Those screens will be fixed up soon, folks. They're not from the Wii version anyhow; HD screenshots acting as a placeholder for us.
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:45 by Guest )
By Calum Peak 28.05.2010
Speaking to Treyarch's enthusiastic studio head, Mark Lamia, a new and exciting insight has been found in Treyarch's upcoming title, Call of Duty: Black Ops. Set to launch across all the major platforms - Wii, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC - Treyarch have literally thrown their entire 200 personnel team behind the project with a new hands on approach. Within this, the Wii version has been built from the ground up by a separate team, but will be almost exactly the same as its Xbox 360 and PS3 counterparts. Despite the different teams, every area of Treyarch has touched the Wii version - from the the multiplayer team, to the single player team, even the co-op team has joined in the fray. The team are working hard to get the Wii version to match its counterparts frame-for-frame.
Lamia explained that there will be online co-op for the Wii, a rarity that is usually overlooked when it comes to Wii editions of multiformat games. Thankfully it should remain intact, though the specified number of players has yet to be announced (the other versions will have four player co-op), so fingers crossed. Treyarch also seem to be going the way of Capcom and are ‘negotiating' with Nintendo; there was not much detail given on the matter, but it sounds as if Treyarch are pushing for either lack of friend codes or the opportunity to use Wii Speak - or even both. Mark Lamia was also passionate about keeping the Call of Duty name rolling. With each iteration of the franchise it gets more popular, but also the games progress at a faster rate, so trying to top the past games has been a main focus for Treyarch.
Even though only the Xbox 360 version was shown at Activision's pre-E3 event, if Treyarch hold true to their promises, the Wii version should be just as immersive. Black Ops takes place during the Cold War and, whilst not much was disclosed about the story telling, the trailers featured multiple flashbacks. This gives a large area for the team to develop on, thus giving them many locales, conflicts and pacing of the plot. You take control, unsurprisingly, of a member of a small group of elite black ops agents and are placed into many different scenarios allowing Treyarch to focus on the three main aspects of the game: customisation, personalisation and socialisation.
The demo started off with a thrilling and adrenaline-pumping flight in a fighter jet to the edge of the atmosphere, directing the black ops team via thermal signatures to keep them out of danger. You soon switch places with a member of the black ops team right in the thick of it. Vistas show off the incredible engine underpinning Black Ops, a re-mastered version of the one featured in Call of Duty: World at War, and you are up and away, stealthily using a crossbow to take out enemies silently. Squad commands have improved, with leaders and comrades issuing constant feedback of the surrounding area, so the player is never without a target. Then things get loud. Really loud.
Treyarch have done some investigating into real black operation units and discovered that soldiers could choose their load outs, vehicles and modify their weapons before they used them in the field. Treyarch have taken this on board and given the player different varieties of ammunition for each weapon, Remember that crossbow that kills silently? You can switch the ammo out so that it becomes a time delayed explosive which sticks to enemies and causes a lot of destruction wherever it goes off. As all hell breaks loose, the team delves through the thicket of Soviet enemies to prevent a missile launch, and at the end of it all base jump off the side of the mountain to prevent their fall at the hands of the Russians. Blood pumping stuff.
Next, the demo moves onto Vietnam; more specifically, Hue City. Taking place in the middle of the war, you rappel off the side of helicopter...but that never works out so well, and you end up crashing through a window a few floors up. Once recovered, your team mate throws you a weapon which happens to be a Spas-12 shotgun...with a twist. Treyarch show off their ammo system once again by giving the player incendiary ammo which sets the surroundings on fire - and, of course, your enemies. Progressing through the 'Slaughterhouse' level, you are able to call in help from a helicopter to thin out the opposition and help your progress. The action is intense, with buildings toppling under the might of the helicopter and other explosions crumbling and destroying the environment around you.
That was where the demo ended, with two short clips of how the story will play in a truly cinematic and orchestrated fashion. Hopefully not too much will be stripped away from the Wii versions in terms of looks but, if Treyarch uphold their promises, this should be a must-have game for the Wii, with an epic story, online co-op mode - plus that little thing that Call of Duty has become known for, the online multiplayer. Treyarch have thrown their full force behind this title, and it shows.
(12 Votes)
Those screens will be fixed up soon, folks. They're not from the Wii version anyhow; HD screenshots acting as a placeholder for us.
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:45 by Guest )
Still don't think it will the call of duty for the wii.
looks like the wii edition might bomb
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:45 by Guest )
DK (guest) said:
Still don't think it will the call of duty for the wii.
looks like the wii edition might bomb
How can you tell from such early stages?
It will be tricky to sell on the Wii with the HD versions out, but there does seem to be a market for CoD on the Wii.
