Nintendo Updates Fans on Pokémon Bank Issues

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.01.2014 124

Nintendo Updates Fans on Pokémon Bank Issues on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo is continuing to work on resolving issues with the Pokémon Bank service, as highlighted on Twitter.

The cloud-based service, which allows trainers to store Pokémon in digital online boxes, is currently experiencing downtime as Nintendo's IT buffs tweak the service after weeks of issues. With that in mind, it seems that fans anticipating the release of Pokémon Bank outside Japan will need to wait a little longer for a taster of cloud-based Pokémon management.

UPDATE 14/01:
Nintendo UK have commented on the situation, noting how it is still in progress but that the company has nothing to announce just yet. An update will be confirmed shortly.

Will you download and use Pokémon Bank on release?

Box art for Pokémon X and Y

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Craig (guest) 11.01.2014#26

This Petition Should help give Nintendo a Wake Up Call!

Bryce (guest) 11.01.2014#27

we shouldn't be complaining.does tic me off but do you guys even know how hard it is to design a video game? I agree that they should have released it earlier because i have a full team of level 100s and three of them are shiny but at least they are trying to fix it. I just can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crismax somethingmax (guest) 11.01.2014#28

 Pissed off about pokemon bank and pokemon transporter issue?

THEY CAN'T FUCKING RELEASE IT YET. Nintendo should be ashamed of themselves and die. I have been waiting all week and no fucking answers yet. It's time to have balls and dump nintendo for good so that they may never sell their crap to the west ever again, all we are to this fucktard company are second class citizens while Asia always gets their releases first, and the whole fucking Japan is already using the matherfuckig app. I am tired of nintendo, I call for a petition to give nintendo 2 days to release pokemon bank or walk away from noth america for good. So who is with me?

Colby (guest) 11.01.2014#29


I understand how difficult it is to create video games but the failure on their part was releasing it to Japan exclusively with no indication of when the rest of the world would get it. And now it just is starting to feel as if they aren't working diligently enough to get it out. If millions of people are waiting for it and they will have to pay for it, nintendo needs to be working on it day and night. And being in the IT world of things myself, these guys are experts and should have had this resolved by now.

Grrr (guest) 11.01.2014#30

I'm not sure if the whole company should die.. Maybe once the new smash bros is out (a very long tba, does that sound similar?) then they can but I think an employer or two who decided not to release Pokemon bank at the same time world wide should die or be fired. Seriously how did they do this without any sort of update or planned release date? Nintendo can go die in a hole. 

piss face pisser. (guest) 11.01.2014#31

DON'T GET POKEMON BANK! If we cannot trust Ninendo AND the Pokemon Company to release a simple cloud based APP (even two weeks after it's several month anticipated original release date) then how can we trust Nintendo and Pokemon to keep our pokemon in the cloud safe?  All of your "Banked" pokemon will be a very high risk.  And did you read the FAQs? It sounds like if your 3DS breaks, you can't access those pokemon anymore because the bank is attached to your 3DS and not your games or a subscription account.  They basically say that if something happens and you can't access your pokemon, they wont do anything and youre basically shit outta luck.  Get the Celebi, get PokeTransfer, but DON'T SAVE YOUR POKEMON ON POKE BANK.  Look at all this shit? Do i wanna give put my favorite pokemon into THIS giant shit mess?  Fuck nahh, I don't trust nintendo and pokemon.  They're not reliable and they don't really give a fuck about their customers.  If you need more space for your pokemon, you're better off buying additional pre-owned versions of pokemon for under $30 so you can have your pokemon stored on a hard copy that is safe with you and not at effect by the pokemon bank bullshit parade.

Zero (guest) 11.01.2014#32

People don't get so pissed at this. I'll admit, I'm mad too but saying its just happening to the U.S. is childish. It's not just us and yes they should have at least gave a release date by now or an idea of when to expect it. That would be nice, but something tells me if they did release it now I can see people who are pissed off right now complaining about those problems. So instead of wasting your time complaining about when its coming out, waste it by finding out what the problems are and why its being delayed. Then when your pissed off you know why your pissed and why it is taking so long to release. Just saying.

At least they care about their fans.( Square Enix is worse! No Western releases for mobile and 3DS games, plus not giving a **** about their fans! Anyway....) Pokemon bank will come out soon and we will all laugh about this. 

Richard NJ (guest) 11.01.2014#34

You are blaming Nintendo because you cannot teach your daughter the value of sharing?  It is not Nintendo's fault she is upset, it is yours for instilling her with the notion that she will get something if she does a good deed.  Good deeds are suppose to be unrewarded, and she should have no expectation of that.  Filling her head with hate for something because of the failure of instant gratification rests on you, not Nintendo.

Richard New Jersey (guest) 11.01.2014#35

Nintendo and Game Freak are working hard on repairing the Pokemon Bank service.  I want to see it running, but I also want it running right.  I want it reliable and available for ever.  You can always transfer your Nintendo ID to an new system, thus transferring usage rights to Pokemon Bank to a new system.  This affords us the opportunity to take Bank with us as we change with Nintendo.

