Pokémon Black and White 2 Announced for DS

By Az Elias 27.02.2012 41

Pokémon Black and White 2 Announced for DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Update: According to IGN Nintendo has confirmed that the games will be released in Europe in the Autumn of this year, which is earlier than most fans would have expected.

Also, it has been confirmed that the two Pokémon on the front cover are new forms of Kyurem, named Black Kyurem and White Kyurem.

Original Story: Junichi Masuda of Game Freak came on Japan's Pokémon Smash Sunday morning TV show to announce sequels to the Nintendo DS' Pokémon Black and White.

Rather than the expected 'Pokémon Grey' announcement, Masuda revealed that Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 will see simultaneous release in June in Japan.

Two legendary Pokémon are shown in the game's logo, but Masuda said he won't be revealing the names of them until next week's show.

A teaser site for the games has opened, which doesn't share much else at the moment, save for the logo, launch period and telling us the games are playable on Nintendo 3DS.

Image for Pokémon Black and White 2 Announced for DS
Box art for Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

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I'm sure myself and many others will.

As long as the end product is good, who cares that the developer is cashing in? Im here to play games, not to worry about how much money good developers deserve.

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SuperLink said:
Cheese, I'm taking it you didn't play Black and White, or at least not much.
The appearance of the cover Pokémon is heavily plot related, I know that's bizarre for a Pokémon game, but it's true.

I played and completed it. As for plot relationship...are you sure they don't just make up a load of rubbish and have the pokemon associated with that rubbish? It's what it seems like to me. There's no strong link at all.

That's not really a valid point considering Black and White ousold every other Pokémon game by quite a bit and broke pre-order records.

That's fair enough I suppose. I guess my opinion doesn't reflect that of the masses.

If there was a third version, essentially a remake of a game 1/2 years later, people wouldn't complain because it's the franchise standard now.
But now that there's an actual sequel, people are complaining because it hasn't been done before?

Gamer logic.

I have no problem with the fact that it's a direct sequel, but I stick to my point that the name is silly.

They made sure to point out it can be played on the 3DS. While most of us probably see that and think "you don't say?" maybe they'll pull a Gen 2 and give a little bonus, like layered 3D (which is something Nintendo said they could do with virtual console games but they haven't done it) or at least an upgrade in resolution (if that's even possible). I started playing White on my 3DS and it looks like an old fuzzy TV screen that needs a few good whacks.

I'll wait to hear more about this. There needs to be a good reason for me to buy it, and "Black Kyurem and White Kyurem" are not a good reason.

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Cheesing it up said:

I played and completed it. As for plot relationship...are you sure they don't just make up a load of rubbish and have the pokemon associated with that rubbish? It's what it seems like to me. There's no strong link at all.

"Rubbish"? Generally in fiction, plots are 'made up', obviously even if something is inspired by religious symbolism it's going to be appropriated on some level for the target audience, come on.

The fact stands that in Pokémon Black and White, the terminology of 'black' and 'white' and equal opposing forces are actually important, many NPCs in the game and little notes about mention those 'colours', Yin and Yang are mentioned on more than one occasion, and the antagonist N realises by the game's conclusion that things aren't as black and white as he was brought up to believe.

And whether or not it 'accurately' represents taoism, the fact remains that there was tons of mythology revolving around Reshiram and Zekrom originally being a single entity, and Kyurem's origins are only hinted at, but never revealed.

It's really obvious to me that they've had the whole plot outlined for some time now, however deep that plot is doesn't matter, but the amount of stuff asked but never answered in BW means that a sequel was intended to begin with, this isn't just picked out of midair due to the game's success.
Oh, and last year Masuda Tweeted that there wouldn't be a third version, so a lot of the fans were wondering how and when these answers would be revealed.

I have no problem with the fact that it's a direct sequel, but I stick to my point that the name is silly.

You say this in an age where every film or game that doesn't have a number in the title for a sequel or prequel has a word like "Chronicles", "Revelations" or "Origins" in it.

