Will Developers Ditch 3DS 3D?

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.07.2010 37

Will Developers Ditch 3DS 3D? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Some developers working on the new 3DS have revealed that games can look and perform much better when the 3D effect is scrapped.

According to a report on IGN (via Kotaku), some of those who are getting to grips with the new system have noted that without having to render two images for 3D, you can theoretically pump out twice the processing power for "additional texture passes and more complex object and environment geometry". Visually games can go up to 60fps instead of 30, for example.

Whether developers will go around Nintendo and create 3D-less games is uncertain, but we're sure one or two will take the risk at somepoint.

Would you trade the 3D effect for potentially better graphics and performance?

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It was a joke, I contributed my bit to this thread earlier.. it just had to be done. Also if you want to quote more than one person, just click the "Quote" button on the post you wish to quote and it'll add another quote to your post.

Mush123 said:
It was a joke, I contributed my bit to this thread earlier.. it just had to be done. Also if you want to quote more than one person, just click the "Quote" button on the post you wish to quote and it'll add another quote to your post.

No worries, I was just hoping for some more insight but instead I got an overused picture :C
Yeah, I know how to do it. It just doesn't do it, sometimes, lol.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

Fuck this. As a new DSi owner, I'm worried the DSi is just going to be brushed under the carpet now. 32X all over again. And the only game I really, really want is not released in my region, I can't play it. It's DSi software (part of the reason I want it), and that stuff is region-coded. I'd be super-pissed if I bought it full price.

People forget the DSi itself is upgraded from the DS/DSL. The CPU is nearly twice as fast, and it has 16MB of RAM (four times that of previous DS models!). We haven't seen enough software that pushes the DSi. At all. Nintendo need to get on that. I bet it could really outshine the DS/DSL if someone really made something for it.

Martin_ said:
Fuck this. As a new DSi owner, I'm worried the DSi is just going to be brushed under the carpet now. 32X all over again. And the only game I really, really want is not released in my region, I can't play it. It's DSi software (part of the reason I want it), and that stuff is region-coded. I'd be super-pissed if I bought it full price.

What game would that be?
I'm sure someone will eventually hack the DSi, so you can make it region free. But, yeah I also think Nintendo haven't given the DSi it's time to shine.

But then again, the 3DS is going to be far better than any previous DS.

( Edited 08.07.2010 04:57 by Mush123 )

Mush123 said:
Martin_ said:
Fuck this. As a new DSi owner, I'm worried the DSi is just going to be brushed under the carpet now. 32X all over again. And the only game I really, really want is not released in my region, I can't play it. It's DSi software (part of the reason I want it), and that stuff is region-coded. I'd be super-pissed if I bought it full price.

What game would that be?
I'm sure someone will eventually hack the DSi, so you can make it region free. But, yeah I also think Nintendo haven't given the DSi it's time to shine.

But then again, the 3DS is going to be far better than any previous DS.

The point is, they've rather shot the DSi in the foot.

Martin_ said:

The point is, they've rather shot the DSi in the foot.

Yeah, I can see where you're coming from.. the DSi could've had at least another year for developers to create games especially for it, but this happens a lot in technology, things just get pushed aside to allow room for something better.

( Edited 08.07.2010 14:30 by Mush123 )

Guys, it's not like the 3DS comes out tomorrow.
I mean, you're saying they should put another year into the DSi... the 3DS doesn't come out for almost another full year, most likely.
Besides, Nintendo doesn't just drop their old system like a newborn giraffe as soon as a new one comes out. They'll sitll support it for a little while (hell, look at Golden Sun and Pokemon. There's a good chance they'll release just before, or even after the 3DS comes out.) Look at the Gameboy Micro, for example. It came out nearly a year after the DS, and it still sold a few million units; and while it didn't really have new features or new games, Nintendo supported it with new accessories (faceplates, etc.)
I don't think they'll just drop the DS models entirely. And since the DSi is the newest model, that's probably where their focus will shift to regarding the DS.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

Yeah, the 3DS comes out in a year. That gives the DSi something in the region of two years total lifespan before it is made obsolete. The point is that the DSi is twice as fast as previous models, has four times the amount of RAM.. etc. We will never see these specs really used, since nobody is going to make real DSi software any more.

Why would they? It won't play on the millions and millions of DS/DSL consoles, and if they were going to make something just for DSi, they may as well make something for 3DS. I think you're painting the picture prettier than it is. There is something like four actual DSi games, and the thing has been out over a year (!). There are far more games for the unreleased 3DS than there are for the year-old DSi.

In my opinion, this is because developers are no-longer interested in the DSi. There is only DS or 3DS. Some people (even very recently) will have paid the full �£130 or whatever for a DSi. They might as well have just bought a DSL. They'll only ever play normal DS games on it, the only DSi software that anyone's really going to get is the crap on the online shop.

What I'm saying here is that the DSi hasn't really been tapped, and probably never will because of the looming 3DS. The devs of all those 3DS games have probably been beavering away at them for a year, or at least six months. Hence the lack of real DSi stuff.

But hey - maybe Nintendo will keep me happy with some faceplates next year or one or two DSiWare offerings? I bet we see less than five real DSi games in the next year. Lulz.

Im perfectly happy with my DSi, I upgraded from the Phat model so the larger and brighter screens were worth it. I've used the cameras quite a lot surprisingly and also have gotten several games off the DSiWare service. There's a LOT of crap on there but there's also a few (note: few) gems. Rayman, Flipnote and DodoGo. Not much else though. Smilie Can't even think of anything in the pipeline that's worth the points. Smilie

It is a shame that there's not really been any games taking advantage of the extra power of the DSi but I never thought there would be anyway. As Martin said, with the huge install base of the DS/DSlite, developers wouldn't want to miss the chance of selling to the entire userbase and why put extra effort into a game that you might as well make for the 3DS instead? Smilie

The slightly bigger screens do make quite a bit of difference which is why it's a shame the 3DS touch screen will be shrinking back to the size of the Phat DS. (Albeit with a higher resolution but still..) Just makes you think they will release a 3DSi 1.5 years later. Smilie

( Edited 10.07.2010 09:45 by Ifrit XXII )

The DSi is a late 7th gen DS upgrade, not a new system. The 3DS lets you download DSiWare aswell.

To be fair the option to make more powerful DSi games was one that Nintendo put in as an option to developers, one that hasn't been used at it would alienate regular DS owners, not even Nintendo themselves have been supporting it.

I'm much happier that a proper new system is being released rather than slowly alienating old DS owners with some "slightly more powerful" games that they can't get. The 3DS will support all these DSi games.

It is a bit like the 32X, except the DSi's point isn't really the new games, it's a bunch of other things, like multimedia, bigger screens, etc.

The DSi was never going to be properly tapped because of the huge alienation involved, many of those titles may bomb, waiting for the next system (which we kinda knew was on the way) was a much smarter business move, and DSiWare felt more like an introduction to the inevitable 3DSWare.

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Yeah, I can see your frustration. But honestly, if Nintendo did put out a ton of games that would only run on the DSi, there would be some 135 million people pissed off that they're now required to upgrade their system, when a brand new one is out in about a year.

Like SuperLink said; the DSi wasn't made to be a new system, but another option for developers and for consumers.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

Yeah, pretty much all truisms. I disagree on the 'slight upgrade', though. It's twice as fast, and has four times as much RAM. That's a significant upgrade, in my book. One that has pretty much just gone to waste.

( Edited 12.07.2010 18:17 by Martin_ )

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