Call of Duty: Black Ops Breaking Records

By Adam Riley 18.11.2010 7

Call of Duty: Black Ops Breaking Records on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Activision announced today that Treyarch’s Call of Duty: Black Ops on Nintendo DS, Wii, Xbox 360, PC and PlayStation 3, has shattered theatrical box office, book and video game sales records for five-day worldwide sell through in US dollars.

The game established an all-new five-day worldwide sell-through record of more than US$650 million, exceeding Activision’s previous five-day worldwide record of US$550 million set by last year’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (which skipped Wii, with its predecessor appearing instead, belatedly) according to internal Activision estimates.

Call of Duty has become the first entertainment property in history to set five-day launch records for two consecutive years across all forms of entertainment. The title’s success illustrates the mass appeal of interactive entertainment as millions of consumers are choosing to play Call of Duty: Black Ops at unprecedented levels rather than engage in other forms of media. The number of people playing online and the number of hours they are playing demonstrates how online gaming has become a mainstream form of entertainment and certainly validates Activision Blizzard’s leadership role in online entertainment.
- Robert Kotick, CEO, Activision Blizzard.

There are many reasons for the success of Black Ops, but first and foremost is the fact that our team at Treyarch delivered a truly awesome game, and in the process have established themselves as one of the most talented developers in the world. There are millions of people all over the world engaging in this community. It’s our job to keep them coming back for more.
- Eric Hirshberg, CEO, Activision Publishing.

Have you been swept in by Call of Duty: Black Ops on either Nintendo DS or Wii yet, or did you plump for another system's version?

Box art for Call of Duty: Black Ops





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C3 Score

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Any specific data on how the Wii sales held up? I'd love to know about the install base for this game...

Apparently the release has been pretty stealthy compared to the 360/PS3 versions. Sony and Microsoft boasted about various bits and bobs in the Press Release, but there was no word from Nintendo...which is a bit worrying.

World at War and Modern Warfare: Reflex both did over a million in the US, so no doubt Black Ops will do fine, but maybe more of a slow burner than the HD platforms.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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The Wii versions pretty much get no marketing and didn't even have any media shown from them up until a few weeks before launch.

They could probably get even more sales if they advertised it more though I guess a million plus sales is still great when it's competing with the HD versions. Smilie

More evidence that millions of people support no creativity and originality in the gaming industry.

Thankfully, some people seem to be realising it's the same thing every year, so maybe Activision will slow down with the Call of Duty games.

Marzy said:
Thankfully, some people seem to be realising it's the same thing every year, so maybe Activision will slow down with the Call of Duty games.

Why would they? Black Ops has done even better than Modern Warfare 2 did at launch. If your game keeps on selling more and more each year then you'd be silly not to keep bringing them out. Smilie

I agree (from a business sense).

Ifrit XXII said:
Marzy said:
Thankfully, some people seem to be realising it's the same thing every year, so maybe Activision will slow down with the Call of Duty games.

Why would they? Black Ops has done even better than Modern Warfare 2 did at launch. If your game keeps on selling more and more each year then you'd be silly not to keep bringing them out. Smilie

yes but this time, they had a lot of help from officials for the game, what can they do that's better then that, next year?

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