Twilight Princess HD Could Have an amiibo Exclusive Dungeon

By Lex Firth 14.01.2016 16

Twilight Princess HD Could Have an amiibo Exclusive Dungeon on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The upcoming HD remaster of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess could have an amiibo-exclusive dungeon, if Amazon France is to be believed.

A listing spotted earlier on Thursday, now removed, reads as follows (translated from French):

Unlock bonuses with The Legend of Zelda amiibo: Tap any of the amiibo from the Zelda series to unlock bonuses in the game, such as refilling hearts or getting arrows for your bow. The new Wolf Link amiibo even allows you to get into a new dungeon: "The Twilight Cave". The data recorded on this amiibo can even be transferred to the next game on Wii U.

Of course, none of this has yet been officially confirmed by Nintendo, but if it's true, it means that those who buy the standalone edition of the game could be missing out on an interesting new piece of content.

The exact nature of the Twilight Cave is still unclear, but stay with Cubed3 for more information in the near future.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD is available on 4th March in North America on Europe, alongside the new Wolf Link amiibo. Check out the trailer below:

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess





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Seeing the usual reaction around the web; people hating content locking, yet also by and large complaining when Amiibo "do nothing".

I think given the history of rarity regarding Amiibo, Nintendo either needs to make the cards more accessible, or at the very least limit Amiibo content to cosmetic only. Splatoon did it mostly right (the Amiibo just unlock a challenge mode where you do old levels with different weapons to earn certain apparel) but putting game modes and dungeons behind Amiibo doesn't sit right with me.

That said, as far as I'm aware, at least in NA the only way to actually buy this game comes with the Amiibo (unless you buy a digital copy) which hopefully means they're going to make this one of the more popular Amiibo. I can walk into just about any store and see a dozen or so Link Amiibo; hopefully this one follows suit.

NNID: crackedthesky
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Graphical improvements interest me little, put an extra dungeon in, and I'll buy it - just like LA DX.
Make me pay extra though, and its back to "eh" <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I sort of hope this is false. If only for all the urban legends that it would spawn. I would LOOOVEEE a new "Temple of Light" rumour to spread! Smilie

However, on the other hand it WOULD be sweet with a new temple added... :/

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Darkflame said:
Graphical improvements interest me little, put an extra dungeon in, and I'll buy it - just like LA DX.
Make me pay extra though, and its back to "eh"

It doesn't cost extra, the Amiibo comes with the game.

NNID: crackedthesky
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crackedthesky said:

Darkflame said:
Graphical improvements interest me little, put an extra dungeon in, and I'll buy it - just like LA DX.
Make me pay extra though, and its back to "eh"

It doesn't cost extra, the Amiibo comes with the game.

Perhaps that's NA only, because you can buy standard game or amiibo+game bundle here, paying more for the amiibo pack.

I do hope the extra dungeon is in and that it's actually worthwhile (not some cheap mini-dungeon), but not keen on paying extra for the amiibo version just to play it. Do wish they'd have done a new dungeon for WWHD as well, just to give extra incentive to replay it. The changes they'll do to TP should be enough to entice me to pick up, since WWHD was all the better for them. Been a long time since I played TP.

( Edited 15.01.2016 02:46 by Azuardo )

Azuardo said:
crackedthesky said:

Darkflame said:
Graphical improvements interest me little, put an extra dungeon in, and I'll buy it - just like LA DX.
Make me pay extra though, and its back to "eh"

It doesn't cost extra, the Amiibo comes with the game.

Perhaps that's NA only, because you can buy standard game or amiibo+game bundle here, paying more for the amiibo pack.

I do hope the extra dungeon is in and that it's actually worthwhile (not some cheap mini-dungeon), but not keen on paying extra for the amiibo version just to play it. Do wish they'd have done a new dungeon for WWHD as well, just to give extra incentive to replay it. The changes they'll do to TP should be enough to entice me to pick up, since WWHD was all the better for them. Been a long time since I played TP.

Yeah, we only have the bundle here. That said, the game and Amiibo bundle is regular price, and the Amiibo-less version is actually cheaper, so I guess I see it less as paying extra for the Amiibo and more like you have the option to pay less than full price to get it without the bonus dungeon.

In any case, content gating is dumb. But we literally have no information other than a since-deleted website description, so I think the outrage I'm seeing elsewhere is a little ridiculous.

NNID: crackedthesky
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Aye, just depends on what your accepted price is for an HD port. You should expect this game to be below standard anyway, so it's whether you basically pay just over that of a brand new game for the amiibo too. Difficult one, because I don't think TP is worth me paying just over £40 all over again, extra dungeon or not.

Yeah, it was a no-brainer for me because Midna is one of my favorite characters ever and that Amiibo looks badass, haha. On the whole TP is a good game but it's not my favorite Zelda, but I have been meaning to play it again, so getting the upscaled game and the Amiibo for standard game price was a pretty easy purchase.

I'm not expecting a lot of the extra dungeon, either. So far Amiibo tend to unlock pretty meaningless stuff in most games.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Do still think an extra dungeon is the least they can add to an HD port with the price they're charging for them. Yeah, they are making a number of improvements, but it's a lot of money for a game many Zelda fans own once - even twice - over. New dungeon as a base, then a second extra dungeon with the amiibo unlock should at least be the minimum, I say.

That'd be preferable. This does seem pretty bare-bones for an HD port. Hopefully there are more goodies yet to be announced.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I can't really imagine the dungeon being something too substantial. I'll wait and see what it is before I decide wether or not I want to get the limited edition version. Either way, extra content is cool, but they should always have an option to just download or in this case, unlock through the eShop for cheaper.

I do think the Amiibo looks really cool, and I kind of want it, it's just I told myself I was going to stop buying them and I've got to stop somewhere.

A WiiU-gameplay focused dungeon would make sense to me, try to put some puzzles in that couldn't have been done before easily. Dare I wish for even a extra item? How about a arrow that pins to a wall turning into a turret the gamepad can see through? 

TP is my favorite overall Zelda - but with so many quality games to play, and many that I have already bought, the threshold for me replaying even a favorite is extremely high.
So this really is a tipping point issue for me buying. Give me a cool new dungeon, and I'll be tempted back. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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This game has done little to impress me and the lack of information isn't psyching me up either. 

I was lucky to get Wind Waker HD for free as part of MK8 promotion, but I wouldn't have paid £40 for it. Same with this...but if Nintendo were nice enough to give a free game away with Starfox Zero....(hint hint)

As for content locking with amiibo I don't actually mind, as long as each character amiibo works in the same way as they initially promised. However we have also seen Yoshi and Mario being used in contrary to this. 

If a twilight Link amiibo unlocks a dungeon then a SmashBros Link amiibo should do the same. 

At least now we know why they dropped GameCube compatibility from the Wii-U. Would've been hard to justify these HD remasters otherwise. TP HD just makes me feel kinda fleeced as a consumer. But I think I'm just overall disappointed by the insane percentage of reboots, remasters, and remakes we're seeing. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if we're heading toward a 2017-2018 market crash.

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

The thing with this is it looks to have very little changes or even visual upgrades. At least WWHD came with a completely re-rendered look... A single dungeon behind a £15 amiibo is quite ridiculous.

I don't think this was needed at all. If they do something interesting enough I will consider it though.

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

I dunno, the visual upgrade to me looks quite apperent. Arguably more work then TWW - as this clearly took higher resolution textures everywhere. TWW, by comparison, is ""just"" rendering it sharper with slightly different lighting.

That said, they might have had all those high resolution textures for TP already made. Its not unusual for developers these days to make assets much higher then they need then scale down for the game. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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