Star Fox Zero Needs More Fuel, Delayed till Q1 2016

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.09.2015 7

Star Fox Zero Needs More Fuel, Delayed till Q1 2016 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Star Fox Zero has been delayed, with the team eager for more time to perfect the Wii U experience.

Fox McCloud and his team are, perhaps, being held up in a tricky asteroid belt in the deepest regions of the galaxy. Unfortunately for the furry pilot and his crew, they won't be arriving to Earth until early 2016, Shigeru Miyamoto confirmed this morning.

After making a "big decision" last week, Miyamoto admitted that Nintendo and Platinum Games need a little bit more time to work on the level designs, experience and cut-scenes.

I made a big decision last week.

We have been developing Star Fox Zero for Wii U with the aim of releasing it this year. Although we felt that the development had been progressing well, we now believe that we will need a little more time to work on areas such as the unprecedented discovery that we want players to experience in the game by using two screens, and further polishing the level designs and perfecting the tone of the cut scenes. While we have already reached the stage where it would be technically possible to release the title in time for the year-end holiday season, we want to polish the game a bit more so that players will be able to more smoothly grasp the new style of play that we are proposing.

To the people looking forward to the launch of the game this holiday season, I am very sorry.

Star Fox Zero is going to bring new game play and experiences that take it far beyond the framework established by Star Fox 64. All the members of the development team are doing our best so that the final product will not betray your expectations. And the game will not be delayed for a very long time - we're aiming to launch the game in Q1 2016. Please stay tuned for further announcements.

Were you eager to play Star Fox on Wii U this year?

Box art for Star Fox Zero

Arc System Works


Arc System Works





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I don't mind the delay, really. It's the first Star Fox in a long time, so I want it to be as good as possible. Any extra time they take to polish it is a good decision in my book, though that goes for any game. When you have tons of unfinished games to go through between new releases, delays for highly anticipated games really aren't a big deal anymore.

Any initial disappointment quickly goes away when you realise that it'll benefit the final game. I guess we should be thankful...

( Edited 18.09.2015 10:19 by SirLink )

Definitely needed it, from what we've seen. Hopefully the extra polish will do the game good.

I still don't have that much hope though, because of the pointless gamepad integration. Will wait and see how it goes after they've polished it.

As long as they get rid of the forced GamePad viewpoint sections. Ruined the game for me in the early playtest - if I WANT to use the GamePad, I will. Forcing me to take my concentration from the main screen just resulted in plenty of crashing and burning :/

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

As long as there are forced GamePad controls, delays won't make me care any more about it. So sad Smilie

I haven't played it yet but the switching between screens in boss fights looked really cool in the hands on footage from E3. I'll hopefully be playing it at EGX next week. I'll be sure to report back.

JayUK said:
I haven't played it yet but the switching between screens in boss fights looked really cool in the hands on footage from E3. I'll hopefully be playing it at EGX next week. I'll be sure to report back.

If you write a hands-on report for us, that'll be one less game for me to cover next week Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Disappointed, but I'm ok with it.

Can't wait to play it though. Star Fox seems like a game that is meant to be on Wii U with the Game Pad.

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