By Adam Riley 29.09.2013
For some reason, the title Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails always brought up memories of Steel Penny Games' rather disappointing Bruiser and Scratch, and for that reason it fell quickly off the radar. Thankfully, though, its appearance at the Eurogamer Expo recently not only brought it back into sight, but burned it firmly onto the minds of the Cubed3 team so that such a mistake will not happen again! Hold on tight, as Scram Kitty is one heck of a ride!
Is it time for the mice to get their revenge on cats? Well, it seems like that in Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails. It is up to the player to prevent that from happening, though, and in order to help Scram Kitty despatch all the pesky vermin, gamers must dash around magnetic rails in a funky little vehicle, shooting away (only in one direction - directly ahead of the main character - to prevent the game being too simple) and jumping from path to path, aiming to blast through barriers, clear all enemies and collect a set amount of special tokens in order to open a gate to the next level.
Homing missiles, mice floating around in little spacecraft causing havoc, lethal obstacles that can so easily be bounced into by accident when trying to zoom around too quickly without proper control, and plenty of secrets to uncover; there are numerous elements throughout each level to keep players on their toes and a high level of attention is definitely required.
Only a couple of levels were on show, but coming away from the game left a very delightful feeling of needing more, more, more! Those accustomed to twitch controls will be right at home with Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails due to its immense pace, and that particular audience is the one that is likely to get the most enjoyment from the highly intense action. Bringing together smart puzzles in the form of the stage layout and some superb shooting action, Dakko Dakko has a highly addictive title on its hands here and this is yet another Wii U eShop game that simply cannot be ignored.
From the moment the first level began it suddenly became apparent why chatter amongst not only gamers, but plenty of other indie developers is extremely loud right now. Dakko Dakko has a stunningly addictive game right here! Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails should not be overlooked. A perfect blend of shooter, puzzle, and almost platform-like action; genre-mixing is a risky business, but this Wii U eShop gem shines bright.
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