Nintendo News | Resident Evil Wii Back on Track

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.08.2006 31

Quick News: Reports this week had suggested that survival horror series Resident Evil wouldn't be making an appearance on the Wii due to the series producer ruling out RE5, and some assuming that it meant no Resident Evil at all. The Wiire got in touch with Capcom Europe's Ben Le Rougetel who confirmed that the series will appear on the Wii in some form, as announced at E3, but not the aforementioned sequel that's in development for Xbox360/PS3.

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artmonkey said:
Maquis said:Capcom suck. if it werent for GameCube, RE wouldnt have had the rebirth it had, with Remake, Zero and obviously 4 in particular. without Nintendo, RE would be dead by now.
Nice idea, I like it. Its bollocks. But, you know, likable.Come on! If Capcom hadnt blessed Nintendo with that exclusivity deal, theyd have simply knocked out the afore mentioned titles for Sony and Microsoft. Nintendo were lucky as hell to have RE4 made for the Gamecube. And for that, Capcom definitely do not suck.Unless they make REWii a Gun Survivor game. Then they can suck my nuts.

Nintendo did strike lucky with the RE exclusive deal but many of CAPCOM other titloes did fare better on the CUBE than the PS2 and if CAPCOM dare give us a gun survivor a sequel to the crappy gun survivor games on the PS2 then give my nuts a serious suckin'.

As for some third parties not seeing sense, i just wonder who are CAPCOM's and SEGA's finincial advisors seriously our games do best on the CUBE no lets wait and put it on the PS2 and Xbox were they sell shite and wonder what is going on

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

I don't remember there being any reports saying that RE-Wii had been cancelled... I assume it'll be a new game with a new character that isn't important in any way whatsoever...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Whatever........I don't see why we should get a quack,lousy, cheap crass Gunsurvivor game while X BOX and PS fans alike get a full fledged RE game. Gamecube proved that it can handle a rendered on the go RE game with 3d environments and i'm pretty sure Wii can do more of the same if not better, HD or no HD.If Capcom do dish us out this steamy pile of crap gunsurvivor game as against the real deal, all in the name of bringing some sort of Resident Evil game to Wii. Then they deserve to suffer huge financial losses in this next gen console cycle. Let's just hopw we hear from them soon and put all our uneasiness to rest.

Is it difficult to see that RE4 grew from its GC build? I mean, were it not for the GameCube iteration, RE would be still floundering. It was custom-built for GC, so if it hadnt been built that way, we wouldn't be discussing it now, it would've been in the vein of Code V. which transited well to the next gen of consoles but not earth-shatteringly. GameCube made RE4 what it was. If you remember the early early RE4 previews.. Leon walking round in dimly lit buildings same as before, ghostly enemies... RE4 couldve been so stale..!

Nah if RE stayed away from nintendo all togeather i personally think it would be a much healthier franchise than it is today. Resident Evil was always a Playstation game at heart.

If RE4 had the same control scheme as the rest of the series I wouldn't be surprised if it had sold about 2 copies... I don't know how anyone has managed to play the rest of the series

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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