Nintendo Updates Fans on Pokémon Bank Issues

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.01.2014 124

Nintendo Updates Fans on Pokémon Bank Issues on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo is continuing to work on resolving issues with the Pokémon Bank service, as highlighted on Twitter.

The cloud-based service, which allows trainers to store Pokémon in digital online boxes, is currently experiencing downtime as Nintendo's IT buffs tweak the service after weeks of issues. With that in mind, it seems that fans anticipating the release of Pokémon Bank outside Japan will need to wait a little longer for a taster of cloud-based Pokémon management.

UPDATE 14/01:
Nintendo UK have commented on the situation, noting how it is still in progress but that the company has nothing to announce just yet. An update will be confirmed shortly.

Will you download and use Pokémon Bank on release?

Box art for Pokémon X and Y

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reddelsaber (guest) 12.01.2014#76

noticing the people saying calm the fuck down are generally being assholes about it,the issue most o us are having is that nintendo does not even value us enough as customers to even keep us updated,and this may issues for a storage system? really we all have a right to be pissed,they game us a date then renegged on that date,and have been dead silent to us in the west ever since.

There's "shit happening" and then there's nintendo handling this fucking awfully, why can't they update us on what's going on at least? So far everything we've gotten was "Please understand, it will be out eventuallY". It's not like they're working on something we don't know is coming out, they're working on something that missed a deadline, so we all know it's coming, and we're all pissed off because off nintendo's inability to update us with anything but "oh yeah, it's coming eventually" for some reason.

No Jap Bulls..t (guest) 12.01.2014#78

I'm with the legal action guy totally. Fucking-face-tendo ripped us off completly. WE WANT POKEMON BANK AND WE WANT IT NOW SO WHO IS WITH ME AND THIS AWESOME GUY  WHO SAYS WHAT MOST US ARE THINKING ANYWAY!

Some Person (guest) 12.01.2014#79

I find it funny when people say we have no right to complain. First off, it's absolutely absurd that the made us wait 2 MONTHS to be able to transfer our Pokemon in the first place. Now, right before we finally can, it gets pulled. Okay. Shit happens. I get it. This would all be understandable, BUT- what is REALLY pissing me off is that they're practically teasing us at this point. They have given absolutely NO updates whatsoever since the delay, besides the usual "..... SORREEEE WER TRYING TO FICKS DIS AS SUN AS POSIBL PLZ UNDURSTANNDDDD" shit. What the hell is with that? They can't even give us an estimate of the release date? It's like they're trying to troll us. I dunno who's to blame for keeping everyone in the dark for so long, but whoever they are, they need to clean up their damn act.

Also, article is misleading Smilie

Kio (guest) said:

This is actually the most reasonable "gripe" in this thread. Thanks for making my day. Smilie

Cathy (guest) 12.01.2014#81

"More information on the launch of @Pokemon Bank and Poké Transporter will be announced in the future. Thanks for your patience!"

Oh, gee, thanks Nintendo. I had no idea that it would be announced in the future. Without this "update", I might have assumed that it would be announced in the past.

bigbelk (guest) 12.01.2014#82

Im with alot of you guy im not mad its not out if they to work on it then they work on it no bige its not like X and Y can with out it but a Maybe date will be good than you get the ones like sophie here who maybe a 13yr old kid they face off and crying to mummy cos it was not out on the 27th do you what a 100% working app or one with lots of bugs

guest (guest) 12.01.2014#83

Jorge Ba-oh: your misleadingly titled article sucks.i noticed that this same exact article was posted a few days ago, and today was time stamped as a few hours old, leading me to believe it was new.we all know what the app is and a tiny stub explaining what the app is,a link, and a stupid question that was probably the only thing you actually typed? You suck dude,, that's not writing, that's re hash

I don't understand why people are getting so worked up over this - Nintendo are working hard to release this outside Japan, and they'll update everyone soon with a date.

It was an update - at least we know they're working to resolve things. It'll be released soon - better bug free than releasing it early and having to recall it, surely?

This article was posted 5 days ago, we updated it today, but the date still says 5 days ago.

Just be patient, it's coming.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Jorge Ba-oh: your misleadingly titled article sucks.i noticed that this same exact article was posted a few days ago, and today was time stamped as a few hours old, leading me to believe it was new

We didn't update the timestamp - if you can read, it says 5 days ago below the article - we didn't update the timestamp.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Jorge Ba-oh: your misleadingly titled article sucks.i noticed that this same exact article was posted a few days ago, and today was time stamped as a few hours old, leading me to believe it was new

We didn't update the timestamp - if you can read, it says 5 days ago below the article - we didn't update the timestamp.

It's odd because if you tap "pokemon bank" into Google, the first few results link to this article, saying "11 hours ago" and "2 days ago". Not Cubed3's fault, though.

John Doe (guest) 12.01.2014#87

Okay this is getting absolutely ridiculous I don't want a stupid storing app I just want a transfer app was that soooooo hard. I mean c'mon if you can do it for diamond and pearl - black and white 2 why couldn't have just done the same thing x and y seriously. 

