Zelda: Twilight Princess HD amiibo Features Revealed

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.01.2016 1

Zelda: Twilight Princess HD amiibo Features Revealed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

More details have trickled through for the amiibo feature for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD.

It's been rumoured that the Wii U version of the classic Hylian adventure would contain a bonus Twilight Cave dungeon to explore by using the Wolf Link amiibo. Famitsu magazine details a bit more on the amiibo functionality, noting how the figure unlocks something that translates roughly to "Thorough Battle: Trial of the Beast". 

Image for Zelda: Twilight Princess HD amiibo Features Revealed

It's likely that this may well be the Twilight Cave that had been rumoured, and by completing it after owning the "Giant Wallet", you'll receive a "Bottomless Wallet" that allows 9,999 Rupees to be held. That's right, almost 10,000 pieces of those gems to buy... more potions. The report also suggests that Link's health can be recovered in regular dungeons based on the number of hearts preserve in the special dungeon.

It's not just Wolf Link that provides functionality in Twilight Princess HD, either, with other Zelda- related figures topping up things like arrows, restoring hearts, etc. This can only be run once per day, though.

Crave that extra challenge? By scanning the Ganondorf amiibo you'll take double damage. Those fluttering bats have become that bit more deadly!

In related news, a new status update from the official Zelda Twitter confirms how one of the game's characters, Malo, will be taking over the account for a while and posting some tasty teasers.

Will you pick up a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess





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Good to see they are using other Ambios - Especially like the Ganondorf concept.

That's right, almost 10,000 pieces of those gems to buy.... more potions.

Probably most useful for that armor that costs rupees to use.

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