Nintendo News | Resident Evil Wii Back on Track

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.08.2006 31

Quick News: Reports this week had suggested that survival horror series Resident Evil wouldn't be making an appearance on the Wii due to the series producer ruling out RE5, and some assuming that it meant no Resident Evil at all. The Wiire got in touch with Capcom Europe's Ben Le Rougetel who confirmed that the series will appear on the Wii in some form, as announced at E3, but not the aforementioned sequel that's in development for Xbox360/PS3.

Stay tuned for updates.

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A tenner says its Resident Evil 4 with Wii controls.

f | j | D said:
A tenner says its Resident Evil 4 with Wii controls.

Please no. Smilie

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

f | j | D said:
A tenner says its Resident Evil 4 with Wii controls.

That wouldn't be too bad, but hopefully they'll bring us some unique RE gameplay. RE4-Wiimake on the side/bonus disc would be a neat offer!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

RE4-Wiimake on the side/bonus disc would be a neat offer!
That would be a pretty generous bonus disc:p

Resi Wii should be interesting, that press release says it'll be a new game, so thats what I'll be expecting. Just can't seem to push the RE4 with Wii controls idea out of my head. It would be very easy money for Capcom too if they released it.

Is anyone really expecting Capcom to support the Wii. They did a poor job of supporting the GameCube, Resident Evil 0 and PN03 were the only exclusives. They could have developed or ported more games to the cube but they did not. In their last financial statement the sales of Resident Evil 4 actually helped Capcom stay in the black. Did this information change their feelings toward Nintendo's consoles? No, there is no game from Capcom currently in development for the Wii. More importantly there is no support planned for the Wii for the entire 2007 year. They've already publicly stated the games that they have in development for the PS3 and the Xbox 360. All that's known about the Wii is that sometime during its life time a Resident Evil titled game will appear on the Wii. Thanks a lot Capcom for being a

The way you ranted felt like you despise Capcom alot and i think most of what you've written stemed from that deep 'dislike' and that makes what you said your opinion and not the truth, the truth is Capcom IS working on a ResiWii but not a Wiimake. I read the real article yesterday and in the article it was very confirmed.

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

Expanded Res4 "Mercencarys Mode", imo.

1) More level/level structure
2) Multiplayer
3) Wii Controlls. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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i hope the gun attachment for the wiimote will be used in this game.

My Name Is Kizarny
hizave yizou sizeen thize hizuman bizlockhead

A tenner says it's another gun survivor with the zapper layout used.

Capcom was not very helpful in Cube-games, but they did a great job with RE4 and PN03 - i loved both games, even if I never had something with RE itself, because of the shitty moving the character in recent RE-games.

I find it poor, that they do not do RE5 on Wii, but maybe they convert it from PS3, who knows? They did that with RE4 the other way round.

I hope Capcom does Wii-games, because the games from this company are really good imho! I would like to have them all on Wii.

But please no RE4 on Wii! *shudders*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I think it should be like Time Crises were it moves for you and you shoot the zombies with your controller.

That would just be shit, and may as well be called 'House of the Dead Arcade'.

Marzy said:
I think it should be like Time Crises were it moves for you and you shoot the zombies with your controller.

They might as well just throw the story away whilst doing so.

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

Yer but I would like it because I dont like Resident Evil the camera's are annoying and to me it a load of crap I cant even play it. Even Resi 4 still has camera issues it rubbish. So I would want a House of the dead type game not you me. If you think it's crap then you think it's crap but Iw ould much rather by a game that ill enjoy than a rubbish frustrating game.

It had better not be some lazy light-gun cash in.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Capcom suck. if it werent for GameCube, RE wouldnt have had the rebirth it had, with Remake, Zero and obviously 4 in particular. without Nintendo, RE would be dead by now. Yet they don't see fit to give us 5? do Capcom hate Nintendo..? is this because nobody bought Viewtiful of Killer7?

The director of RE5 isn't the same guy who directed RE4 because he walked out to some new studio because he didn't want the game to be brought to PS2. Could this be the reason that this game will not see light of day on Wii? New person incharge thinks it cannot be done on Wii? (HD graphics etc)

I am not going to be expecting much from the Wii version of RE. I think it just be some little side project. Will take a lot to convince me otherwise.



Yes I did rant but what I said is the truth. Capcom does not have a game in developmet for the Wii the entire 2007 year. Furthermore if you actuallly read the article from the wire you would see that Capcom is really not being forthcoming about whether or not Resident Evil (series) will appear on the Wii, a commnucation person says yes a developer says he does not know.

Right now Capcom is focusing it's energy on the PS3 and the Xbox 360 because they believe those platforms will be the dominate ones. If the Wii establishes a market for it self then Capcom will more willing think about developing Resident Evil for the Wii. Remember, Capcom uses market share to determine what platform to support.

Therefore, Negatio, you can choose to believe articles and spin the information the way you like but until Capcom definitive states that Resident Evil Wii is in development . There is noting to debate.

The last paragraph sounds kind of strong but I mean no offence.

( Edited on 27.08.2006 16:22 by patjuan32 )

As long as its not just tacked together, I don't care about what this game turns out to be, because the only Resi I played wasn't even a Resi. It was Dino Crisis. And that was bloody average. Seriously, go and get a 360 if you're bothered about not getting RE5.


CAPCOM will release a RE4 special edition Wii version i guarantee it with Wii controls & the extra in the PS2 version, enchanced merchanies and maybe a multiplayer *possibility taking control of Luis like Assignment Luis, Kraser as well as the Ada one in RE4*, off course with slightly better graphics like it needs it, i'd say for about

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Juan i was actuallly trying to raise the probability that there maybe a ResiWii, not to say that their will be one.Resi 5 or Wiimake anyone is fine by me.

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

Mr.Ashcroft said:
CAPCOM will release a RE4 special edition Wii version i guarantee it with Wii controls & the extra in the PS2 version, enchanced merchanies and maybe a multiplayer *possibility taking control of Luis like Assignment Luis, Kraser as well as the Ada one in RE4*, off course with slightly better graphics like it needs it, id say for about

Maquis said:
Capcom suck. if it werent for GameCube, RE wouldnt have had the rebirth it had, with Remake, Zero and obviously 4 in particular. without Nintendo, RE would be dead by now.

Nice idea, I like it. It's bollocks. But, you know, likable.

Come on! If Capcom hadn't blessed Nintendo with that exclusivity deal, they'd have simply knocked out the afore mentioned titles for Sony and Microsoft. Nintendo were lucky as hell to have RE4 made for the Gamecube. And for that, Capcom definitely do not suck.

Unless they make REWii a Gun Survivor game. Then they can suck my nuts.

Less posty, more gamey.

Again. Gun survivor look it up. The zapper layout is perfect for it...

And the Gun Survivor titles are a lot of fun to I might add. They even have *gasp* plot development.

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