Mantis (guest) 12.01.2014#88

To everyone damage controlling nintendo,here's something to shut you up.Most people are frustrated because they can't transfer their pokemon from black/white.This wouldn't be a problem if gamefreak implemented an in game feature for this,like they have for EVERY other game besides gen 3.

Red (guest) 12.01.2014#89

You must be a fan of that crappy xbox system huh lol? You want nintendo to leave just because they are late on a transfer service? 

There is no need for these racial remarks - this will not be tolerated at all.

Any guest or member comments towards any race - Japanese, American, European etc will NOT be allowed and will result in a warning and after which, an immediate ban.

We accept comments from fans - but we will not accept racial or hate messages towards anyone - race or specific people. You can take those messages elsewhere.

This is a friendly website for gaming discussion - yes, feel free to express anger/disappointment if you wish - Nintendo should know that there are fans who really want this software ASAP.

Nintendo do know that fans are angry/disappointed and really want Pokemon Bank asap - it will be announced shortly.

They are working on it - we've been in contact and Nintendo are expecting to confirm a release date soon - please wait. We'll contact Nintendo again soon and post an update when available.

Cubed3 is not biased towards Nintendo - we have praised and criticised the company in the past, but we do not accept racial / abusive messages - it's not helping anything.

( Edited 12.01.2014 23:14 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Jay Way (guest) 13.01.2014#91

JB it sucks that there are racist people out there kudos for standing up to them and also for giving hope to all of us. Thank you!

Stumbo (guest) 13.01.2014#92

Send Nintendo a Message with In-Game Civil Disobedience!

  • Breed a shitload of Spindas (the best visual representation of how Nintendo is handling the Pokémon Bank debacle).
  • Name them all "Bank".
  • Start Wonder Trading these little fuckers and nothing else until Nintendo tells us what's going on.
  • Tell everyone you know who plays X and Y to do the same.
  • Repost this everywhere.
  • Think of (and share) other creative ways to disable in-game features until Nintendo fixes this.


  • Jay Way (guest) 13.01.2014#93

    Wouldn't that make things worst though? I wan the apps too, but there's gotta be a better way. I just can't think of anything at this point yet. Good luck though.

    X (guest) 13.01.2014#94

    You're kind of...retarded.

    Baka Neko (guest) 13.01.2014#95

    ...I am so tired of reading articles online nowadays. It seems more and more articles that are written are grammatically incorrect, the misuse of punctuation and TERRIBLE spelling. This article is no exception and even for such a short article it is riddled with problems like: "Nintendo are continuing" NO, you mean "Nintendo IS continuing"... Or how about: "for a taster of cloud-based Pokémon management" don't you mean "for a taste of the cloud-based, Pokémon management"? (spelling taste wrong and forgetting your comma) and even then I would call it a "cloud-based, Pokemon storage system". These are just a couple problems I picked out, but there are a few more. Seriously! What happened to proof-reading? Or people who edit this stuff before releasing it to the public?! HELL! What happened to children paying attention in English class?! This is why adults are concerned about these younger generations. The way they talk, write and communicate on a day-to-day basis is very alarming and it is a huge concern that today's youth is highly illiterate!

    Way2Clutch39 (guest) 13.01.2014#96

    first of all bp didn't dump anything in the gulf, they drilled and hit oil, so get your facts straight before you bitch about other people bitching about something they don't even have control over. Yeah I'm pissed that it didn't't come out yet too, but i don't complain about it because there's nothing i can do about it

    james (guest) 13.01.2014#97

    Its a big deal when you will have to pay for it in feburary and you only have a few days to download it for free after they finally release it. And im tired of waiting i will always buy the games no matter what but im tired of battling asians online who have legendaries i cant get yet

    Wow, never thought I'd say something like this, but Pokémon fans can be pretty... rabid if they don't get what they want, can't they?

    I honestly have no idea why you guys are so angry about this, Pokémon Bank got pulled off the eShop in Japan too and the service was disabled for those who managed to download it, with their free trials being renewed along with it.

    No need to get all hostile and bring in the Japanese public and there's certainly no need for the racist remarks. You will get your Pokémon Bank soon, making a petition and spamming a website with no affiliation to Nintendo really won't make the wait any shorter.

    I'm not saying you don't have the right to be annoyed, because you have every right to be. Just have a little patience and be thankful they didn't delay the games in favour of Pokémon Bank. You're complaining about an app which lets you transfer Pokémon? Quit the complaining and just enjoy your Pogeymanz; the app will come soon.

    Radagast the brownie (guest) 13.01.2014#99 click the link or go to the site and sign the petition please. It is better than nothing, better than whining about the apps or criticising of other peoples posts.

    Him (guest) 13.01.2014#100

    People at this point aren't raging about it not being out, people are raging by the lack of communication by nintendo on this issue.

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