Pokémon Black and White 2 Announced for DS

By Az Elias 27.02.2012 41

Pokémon Black and White 2 Announced for DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Update: According to IGN Nintendo has confirmed that the games will be released in Europe in the Autumn of this year, which is earlier than most fans would have expected.

Also, it has been confirmed that the two Pokémon on the front cover are new forms of Kyurem, named Black Kyurem and White Kyurem.

Original Story: Junichi Masuda of Game Freak came on Japan's Pokémon Smash Sunday morning TV show to announce sequels to the Nintendo DS' Pokémon Black and White.

Rather than the expected 'Pokémon Grey' announcement, Masuda revealed that Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 will see simultaneous release in June in Japan.

Two legendary Pokémon are shown in the game's logo, but Masuda said he won't be revealing the names of them until next week's show.

A teaser site for the games has opened, which doesn't share much else at the moment, save for the logo, launch period and telling us the games are playable on Nintendo 3DS.

Image for Pokémon Black and White 2 Announced for DS
Box art for Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

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And here I was hoping I'd have a reason to play my 3DS after Resident Evil Revelations.

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Still on the DS? Really Game Freak? Really? Didn't they already get 3DS development kits during the development of Black/White?...Smilie Why suddenly start numbering sequels and break the long tradition of a 3rd game per generation that usually has the content of both previous games?

Another thing I noticed, what's up with those Legendaries? The left one looks like they put Kyurem and Zekrom in a blender and the right one also has the shape of Zekrom, but some signs of wings from Reshiram and colours from Reshiram and Kyurem.

Unless they put something brilliant that really catches my interest in there, I'll have to pass on this one as I really wanted to move on from the DS and see what they'll do with the franchise on the 3DS...

( Edited 26.02.2012 11:14 by SirLink )

This is certainly an unusual move. I'm guessing these will be direct storyline sequels, in which case I'll need to get one of the originals soon. Dangit, I really wanted Grey. Smilie

SirLink said:

Another thing I noticed, what's up with those Legendaries? The left one looks like they put Kyurem (Top) and Zekrom (Bottom) in a blender and the right one also has the shape of Zekrom, but some signs of wings from Reshiram (Middle) and colours from Reshiram and Kyurem.

They're Kyurem's new forms, it's the cover pokemon, so this is a replacement for Grey.

I'm looking forward to the games, never really had a continuation of the same story in a pokemon game before. Unless you count G/S/C.

( Edited 26.02.2012 09:52 by Stulaw )

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Stulaw said:

They're Kyurem's new forms, it's the cover pokemon, so this is a replacement for Grey.

That's what I thought too but it doesn't make sense if you consider this...

Two legendary Pokémon are shown in the game's logo, but Masuda said he won't be revealing the names of them until next week's show.

There have been Pokémon with new forms before, like Giratina, Shaymin or Deoxys and none of them received a new name; it was just a new form. So why would new forms of Kyurem have their own names?

Yay, new games instead of the standard third game! Smilie

Though a shame we likely won't get the game till 2013. Smilie

( Edited 26.02.2012 10:48 by Ifrit XXII )

Ifrit XXII said:

Though a shame we likely won't get the game till 2013. Smilie

Yeah, that's really stupid. By the time they're out here, the 3DS has been out for about 2 years and no new Pokémon game for the 3DS yet. Then again, Diamond/Pearl didn't see a Western release until 2007 so I guess we just have to suck it up and wait...

SirLink said:

There have been Pokémon with new forms before, like Giratina, Shaymin or Deoxys and none of them received a new name; it was just a new form. So why would new forms of Kyurem have their own names?

Maybe they do a fusion like in DBZ? Or maybe Legendaries can have kids now (not counting Manaphy).

( Edited 26.02.2012 11:17 by Stulaw )

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Stulaw said:

Maybe they do a fusion like in DBZ? Or maybe Legendaries can have kids now (not counting Manaphy).

Legendaries having kids sounds pretty ridiculous to me but a fusion could kind of be a possiblity. Mantyke only evolves into Mantine if you also have a Remoraid on your team, so maybe it works like that only that both Pokémon merge into one. Smilie Really farfetched theory here.

And so last year's rumour was true! It will have some sort of 3DS function, I'm sure...a bit like some GB games played on GBC.

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I hope with this being a sequel, they'll try to mix things up a little. I don't want the same 3 starters to choose from, do a pokemon yellow and give us something else!

Also, with it likely being in Unova, I hope there a lots more areas to explore and that we don't just go through the same 8 gyms again as normal.

I really wish this had happened with all the previous gens too. Instead of a third game, a sequel. That way they can make the game quick since it's using the same engine and those who bought the first versions don't feel like they have to shell out more money for an improved version.

Also, with DS games not looking so clean when played on 3DS, I wonder what the 3DS capabilities will mean?

( Edited 26.02.2012 13:00 by Ifrit XXII )

I prefer these sequels over Grey because now we get 2 new games rather than a refined 3rd version. As for it being on the DS, I'm guessing Game Freak thinks the 3DS's user base is too small atm. 150+ million DS users compared to 16 million 3DS users. Also in Japan the 3DS only just passed the 5 million mark and the original Black and White sold more than 5 million in Japan alone.

I'm actually surprised at the optimism here, a lot of the fanbase is calling them cash-ins and etc.

But to be fair.. a proper sequel has never happened in Pokémon before, it'll be interesting to say the least.

