Scram Kitty Gets Twin Stick Update

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.05.2015

Scram Kitty Gets Twin Stick Update on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

To celebrate the game's first anniversary, Scram Kitty will be getting a heap of additional content.

Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails launched on the Wii U eShop last year, and received high praise across the board - including a 9/10 in our Scram Kitty Wii U review

As part of the anniversary celebrations, developer Dakko Dakko will be providing a free update for the game on all platforms, which includes a new play-style in a "twin-stick" configuration. This particular change now allows players to freely aim in one direction using one stick, whilst riding about using the other.

"New players will find the added "twin-stick" controls make the unique gameplay much more approachable, whilst experienced cat-catchers will enjoy even more intense and kinetic gun-battles, with greater evasive freedom and re-balanced weaponry," said Rhodri Broadbent, founder of Dakko Dakko.

Have you tried out the Scram Kitty update?

Box art for Scram Kitty and His Buddy on Rails

Dakko Dakko


Dakko Dakko





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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