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:45 by Guest )
If I remember rightly, World at War came about 3rd or 4th in the most hours played per-wii game per system. Topping that was Guitar Hero 3 and Smash Bros. Brawl. There is a very good market for this kind of game on the system. It's popular so people will want it, and most households have it as a family system and the older ages in the house are more likely to pick it up if they don't have another system in the house to play it on.
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:45 by Guest )
With the publisher, i'm not gonna say the last ones are bad. But just for me in my opinion, the game has potenional but they really should start showing what this version could do better than the HD consoles could do.
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:45 by Guest )
Actually, the Call of Duty games have sold very well on the Wii. That's why they keep making them. I'm guessing this will probably be successful too.
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:45 by Guest )
jb said:DK (guest) said:
Still don't think it will the call of duty for the wii.
looks like the wii edition might bombHow can you tell from such early stages?
It will be tricky to sell on the Wii with the HD versions out, but there does seem to be a market for CoD on the Wii.
I own both World at War and Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition on the Wii. I've played the 360 version of both and I must say, I do prefer the controls on the Wii. Obviously the HD versions will be better in content, because they always are.
I'm not a huge CoD fan, but I did enjoy 4 and 5, mainly for the online multiplayer. I will still get the Wii version, regardless of how lacking it is to that of the HD versions. I don't see myself going out and buying another console, because I know I won't play it as much as I do my Wii. Call me a Nintendo fanboy or whatever, I just love my Wii.
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:45 by Guest )
World at War sold over a million on Wii in the US alone, whilst CoD: Modern Warfare is still selling consistently well across the US and EU territories. It's no wonder Black Ops is heading to Wii...and I wouldn't be shocked if the rumour of MW2 coming to Wii turns out to be true as well!
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:45 by Guest )
jesusraz said:
World at War sold over a million on Wii in the US alone, whilst CoD: Modern Warfare is still selling consistently well across the US and EU territories. It's no wonder Black Ops is heading to Wii...and I wouldn't be shocked if the rumour of MW2 coming to Wii turns out to be true as well!
Its games like this that I wish wii was a more powerful console, the wii COD games so far have tried to be the same experience as on the other consoles but are far more glitchy and have slowdown, its a shame because the wii controls are far superior than a control pad. And lets hope they dont skip some missions like the previous titles
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:45 by Guest )
I'm glad to hear that they're trying to fuck the friend codes up the arse, as well as aping Nintendo about voice chat. Bravo. I'd still get it on other platforms given the choice, but if all you've got is a Wii, and they make good on what they're saying now about the Wii version, it'll be a must.
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:46 by Guest )
I recently got an Xbox 360. I thought you should know, I plan to get this game for the Wii, still.
The controls are just so much better, for the Wii. The cheaper games and free online play are also a factor, but FPS just isn't as great on two analog sticks as it is when all you have to do is point. The game is so much better, I have so much more fun with it. Higher defenition doesn't make me have more fun.
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:46 by Guest )
OK so Treyarch is going to try to make it a replica of the 360 & PS3 one so does that mean that they will have offline split-screen?
PS i hope they make classic controller compatible.
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:46 by Guest )
will the wii have zombies cuz ive never played zombies before
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:46 by Guest )
justonesp00lturn said:
The controls are just so much better, for the Wii. The cheaper games and free online play are also a factor, but FPS just isn't as great on two analog sticks as it is when all you have to do is point. The game is so much better, I have so much more fun with it. Higher defenition doesn't make me have more fun.
Agreed with all of that.
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:46 by Guest )
im confused cos im gettin a new laptop. it has windows 7 and i dont no if black ops pc works on windows 7
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:46 by Guest )
cant w8. I hope it is the same for wii as it is the other consoles because that would be amzing. Wii has so much better controls than the other consoles
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:46 by Guest )
Fuck Wii haters
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:46 by Guest )
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:46 by Guest )
i have the upmost confidence in treyarch.
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:46 by Guest )
its people like you and i saw another comment above that gives me hope i want a ps3 or 360 mainly cuz the fc system sucks and graphics are better but the controls are REALLY fun i have a wii and other systems and i have MWR and WaW too i think MWR did REALLY good i play it everyday for hours on end sometimes i keep getting better and better so it makes it funner and funner
we should add some each other email me your fc(if youd like) to [email protected]
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:46 by Guest )
DatBlakGuy (guest) said:
OK so Treyarch is going to try to make it a replica of the 360 & PS3 one so does that mean that they will have offline split-screen?![]()
PS i hope they make classic controller compatible.
they said that there will be no classic controller support but fingers crossed for split screen!
( Edited 30.10.2017 06:46 by Guest )
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