Welsh Government Funds Dakko Dakko for Wii U Projects

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.04.2013 2

Welsh Government Funds Dakko Dakko for Wii U Projects on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Welsh studio Dakko Dakko has received funding from the Government to develop upcoming titles for Nintendo Wii U.

Gap funding of £50,000 from the Welsh Government's Digital Development Fund will ensure the project will go ahead and is developed strictly in Wales, bringing in new talent to the region.

Dakko Dakko, lead by ex Q-Games developer Rhodri Broadbent, previously revealed a Nintendo Wii U eShop exclusive project Scram Kitty And His Buddy On Rails, and the funding will help the project go ahead.

The concept involves the GamePad and TV screen together, using linked gameplay with Scram Kitty on the TV and the Buddy character on the Wii U GamePad.

Box art for Scram Kitty and His Buddy on Rails

Dakko Dakko


Dakko Dakko





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Wales represent! Proud of my country supporting video game development.

SethADrekin (guest) 22.04.2013#2

Good for them. Make it available in NA and I'll buy it just to support this move.

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