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It's being revealed during the "Live from the Nintendo Treehouse" at 3:40pm EST!

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Yeah, it was leaked a few hours ago, along with others.

Since I saw a picture of the leak, it wasn't that much of a surprise reveal, but all the same, I will be excited to see what they do with this game, will it be like Lylat Wars, or Star Fox Assault? Only time will tell

This game better be good. Gonna kick off otherwise.

And they better not use the SSB4 voice actors. Jeez Louise.

To be honest I don't think that the voice acting has ever been that great in Starfox. I'd love there to be an option to switch it to SNES style speech. I know most people will probably hate me for saying it but I didn't mind Fox's voice in Starfox Adventures. 

Not at all. Fox was alright in SFA. In fact, most of them were, including Slippy. Was a few laugh out loud moments in that game. The ones in SSB4 sound ass. Would love some Lylat speech again.

- Branching courses, classic Star Fox / Lylat Wars gameplay,
- Local and online multiplayer modes
- High scores/online leaderboards
- Customisable ships/upgrade parts
- Possible course creator

Will like end up being a bland, soulless technical/gimmicky Miyamoto lovechild Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I tweeted Dylan Cuthbert a few months back asking why he didn't want to build another Starfox game based on the engine that they used for 64 3D but aparently they tried and Nintendo "shot it down" 

I am afraid of what Miyamoto could be doing with the gamepad, it will end up gimmicky I'm sure of it.

Also, I would say that Ike has the worst voice in Smash bros "I fight for my friends " ...urghhh

Flynnie said:
I tweeted Dylan Cuthbert a few months back asking why he didn't want to build another Starfox game based on the engine that they used for 64 3D but aparently they tried and Nintendo "shot it down"
omg if that is true... Like, isn't that the exact kind of thing any Star Fox fan wants?

I'm telling ya, I'm expecting this Wii U game to be something special given it's a home console release, we've been waiting for a new SF game for years, and especially so if they binned off a new entry on 3DS. I'm expecting more than just 'another SF64.' A lot more.

Well, I'm not getting my hopes up at all now, until we see it in action and what the game will actually be like. From the get go, I've felt uneasy about it, just because of the gamepad controls. I'm in the same boat as Az, I want it to be something special, this is a game the fans have been waiting for far too long and it'll be a major disappointment it's a lackluster experience. I think the fact that it will be made before Zelda still worries me, when  at E3 last year it was in its most basic form with N64 graphics (from what it looked like).

Hard to say how it'll end up at the moment, but my expectations are fairly low unless footage shown at E3 or whatever is really convincing. I think there was talk about teaming up with another developer to make it, but even then, it's a rather short development cycle.

That said, I'm definitely not what you'd consider a proper Star Fox fan, as I enjoyed Star Fox Adventures far more than the classic gameplay of the series. Smilie

I love the franchise, it hurts me to see it in the state that it's in. Moreso than something like Metroid because with Metroid it still has critically acclaimed games and relatively good sales in the series. Unfortunately Assault and Command didn't really do much for Nintendo, I don't know how well 64 3D sold but the game was an absolute gem...

This is a game I'm more than happy for Nintendo to delay. Heck, I'm happy for Nintendo to delay any game they make, just as long as we know they are making it. 

@SirLink - I still like Adventures to this day, the game still looks fantastic, and also probably the last decent game that RARE ever made. It was a good game but just not what people expected when you think of Starfox (and for obvious reasons given the history of the game). I still think it stands up in 2015. Not sure if I would have played it if it stayed in it's original un-Starfox-ifiyed state.

( Edited 02.02.2015 10:59 by Flynnie )

Interesting you'd say that, because Dinosaur Planet - based on what we know was missing/scrapped/uncovered in text files, etc - had the makings of an extremely good and interesting game, likely to rival Zelda and be a Rare great. SFA was all right as it turned out, but if you just imagine that the theme and characters were not SF for a moment, you'll understand better how much the final game was only a small piece of what Dino Planet was supposed to be.

I enjoyed SFA for what it was, but if you were to ask me if I'd rather have SFA or the Dino Planet Rare wanted to make, I'd take DP every time. One of the great shames in the history of games that DP wasn't fully realised, imo.

One of the great shames in the history of games that DP wasn't fully realised, imo.

Totally agree. And that scene at the end of SA - which I've heard about but not played up to yet - is just ridiculous.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Oh it is. You can really see where parts were drastically cut/altered.