It does sound kinda silly but it hasn't happened in Pokémon before, I don't really think there's a better way to say "this is a sequel".

justonesp00lturn said:
They made sure to point out it can be played on the 3DS. While most of us probably see that and think "you don't say?" maybe they'll pull a Gen 2 and give a little bonus, like layered 3D (which is something Nintendo said they could do with virtual console games but they haven't done it) or at least an upgrade in resolution (if that's even possible). I started playing White on my 3DS and it looks like an old fuzzy TV screen that needs a few good whacks.

Well the gaming masses are kind of naive, all the time you get parents buying their kids a DS game for the GBA and etc etc. They need to make it really obvious that this game can be played on their new system too, it is a game for 'that' audience after all.

Either way, 3DS and DSi bonuses have been confirmed, just don't know what they are yet.

I'll wait to hear more about this. There needs to be a good reason for me to buy it, and "Black Kyurem and White Kyurem" are not a good reason.

They haven't revealed a shred of info on the game yet, everyone's been been expecting alt. formes for a succeeding game since BW first came out (it has been a franchise staple since 2003 after all) so I'm sure they never intended for that to be the lone sale point.

( Edited 27.02.2012 18:27 by SuperLink )

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"Rubbish"? Generally in fiction, plots are 'made up', obviously even if something is inspired by religious symbolism it's going to be appropriated on some level for the target audience, come on.

By made up, I meant made up on the spot. Obviously it's not going to be a true story... The fact is that pokemon has rubbish story lines. Always has. It's just not a story driven game. They make a game and then piece together a load of nonsense, usually relating to a legendary pokemon of two in some way.

It does sound kinda silly but it hasn't happened in Pokémon before, I don't really think there's a better way to say "this is a sequel".

Hmm, maybe I'll come round to it. I get your point but it does sound silly.

Cheesing it up said:

By made up, I meant made up on the spot. Obviously it's not going to be a true story... The fact is that pokemon has rubbish story lines. Always has. It's just not a story driven game. They make a game and then piece together a load of nonsense, usually relating to a legendary pokemon of two in some way.

Pokémon plots are as good as they need to be, they're games for children. B/W has more plot than previous entries, character development, cliffhangers, which is still more than most of the demographic asked for.

Does anyone honestly play Pokémon, a game for kids, and say "wow this storyline is so bad it makes the game worse." Kids love that kinda stuff. B/W's story wasn't even bad, just nothing great.

But yes, BW has direct and completely intentional references to Taoism, mentioned by the developers, mentioned passingly in game, I'm not sure why that's difficult to accept. Taoism isn't a plot anyway, it's a religion, it's the ideologies and symbolism that get Pokéfied.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is, 'why the hell not'. It's different, and it's kind of ironic for people to complain when Pokémon does something differently when it's been following the same formula for over a decade (even if don't fix what's not broke it's still interesting to think about what they could do with this).

( Edited 27.02.2012 21:29 by SuperLink )

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xXSerperiorXx (guest) 28.02.2012#32

I will attempt to explain this for everyone. The Plot of Black and white Did allude to the fact that Reshiram and Zekrom were a single dragon and when the twin heroes began to fight the dragon separated what most people didn't see (I speak to everyone in the game) Is that they state that Kyurem is the Zombified body or remains or the once perfect dragon.
so now we have our plot for "Black 2" and "White 2" obviously they are going in the direction of Kyurem wanting to fuse himself once again with the two dragons to become perfect so But in case of game specifics he can only bond to one dragon, Zekrom or Reshirma (respectively) so he is left in an inperfect fusion. A theory I have is if you look at the three they do look like only parts of a whole. Reshiram is very fluid like in his movements and "fluffy" so He is the Essence or Spirit of the complete dragon. Zekrom is extremely hard solid and rigid so he is the armor of the dragon or scales and Kyurem will be the body. Since he was already the carcass or left over body of the once whole dragon.
Is everyone Happy with my explanation?

