Nintendo Updates Fans on Pokémon Bank Issues

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.01.2014 124

Nintendo Updates Fans on Pokémon Bank Issues on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo is continuing to work on resolving issues with the Pokémon Bank service, as highlighted on Twitter.

The cloud-based service, which allows trainers to store Pokémon in digital online boxes, is currently experiencing downtime as Nintendo's IT buffs tweak the service after weeks of issues. With that in mind, it seems that fans anticipating the release of Pokémon Bank outside Japan will need to wait a little longer for a taster of cloud-based Pokémon management.

UPDATE 14/01:
Nintendo UK have commented on the situation, noting how it is still in progress but that the company has nothing to announce just yet. An update will be confirmed shortly.

Will you download and use Pokémon Bank on release?

Box art for Pokémon X and Y

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 Hopefully it releases soon. I'm nearing the end of my first Pokemon X run. I'd like to do some Nuzlocke challenges and Wonder Trade Challenges, but I really don't want to lose my current team either.

( Edited 12.01.2014 07:21 by Silvercore )

Former 2003-2006 poster known as Silver13 and F.O.R.M. (Fan of Rock Music).
Svard (guest) 12.01.2014#52

Wow, I think it's hilarious how many people are this impatient. How about this for a lesson in life. SHIT HAPPENS! Yes, Nintendo/Game Freak should have had things ready, or even should have had the release date set after the holidays to begin with. But guess what, it's a company made up of HUMANS! It's only natural that human beings are going to make mistakes, whether it be on the programming end, the server end or on the business end, a HUMAN made a mistake somewhere. LET IT GO! Are you really going to base your decision to not buy a product anymore, or even, go so far as to suggest that people at a company should die, all because of ONE HUMAN ERROR? You don't work at Nintendo, so don't expect things to happen the way you want it to. Grow up and learn some freaking patience.

baffled (guest) 12.01.2014#53

Of all of the problems is designed to help address, you're wasting time on this? Seriously? 

quashaun23 (guest) 12.01.2014#54

You sound crazy

Hollow Aizen (guest) 12.01.2014#55

I'm more surprised at all the rage people have been putting out. Think about it, Nintendo is doing this for all of us, for 5 dollars a year, not 5 a month or anything more than that. Stop your complaining and whining and just let them figure out this issue. They want this to be perfect so that everyone around the world can actually use and enjoy it, rather than just watch servers get bogged down and maybe a thousand or so people a day can access it properly. So calm down and just let Nintento work on the issues at hand.

Jordan (guest) 12.01.2014#56

I completely agree! Include other Western countries like Australia as well!

Crispy (guest) 12.01.2014#57

I'm sorry but this should have launched along side pokemon X/Y it never should have been released 2 months after and then once it is due for release they pull it. Very poorly done. I know games development takes a long time but this isn't even a game it's a file storage system, cloud based technology that millions of people use with no issue and Nintendo failed. And it's disrespectful to their fans that they don't at the very least inform us of a rough release date. Even if they said what quarter of the year they expect it would be enough to calm a lot of fans.

it takes years to gain a sizable fan base and moments to destroy it! Get it together!

Hector.vjr (guest) 12.01.2014#58

I am

Peppernip (guest) 12.01.2014#59

Could be worse, could wind up like the console patches for Payday 2...took us several months to get an actual patch for it on PS3 while 360 has still yet to see their's. I'm not exactly happy with the delay and fact that nintendo isn't really giving much info about it either but just take that frustration and funnel it into another game or activity.

James (guest) 12.01.2014#60

Lol. You are ridiculous. Oh no...Nintendo has server's not like Sony or Microsoft or EA or Activision or etc ever did. Get over yourself.

Bert (guest) 12.01.2014#61

Yes, I am upset about this whole Pokebank mess, but what upsets me even more is when an article is published with a title like "News: Nintendo Updates Fans on Pokebank Issues," when the article does nothing but posts a link to a Twitter post from 4 days ago that didn't even update anyone in the first place and a tiny paragraph of a blurb of background about what the Pokebank is. No, by the way, saying "We're still having problems and we're still working on them" isn't an update. Everybody has known that since December 26th, when the thing first crashed.

I am getting so tired of this bullshit. I search around to see if there's any real news about the app and I keep getting this bullshit: articles with misleading titles to get a lot of click traffic. Whoever wrote/posted this "article" can suck my jimmy.

Queen (guest) 12.01.2014#62

Should have been a world wide release(the same thing they did for the release of pokemon x and y) not just a one country thing then the rest gets it later. Starting to get really annoying seeing legendaries walking around on pokemon amie

acepkm (guest) 12.01.2014#63

Guys stop giving Nintendo complaints, its game freak that takes care of Pokemon. Nintendo only liscenses it. But I do agree that Nintendo shouldve prepared their servers better

Mikey (guest) 12.01.2014#64

1. Nintendo is a Japanese company so their country usually gets things first.
2. It was scheduled to be released in Japan two days earlier than America in the first place.
3. Maybe 75 people at most are using pokemon bank because it was pulled early that morning. A lot of people in Japan are just as anxious as you are.
4. If you don't support Nintendo then there will be no more pokemon games.
5. Shut the hell up and stop whining. The world does have other stuff to do believe it or not.

