Capcom's Official Forums, stating that he sees the userbase "as being very, very broad with a family focus (especially in Japan)". Read on for more..." /> News: Industry News | Capcom: Wii is for a Younger Audience Page 3 - Cubed3

Industry News | Capcom: Wii is for a Younger Audience

By Ben 10.02.2007 68

Christian Svensson, Senior Director of Strategic Planning & Research for Capcom voiced his opinion on Nintendo's Wii in Capcom's Official Forums, stating that he sees the userbase "as being very, very broad with a family focus (especially in Japan)". He goes on to say "If there is a "core player base" on Wii, within two years, it will be largely a younger player (far younger than 360 or PS3)."

This might not come as much of a surprise to people following Capcom's support of Wii, which currently rests at one named title, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles and an unnamed project from Capcom's Keiji Inafune. There is also a mention is his post on the forums of more titles from Capcom that have yet to be officially announced.

Hopefully this doesn't mean that Wii will miss out on some of Capcom's best loved franchises such as Street Fighter, Mobile Suit Gundam, Onimusha and Devil May Cry.

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[Thanks to C3 member Hulk' for the tip]

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pfff if they would lay off the stupid Megaman battle network games (which suck) they could put the manpower onto good games for nintendo systems, like Devil May Cry or bring Veiwtiful Joe back.

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

Well let's be fair now, the Megaman Battle Network games couldn't have been taking much time off their hands...

SuperLink said:
Viewtiful Joe 3 ain't happening..
Why not? The end of the second one was a cliffhanger, so they obviously intend to make another one. Plus it's not like every member of Clover studio is going to get shot in the face as soon as they close down the studio, they'll just be working internally with CAPCOM

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

dojo99 said:
ollie999 said:Seems a bit of an idiotic statement considering theyre making a Resident Evil exclusive title... good message to send to the prospective buyers.
Its only exclusive because Wii cant do Resi 5. Otherwise itll probably be on the PS2 too. Smilie

Depends on if their priority is graphics or gameplay, if its graphics then I don't really care what its on because I didn't spend all this money to play last-generation games. And if a game has new gameplay, designed for Wii, then it'll be untouchable by PS2, or any platform.

Megadanxzero said:
Why not? The end of the second one was a cliffhanger, so they obviously intended to make another one. Plus its not like every member of Clover studio is going to get shot in the face as soon as they close down the studio, theyll just be working internally with CAPCOM
I fixed your post.

Sure they may have wanted to, & I know they left it on a cliffhangar, but Capcom are less trustworthy than SEGA with their games, & look what happened to Shenmue.

I'm saying I'll be surprised & overjoyed with tears if VJ3 shows up.

EDIT: & I wouldn't say Resi Umbrella Chronicles is an exclusive. It's basically just one big remake of Resi 1-4. All joined together nicely & stuff.

( Edited on 12.02.2007 09:32 by SuperLink )

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It's Nintendo's fault that Capcom is taking that stance with them due to the fact that during the last generation they didn't donearly enough to promote Capcom's products on the Gamecube.
Resident Evil 4 could have sold so much more than it did...Although fault is also due to Capcom for announcing the PS2 version a few days before the Gamecube Exclusive was to launch.

In future Nintendo need to advertise a alot more of their adult orientated games on Wii for third party developers to consistently take it seriously. Otherwise somewhere along the line the majority of third parties will just disregard it as a kid's toy and either continue their lack-lastured efforts or simply pull of producing games for it and focus on PS3 pr the 360 instead.

A lot of Capcom's problems with Nintendo are Capcom's own fault. When Capcom say they're making a Nintendo or Microsoft exclusive, noone listens, as everyone knows it'll come out on PS2 soon anyway. If Capcom actually stuck to their word, they might sell more titles on other platforms.

Capcom have mental issues methinks.

Oh wait, that's offensive to mental people.

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OLU1701 said:
Its Nintendos fault that Capcom is taking that stance with them due to the fact that during the last generation they didnt donearly enough to promote Capcoms products on the Gamecube. Resident Evil 4 could have sold so much more than it did...Although fault is also due to Capcom for announcing the PS2 version a few days before the Gamecube Exclusive was to launch.In future Nintendo need to advertise a alot more of their adult orientated games on Wii for third party developers to consistently take it seriously. Otherwise somewhere along the line the majority of third parties will just disregard it as a kids toy and either continue their lack-lastured efforts or simply pull of producing games for it and focus on PS3 pr the 360 instead.

There was a fair bit done to promote RE4, at least in the UK anyway - I remember seeing quite a few ads for it on TV.

And it shouldn't be entirely down to Nintendo to promote 3rd party products - that would really only be done as an extra incentive/goodwill gesture for a company, it's their own product, even if it is exclusive, they can't be expected to spend their own money on products by other companies, and considering CAPCOM went back on an entire deal, ditching 2 games and making 2 others multi platform, you can't expect Nintendo to be willing to jump through hoops for them.

