Nintendo News | Confirmed UK DS Lite Sales Figures

By Adam Riley 27.06.2006 27

Last Friday saw the new Nintendo DS Lite launch across Europe for just

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What I mean is that it's not mentioned in the media, whereas PlayStation and Xbox stuff is. I'm also immune to advertising and extremely cynical, unlike the consumer whores you get on here.

I only watch TV for about 30 mins late at night when I'm too knackerd after a 3-4 hour online Halo 2 session to do anything. That's when I see Brain Training ads. I don't see any Nintendogs ads because I'm not 4 years old and don't watch CITV, even if I was 4 years old, I'd watch the BBC equivalent to avoid the obnoxious ads, unlike the consumer whores you get on here.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

That's...a pathetic start. Well the cup is on but stillSmilie

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