Crismax somethingmax (guest) said:
 Pissed off about pokemon bank and pokemon transporter issue?

THEY CAN'T FUCKING RELEASE IT YET. Nintendo should be ashamed of themselves and die. I have been waiting all week and no fucking answers yet. It's time to have balls and dump nintendo for good so that they may never sell their crap to the west ever again, all we are to this fucktard company are second class citizens while Asia always gets their releases first, and the whole fucking Japan is already using the matherfuckig app. I am tired of nintendo, I call for a petition to give nintendo 2 days to release pokemon bank or walk away from noth america for good. So who is with me?

Rio (guest) 12.01.2014#65

Not me

Steven (guest) 12.01.2014#66

I wouldn't mind the delay at all, if they re-scheduled the free trial period for the app. If pokemon bank comes out later that January, everyone who doesn't already have it will have to pay for usage. I'm sorry, but I'm not paying to transfer pokemon from one game to another, especially as it was accomplished free of charge in earlier generations.
Nintendo need to clean up their mess here. I say, take all the time you need to release it, I can wait, but re-schedule the trial period so that we don't miss out completely.

Brandy (guest) 12.01.2014#67

no one.

Facepalm (guest) 12.01.2014#68

Dude, are you effing serious? Get over yourself.

Call (guest) 12.01.2014#69

lol some of you americans spouting hatred and anger for a Japan-based company being a lil biased towards their Japan-based consumers. And I don't think they are being biased, their releasing Pokebank one day earlier in Japan and Korea was most probably so that the servers won't clog, but their calculations was definitely wrong, as we witnessed last Christmas. So come on, have patience you first-world brats. Your self-centred attitude disgusts me. 

Cheers, a Malaysian whom you may not even know how we look like and speak in which language. 

Sophie (guest) 12.01.2014#70

issaaac hajjjju (guest) said:
Shut up you fuck face, you are tiring me up with your pointless defensive attitude towards Fucktendo, they owe us pokemon bank and transporter otherwise the game isn't officially completed. If they don't deliver their fucking promise then they have officially ripped us off of a full game. Maybe legal action should be taken about the pokemon bank issue. But i'm not gonna ask you what to do since you are a coward fuck face who sucks fucktendo's dick and defends big corporations without knowing if they are doing anything at all to repair the damage they have caused by their own stupidity. I don't even need to explain to you why the whole thing was a bad idea from the beginning since you won't listen to it because you are probably licking the butt hole of the fucktendo fuck fucker mcfucking hilarious...... I'm so fucking mad that you even defend this travesty. Go suck dick while we wait for their "RELEASE DATE TBD" shit. Don't you dare defend this grotesque company for it only show how coward and pussy you are have a good fucking fuck fuck fuck day.

Are you kidding me? They don't OWE you Pokémon Bank. Nowhere do they absolutely guarantee you'll get Pokémon Bank when you want it. We already know they're working on ironing out issues and all you can say is how they "robbed" you? It's not like you've already paid for Pokémon Bank and Pokémon Bank IS NOT a feature of Pokémon X and Y, it's an additional app. You weren't buying Pokémon Bank when you purchased Pokémon X/Y, you were purchasing that game specifically and its own content.

Sinnael (guest) 12.01.2014#71

At this point, I'm over my frustrations. I figure the app will be released when it's released, and until then, I can just get a collection going and ready for transfer. While I do wonder what exactly is keeping the Bank delayed, it's obvious it will be released at SOME point. 

People with Japanese systems are using it. Poke Transporter was put back up for those people. They aren't about to just leave it at that when they know millions more will download and use it. So whatever's keeping them from releasing the Bank is irrelevant. It'll be released at some point.

My issue is with this "article" and the clearly misleading title that was worded just for the sake of getting it clicked on when all it is is a link to a twitter post that TALKS ABOUT a twitter post made by Nintendo. And BTW that post from Nintendo wasn't an update, it was Nintendo saying the same thing they said weeks ago, basically "We're working on it. We'll let you know something soon."

Shrooms (guest) 12.01.2014#72

I just wish Nintendo would give us a date is all : fed up of searching for answers.

Craig (guest) 12.01.2014#73

Just Because I'm mad for not getting a decent update for pokemon Bank doesn't mean I hate Nintendo! I have always enjoyed playing Nintendo Games!

Craig (guest) 12.01.2014#74

I understand that they Pulled Pokemon bank from the eShop to prevent further Damage, It's the fact that they won't give a decent estimate or any kind of update that worries me. soon it would be like Flipnote Studio 3D!

Sven (guest) 12.01.2014#75

You are an idiot. Did you sing the same tune when BP accidentally dumped all that oil in the gulf? They are just humans, leave them alone, oh fuck off.

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