Krystal being playable at the start, only to immediately get captured and never played as again, is a big indicator of where they scrapped a major part of the game - that being playing as an entirely separate character with her own story.

Gah, the more I think about what could have been, the more it becomes such a sad and unfortunate story : (

Despite that, like I said, I did still enjoy SFA as a poor man's Zelda. Short and easy, I quite enjoyed speed running the game. It had its moments.

I have the disc, so will probably revisit it - someday.

Shame really, I remember seeing the original DP in ONM and was hooked instantly. Shame it ended up being morphed into something different. Am hoping someday the code will be resurrected and worked on by fans - am sure someone has some assets.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Well, I remember when I did a MIA feature on it, and suspected that demo copies were actually out there. Sure enough, a couple of years ago, someone got hold of one and released tons of footage on it. One vid of the demo has the opening 20 minutes as Krystal, plus a whole bunch of other areas as both Sabre and Krystal.

There are text files uncovered going into all sorts of crazy stuff, which I'm sure is at someplace like Unseen64, but seem to recall the mention of time travel and a lot more focus with regards to the Krazoa Spirits. I think it's hard to uncover everything; just pulled whatever text they could from whatever files they could. Sure enough, SFA certainly was nowhere near the game planned, even if we can see a lot of remnants.

Yeah, I would have much rather have seen the game been made in its intended form. Having to play a watered down version with scrapped parts to fit in with the Star Fox universe means we missed out on what was probably a way better game (not that Star Fox Adventures was bad!). I have to say, I love the the dark atmosphere at the beginning of the game, that got kind of lost with the translation to Star Fox Adventures. Very cinematic, as well, which is really impressive for an N64 game!

I think one of the saddest parts about it, is what they turned Krystal into with Star Fox Adventures, just another damsel in distress. The only positives out of the move was that we got a new Star Fox game (but then it wasn't really) and it got moved to GameCube, so it had gorgeous visuals. That said though, I did enjoy Star Fox Adventures a lot. I would have taken Dinosaur Planet though over it any day.

( Edited 03.02.2015 10:31 by Marzy )

The visuals in the game are probably still the damn best on GC right up there with games like Metroid, Subshine and Wind Waker. 

I may retract my earlier statement, back then I probably would have played anything with RARE's logo on it (how times have changed eh). I mean I gave Blast Corps, Jet Force Jemini and Conkers a chance when I knew very little about those games (I even bought Conker at full price and release). 

I probably would have purchased Dinosaur Planet but I always was going to purchase a Starfox game. They did what was best for business.

@jb - you are right, the end of that game is incredible, you're save file goes from around 76% complete and literally jumps to 100% in the last 30 mins or so. It is a short game but I do enjoy it! Thinking back to it it was probably one of my favourite cube games.

( Edited 03.02.2015 10:47 by Flynnie )

Visually, the current build doesn't look as good as it could and even has objects that's been recycled from Star Fox 64. I don't know if this was an intentional style they were going for, but yeah, it could look better. Someone mentioned the game doesn't look as good as it could because it to has to render twice, for the different viewpoints and it has to run at 60fps. This actually makes sense and would seem like the logical answer. So they basically had to go for an inferior looking game to force in the gamepad, which is stupid to me.

The gamepad integration is by far my biggest concern for the game over anything else. From what I've seen of the control setup, I'm seeing things I don't like. To start off, yes, it has been confirmed the game will have an option to turn off the gyro controls. This is great, and I'm happy about that. However, it wasn't just about that for me, the way the gamepad is used within the game is not the way I want to play. It looks like you're forced to keep looking between the gamepad and the TV screen, even if you have gyro controls off. I just want to experience it on my big TV screen, not having to keep switching.

Basically, the whole thing could have just been done better if they stuck to the original control setup and we could use a Pro Controller and we would probably have a better looking game, too.

Some other things are the lack of online, which they said might come in the future, at least. I also wasn't really sold on the "side-missons" part they showed with the gyrocopter vehicle. It looked pretty tedious.

Anyway, to end on a positive, the best part I saw was the Landmaster stage. That looked great. I really like the new transformation they added to it, where you're now able to fly for a bit. That was awesome!

That's my thoughts on it now, they might change when the game reaches later in development and we get more clarification on the gamepad integration.

( Edited 03.01.2016 22:39 by Marzy )

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