Jake/Jesse (guest) 28.02.2012#33

This is to all off you sucky pokemon fans get better pokemon you losers or a mewto level 100

Does anyone honestly play Pokémon, a game for kids, and say "wow this storyline is so bad it makes the game worse." Kids love that kinda stuff. B/W's story wasn't even bad, just nothing great.

I wasn't saying that the plots in anyway make pokemon worse. My point is that the plot is basically irrelevant to the catch/train/evolve that is at pokemon's core. It was a counter argument to the opinion you seem to have that B+W left unresolved issues and burning questions...I don't care if B+W hinted at things that are in B+W2 or not, because like I said, the story line is basically irrelevant.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is, 'why the hell not'. It's different, and it's kind of ironic for people to complain when Pokémon does something differently when it's been following the same formula for over a decade (even if don't fix what's not broke it's still interesting to think about what they could do with this).

Like I said before, I personally have absolutely no problem with them doing something different or making a direct sequel.

Cheesing it up said:
I wasn't saying that the plots in anyway make pokemon worse. My point is that the plot is basically irrelevant to the catch/train/evolve that is at pokemon's core. It was a counter argument to the opinion you seem to have that B+W left unresolved issues and burning questions...I don't care if B+W hinted at things that are in B+W2 or not, because like I said, the story line is basically irrelevant.

Plot is irrelevant in Zelda I, but important in Skyward Sword. The gameplay is of course the core, but if Pokémon wants to put a little more focus on the plot, who cares? It's not like games are getting worse because of it.

So if BW2 intends to answer questions that were asked in BW1 (i.e. the original forme of Reshi and Zeki, or N's true identity, or where Ghetsis ran off to)
why.. is that.. a problem??

If it's sort of like a Version 3 but not even the same game then everyone wins. It's in the same Gen so they're not going to introduce all-new Pokémon (it would make trading/battling with BW a problem) just new formes.

Putting new formes on the front that aren't in the first game will help generate interest and attention, 'newness'.

Either way, there's a plot attached to the new cover 'mon, it'll generate interest, letting people know that it's related to the first one due to the similarity in appearance while having ~newness~ in it at the same time.
It'll work, I like the designs of the original legies, I want to find out more about Kyurem, and it's the same for thousands of fans. Nothing says "this is what you want to find out in this game right here!" than this.

And for the people who don't happen to care about stuff like that? Hold your horses, they haven't even shown any gameplay yet.

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It would at least make sense to do a 3DS version with minor "easy" upgrades.

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Darkflame said:
It would at least make sense to do a 3DS version with minor "easy" upgrades.

They could just do what they did with G/S for the GBC and put extra stuff in for when played on the 3DS.

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So if BW2 intends to answer questions that were asked in BW1 (i.e. the original forme of Reshi and Zeki, or N's true identity, or where Ghetsis ran off to)
why.. is that.. a problem??

It's not a problem with me.
Like I said I don't really care what the plot is. If it's a big deal to you that it's a sequel and some fascinating questions about whatever gets resolved then good for you.
Also, you don't think they'll introduce new pokemon? I'm struggling to see the point of the game if that's the case, unless your squad from B+W is instantly transferred at the start of the game?

Cheesing it up said:

Also, you don't think they'll introduce new pokemon? I'm struggling to see the point of the game if that's the case, unless your squad from B+W is instantly transferred at the start of the game?

No, I don't see how that'd work. Usually we wait 4+ years for each new gen, and new Gens can't properly communicate or trade with old ones.

My guess is Gen6 will be built for 3DS anyway, this will probably just be made with BW's engine, like how Platinum and HG/SS were made with DP's engine.
All different games with the same Pokémon, same Gen.

Either way it was going to be this or a third version, which has even less 'point' to it.

Stulaw said:
Darkflame said:
It would at least make sense to do a 3DS version with minor "easy" upgrades.

They could just do what they did with G/S for the GBC and put extra stuff in for when played on the 3DS.

That's exactly what they're doing.

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Mostly dissapointed that this means straight off the bat the online modes will be old style shitty DS/Wii per game friend codes, locked out of your 3DS system friendcode, no street passing when in sleep mode etc.

want thissssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!

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