By the way, the alt. formes' names have been revealed via Twitter about an hour after the show ended, they're (very imaginatively) called Black Kyurem and White Kyurem.
Obviously they look like Kyurem jumbled up with Reshiram or Zekrom, which is no doubt to do with the game's mythology that Reshiram and Zekrom were once one and the same entity. I'm kind of anticipating 4 formes for Kyurem in all, his original forme, these fused formes and then the complete Dragon.

The official Japanese site mentions 3DS, and 3DS features have been confirmed.

Oh, and interestingly a localisation is already confirmed, usually with Pokémon it's announced long after Japanese announcement or launch, so this could mean we'll actually be getting them kind of soon.

( Edited 26.02.2012 17:25 by SuperLink )

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Black and White were announced for localisation at the same time also but we at least got those before the US so I'm hoping these are the same.

Cash ins? I don't know why they think that. Yellow, Crystal, Emerald and Platinum were cash ins since they were basically upgrades. I'd rather get a sequel that at least tries to be a different game. Smilie

( Edited 26.02.2012 17:57 by Ifrit XXII )

Seems stupid to me that they didn't convert the DS graphics to 16:9 and add some depth. I might have at least got one then, as these seem to be proper sequels not just the usual third game. As it stands, I barely beat the league on Black (it was freaking hard, and I only managed it after getting the Mewtwo download) and doubt I'd be interested in another DS interpretation unless something drastic is done, which I predict won't happen yet.

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Makes sense why they did this though, 150 Million DSes vs 10 Mill-or-so 3DSs, this'll sell shitloads more than just a 3DS game.

Lynk said:
Seems stupid to me that they didn't convert the DS graphics to 16:9 and add some depth

As far as I'm aware there are no screenshots or videos in public existence...so what exactly are you commenting on?

Sonic_13 said:
Lynk said:
Seems stupid to me that they didn't convert the DS graphics to 16:9 and add some depth

As far as I'm aware there are no screenshots or videos in public existence...so what exactly are you commenting on?

Either way it's a bit daft to get annoyed that a DS game has a DS resolution I think.

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I've updated the article and added some artwork.

Going to be released this year Smilie.

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Stulaw said:
I've updated the article and added some artwork.

Going to be released this year Smilie.

Fuck yes I knew it.

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Phoenixus said:
Makes sense why they did this though, 150 Million DSes vs 10 Mill-or-so 3DSs, this'll sell shitloads more than just a 3DS game.

That's like saying "Hey, let's release a game for the PS2, because it has a bigger userbase than the PS3"...well obviously the DS is no-where near as old as the PS2 but you get my point. Releasing on the 3DS would net more sales in the long run, I'm sure, as well as push up 3DS sales a bit, too!
I think Nintendo have lost their minds. Black and White were already rather late for DS games, and isn't the DS already saturated with pokemon games? Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Black, White and now 2 more!
Not only that, the name is stupid, the cover pokemon look suspiciously similar to others. Honestly my interest in pokemon has been waning as it seems like they're just releasing games for the hell of it.

Unless there's some big revelations on the horizon I have no interest in these games what-so-ever.

Cheese, I'm taking it you didn't play Black and White, or at least not much.

The appearance of the cover Pokémon is heavily plot related, I know that's bizarre for a Pokémon game, but it's true.

Cheesing it up said:

That's like saying "Hey, let's release a game for the PS2, because it has a bigger userbase than the PS3"...well obviously the DS is no-where near as old as the PS2 but you get my point. Releasing on the 3DS would net more sales in the long run, I'm sure, as well as push up 3DS sales a bit, too!

I agree with this, I think it's largely to do with the fact that GF aren't the best when it comes to utilising hardware, but..

I think Nintendo have lost their minds. Black and White were already rather late for DS games, and isn't the DS already saturated with pokemon games? Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Black, White and now 2 more!

That's not really a valid point considering Black and White ousold every other Pokémon game by quite a bit and broke pre-order records.

Not only that, the name is stupid, the cover pokemon look suspiciously similar to others. Honestly my interest in pokemon has been waning as it seems like they're just releasing games for the hell of it.

Unless there's some big revelations on the horizon I have no interest in these games what-so-ever.

Try to look at it differently, GameFreak have been releasing "games for the hell of it" since the get go (Pokémon Yellow, heck Pokémon Blue).

If there was a third version, essentially a remake of a game 1/2 years later, people wouldn't complain because it's the franchise standard now.
But now that there's an actual sequel, people are complaining because it hasn't been done before?

Gamer logic.

Okay now I'm gonna get onto the cover legies. As is pretty obvious Pokémon Black and White have taoism as a heavy theme, yin-yang, etc.
Zekrom and Reshiram, the original game's legies, were once one and the same Pokémon torn apart by opposing ideals of equal force. This was alluded to multiple times, yet never solved. From the get-go, BW had hinted at cliffhangers or story expansions in order for all these answers to be found, not to mention the bad guy gets away in the end, after being taken into custody he escapes and eludes the police.

Ok but look here at this blog, this sums up the relation of the Pokémon to taoism pretty well.

The new cover Pokémon do their jobs perfectly guys.

( Edited 27.02.2012 13:14 by SuperLink )

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In agreement with Cheese here. As much as I've loved Pokémon games, I'm going to have to skip this. I'm not particularly for sequels, as it is, but a sequel to a Pokémon game is just so unoriginal. At least with Black and White, you had a whole new location to explore. Now it's just going to feel like you're playing the same game again.

Unoriginal ? really? considering the games have used the same 3 versions structure for over 15 years, finally does its first actual mainseries sequel ever and it's considered unoriginal?

they haven't revealed a single bit of gameplay info so we don't even know if it'll be the same region or not, but.. this is worse than a version 3, how?

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