I think the tying of Network IDs is a great idea.  It took me three minutes to FAQ check online this information.  Before blasting your hate and anger, research your tantrum first.  You might be pleasantly diffused.

I have read a lot of hate and anger toward Nintendo and Game Freak for an APP.  Seriously?  My GOD, is that the only outlet you have in life?  Do you scream bloody murder at Starbucks if their espresso machine is broken?  Do you raise this kind of uproar if other things in your life are delayed or broken?  If you do, you have crap coping skills.

Gabe (guest) 11.01.2014#36

Pokemon Bank will come out at the same time as Half-Life 2: Episode 3 at this rate.

Ryex (guest) 11.01.2014#37

Pokemon Bank is already on my 3DS Wish List. Of course I'll download it. I just hope they release it sometime before the Sixth Generation ends.

lgndmstr (guest) 12.01.2014#38

It's no longer available to Japan from what I've seen. In fact, it sounds like it got taken down quickly.

Dakota (guest) 12.01.2014#39

From what I here its fully accessible in Japan now

Yolo (guest) 12.01.2014#40

Guys shut the fuck up. No fucking need for a petition jesus christ you cant wait a couple weeks... You guys say Nintendo has shitty costumer service . look at microsoft or sony they wont refurbish your shit at all. Nintendo atleast does.. Also they dont release dlc which is needed to beat the game. Stop your complaining  you all are acting like childs. Go play black or white while you wait so you can use those Pokemon you wanted so bad in x and y so bad. Also if the pokebank gets cancelled if you put pokemon in the bank during the trial. They will most likely refund the pokemon to you. hopefully not for a fee tho

zeldaeevee64 (guest) 12.01.2014#41

Would you people rather Nintendo releases Pokemon Bank now, only to see that it has MAJOR bugs? I'm pretty sure if that happened, you guys would be complaining about how Nintendo should have delayed the game to work out the issues. I agree that this waiting time is ridiculous, but Nintendo and Game Freak are trying to make sure that there are no issues with the cloud to make sure that your precious Pokemon will be safe. Also, only Pokemon Transporter is back up in Japan as far as I know, so only those lucky few who got Pokemon Bank before the crash can use it.

Erika (guest) 12.01.2014#42

I don't think a petition is going to help much. The problem isn't that Nintendo's forgotten about Pokemon Bank, it's that the repairs are taking longer than expected. All the petitions in the world wouldn't be able to change that.

I am sorry that you feel that way. I thought the pokemon bank was something extra that they where offering. I didn't think it was something that was a God given right. Do you really need those pokemon from previous generations to complete the game? I know I have some level 100's laying around, but they where just given to me by GameStop/Nintendo. From my experience in Y all you need is a few level 70's to win.

HyruleKing (guest) 12.01.2014#44

I'm sorry, but the failure here is.... Actually no. I'm not in any way sorry for what I'm about to say. The failure is 100% ENTIRELY on YOU, not Nintendo.

Yes, their servers got overloaded. Yes, the repairs on Bank are taking longer than expected.

But regardless of all that, YOU have raised a spoiled little brat who thinks that she should be rewarded for every good deed she does. She was kind enough to give her DSi to her brother, and you've raised her to believe that because of it she should be getting something in return for her kindness? 

Why don't you try teaching her to do kind things to others because... I don't know, she wants to be a kind person, not because she wants to get rewards for being kind.

Kio (guest) 12.01.2014#45


Grr (guest) 12.01.2014#46

It's not about winning, I can do that just fine right now. The problem is I spent many many hours training up my team starting from the gba all in my black 2 and I want to see what they look like in 3d. Petition also won't work because Asians don't understand that stuff. I read that both transporter and bank are available to Japan right now so all those noobs that say "its better to wait then release it now due to bugs" etc are stupid because all the people who are using it now have no issues what so ever. Last I saw there sending level 1 gengars and chikoritas like nothing. JUST GIVE ME BANK ALREADY!!!! I'm so bored

Jay (guest) 12.01.2014#47

Who care about pokemon bank it doesn't matter anymore I'm tried of waiting now I'm not even play pokemon x and because of this... 

Screw Nintendo (guest) 12.01.2014#48

I've lost all respect for Nintendo now. And this article was pretty much useless, we already knew they were delaying the bank still. I've seen this same article 3 times already.

Me (guest) 12.01.2014#49

Everyone is acting crazy over this. I agree 100% that Nintendo could've handled this situation better but people have to understand that its not easy. If you guys took a minute to cool down and imagine yourself in their position, you definitely couldn't handle this problem any better. Plus if Poke bank and Poke transporter were developed in America and then released only in America, everyone wouldn't be complaining right now nor would anyone care about it not being released in other countries. I'm just as disappointed as all of you guys but its not right to get mad over these kind of things. Its not like poke bank and poke transporter are a necessity for living.

All I can say is never buy another Game freak game again. If you want to take it even further never buy a Nintendo game again. They have obviously betrayed you and don't deserve your money. From what I hear everyone in Japan has pokemon bank, it's just not the ones that downloaded it before it was pulled.Even if the BS that people are spouting is true, can you blame Nintendo for thinking that you are not the most important thing in the world. After all they are a company based in Japan.

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