kill yourself!

People die if they are killed... Smilie

EDIT: Viewtiful Joe 3 ain't happening... Smilie

( Edited on 11.02.2007 20:17 by SuperLink )

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It's idiotic to fight over what gamessuck and which don't! There are many games around and as I am totally taken in by Zelda and not so much by RE4 there are others who like RE4 like ...hell. So saying 'Devil May Cry sucks' only says 'DMC sucks for ME'! So let them say this and rather say 'I like DMC nevertheless! Trolling like 'DMC sucks!' is not very... well... mature.

And Clover ws more or less building new good games. Prototyping if you want to say so. Unless others they produced rather high-standard games which where loved. They may seem to be too expensive, maybe these games did not sell, who knows. But it is very hard to close them down, you can built quite a wonderful image with Clover. So Nintendo could ask all the people to come over to them and found 'Kleeblatt' (German for 'clover'), tell them 'continue like you did at Capcom' and maybe they would produce further great games. But I doubt it, because it's another climate down at Nintendo. But they could built some new franchises, if not than new games. They have great games, but every one is based on very old heroes - say Zelda, Mario, even Samus Aran... It would be a nice addition to Nintendo. But maybe they have some studios like Clover. Miyamoto is fastproducing new ideas like Wii Music, Sports and the like. But they are very dear to the easy kind of near the hardware (Wii). Okami is completely magical and very true to its style. But it would be great on Wii, you know?

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

ollie999 said:
Seems a bit of an idiotic statement considering theyre making a Resident Evil exclusive title... good message to send to the prospective buyers.

Its only exclusive because Wii can't do Resi 5. Otherwise it'll probably be on the PS2 too. Smilie

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