Nintendo don;t have moany of their own more adult franchises, Metroid Prime.........and that's about it, which is why they rely on 3rd parties and have tried to bring them across to Wii (like Manhunt), unless Nintendo make a promise of it (perhaps as extra incentive, or they promise more sales for their console if they give it a chance), then it's up to that company to advertise and such for that game.

well Nintendo were in charge of publishing RE4 in Europe so it was their responsibility to promote it, but surely the sales they had were impressive enough? Surely it sold just as many than on the PS2, if not more?

Back on topic, Capcom are just missing out on jumping on a bandwagon early - their loss at the end of the day

Shadowman said:
Capcom are just missing out on jumping on a bandwagon early - their loss at the end of the day

*SEGA, Nintendo, Square, Activision, EA & shamefully, Ubisoft are riding on the Wagon to the nearest Outpost to stock up on food*
Nintendo: "Come on Capcom! You can make it!"
Capcom: "W-wait! I lost a nail!"
Nintendo: "There's no time! You're going to fall behind!"
Capcom: "I... I can't... go on without me!"
Nintendo: "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"
*They ride into the distance, leaving Capcom behind*

Capcom: "Alright, I am so sueing those fucking twats. No wait, I've got a better idea, I'm going for a smoke at Sony's bar downtown."

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beamrider2600 said:
dojo99 said:
ollie999 said:Seems a bit of an idiotic statement considering theyre making a Resident Evil exclusive title... good message to send to the prospective buyers.
Its only exclusive because Wii cant do Resi 5. Otherwise itll probably be on the PS2 too. Smilie
Depends on if their priority is graphics or gameplay, if its graphics then I dont really care what its on because I didnt spend all this money to play last-generation games. And if a game has new gameplay, designed for Wii, then itll be untouchable by PS2, or any platform.

But Capcom could easily make a scaled down PS2 version for sales. Lets not be silly now. This is Capcom

SuperLink said:
Sure they may have wanted to, & I know they left it on a cliffhangar, but Capcom are less trustworthy than SEGA with their games, & look what happened to Shenmue.

I'm saying I'll be surprised & overjoyed with tears if VJ3 shows up.

Wait... You think CAPCOM will kill a perfectly good franchise? It's CAPCOM damnit! This is the company that has made over 60 Megaman games. I thought Red Hot Rumble and the DS VJ were a good indication that CAPCOM intend to keep the frachise alive/milk it as long as possible Smilie

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Guys, I've read the posts on Capcom's forum and I registered and expressed my dissatisfaction. The guy Svensson Responded and stated that RE Umbrella Chronicles is a test case. If the game sales well then they will develop more of those types of games. He stated that they are a nimble company and will adjust to the demands of the market.

Good to hear, patjuan. I think RE Wii will sell just fine, so maybe we'll see a bit of a turnaround on this issue then.

As for Viewtiful Joe, I in no way see the franchise dying. Those responsible are still present within Capcom or connected to Capcom in some way if I recall correctly, and even if they weren't I doubt Capcom would ditch the franchise since it's done reasonably well for them already. I could definitely see Viewtiful Joe 3 being part of their 'broad audience' Wii portfolio, I'd guess it fits in better with Nintendo audiences than others considering how it sold on Playstation 2!

I still don't get what the hell CAPCOM were thinking when they put Okami on the PS2 after how badly Viewtiful Joe sold on there... PS2 owners have no sense of graphical style obviously

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Megadanxzero said:
I still dont get what the hell CAPCOM were thinking when they put Okami on the PS2 after how badly Viewtiful Joe sold on there... PS2 owners have no sense of graphical style obviously

What all 100 million of them? Okami has been in developmet for ages. They are probably going for the largest market.


Megadanxzero said:
Wait... You think CAPCOM will kill a perfectly good franchise? Its CAPCOM damnit! This is the company that has made over 60 Megaman games. I thought Red Hot Rumble and the DS VJ were a good indication that CAPCOM intend to keep the frachise alive/milk it as long as possible Smilie
The bit in bold still prooves my point Smilie

Sort of. Anyway, that's what Capcom are like. I mean, they're not killing the Street Fighter series.

At least not the Street Fighter II series. Smilie

I mean, Isn't "Street Fighter II: 5" Coming out soon? Smilie

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Ah who cares. They just better keep on bringing in the games.

I think adult orientated games will sell better on the Wii regardless when compared to the Gamecube. Mainly because of the range of people who have bought a Wii not to mention the amount of people.

Nintendo's franchises focused too much on a *kiddy* perspective on the Gamecube imo, which in turn meant there was a lack of a distinctly adult audience. Zelda:TP and Metroid 3 are showing signs that they're trying to alter that perception and third party titles could establish the change.

We'll see. But for now I think this kind of statement is irresponsible and stupid from a company which should know better after making so many faux-pas in the past.

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What are you supposed to do if you are a manically depressed robot?
No don't even bother to answer that.
It just gives me a headache trying to think down to your level.
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