Nintendo Revealing New Fire Emblem RPG?

By Adam Riley 22.04.2009 76

Nintendo Revealing New Fire Emblem RPG? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Following the massive success of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, a new game is set to be revealed, it would seem. A brief snippet of text in Japanese publication Nintendo Dream states: There has been no information about a new game for a while, but...Fire Emblem fans, look forward to the next issue!" Later in the same magazine, again whilst talking about the next issue, it states "And the blockbuster game is revealed...!?"

This is all speculation for now until something more concrete emerges, but it has been more than eight months since the Japanese release of Shadow Dragon, the DS remake of the very first entry in the series from 1990 on the NES. In Japan the game has gone on the sell nearly 300,000 units, back in line with how the games used to sell at the height of the series' popularity. Due to this, the team at Intelligent Systems hinted heavily in Cubed3's interview at the end of last year that another remake could be on the cards. Could this be another DS remake, or perhaps something brand new for Wii? Or maybe it is a different take on the long-running franchise, something that the team also touched upon wanting to do at some point.

What would you like to see from the Fire Emblem series' next entry?

Box art for Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon

Intelligent Systems







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I have been thinking of this subject for a while. an mmorpg would be great but i think there needs to be a greater customization element. the ability to create your own lord or at least choose his weapon proficiency. or if he would require a mount. i think that would make for an interesting game, like if you choose like axe and spear for weapons then it would gain heavy armor, or a sword and magic would gain light armor. i digress having a free world game were people could battle with their own armies would make for an interesting game. but i'll settle for class branching like in sacred stones.

Skymoon (guest) 23.02.2010#27

I love Fire Emblem! Really hope that there will be a new Fire Emblem gameSmilie but I also hope that it might be a sequel or something like that to the Radiant Dawn. Smilie

Koin (guest) 25.02.2010#28

They should continue with the remakes, really ... Shadow Dragon was SOOOOOOO Good! ( not )

me (guest) 28.02.2010#29

Can you imagine a combination of Sacred Stones and Radiant Dawn? Class branches with 3 tiers . . . I personally think that would be amazing.

If they remake a game I would love to see FE 6 or FE 4. either way I am sure the next game will be a wonderful installment in the franchise.

PeanutSheller (guest) 02.03.2010#30

It'd be sweet if they made a FE 7x, the time between fe 7 and 6.

chaos lordx88 (guest) 07.03.2010#31

the graphics for the gba games i think suited the games comepared to shadow dragon... and that the gba(hopefully ds) games will be made because its easier to get into

NPayne (guest) 09.03.2010#32

So like does the game boy advance not even count as this generation? So at eighteen im still playing sacred stones, does that mean Im playing an old-school game???
I agree with the not a remake comment. They could have done a better job with it
I would like to see another console game but using the wii remote as a controller better not be the only way to play it! It made restarting when a person died a major hassle when using the game cube controller.
Fire emblem Needsto be a strategy game, just like its always been. I think the idea of using the wii remote to do things like do specific attacks with the unit your attacking with would be too crazy. i want to be able to just chill in a room with mah buddies and talk strat and what the best methods for killing the baddies are. thats the way it should be.

I really desperately want a NEW Fire Emblem. I absolutely loved Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, and another new one, this time with more content than ever, would make my year, if not decade. Add online play, and/or co-op campaign, with several chapters and side chapters, and you've got half your game right there. The battle system is almost perfect, just needs a few little tweaks such as new weapons, armor piercing arrows, etc. Add in dialogue with teammates and give us a whole other cast of likeable characters, and you'll make many happy. I have so many ideas about a new one that it wouldn't fit in this comment, but anyone can feel free to ask me if they are interested.

The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.

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Juice_Box_786 (guest) 09.03.2010#35

I hope they don't change it too much. I can't imagine them changing it for the better since i believe it is nearly perfect. I've got my fingers crossed for a great new generation of Fire Emblem.

Jake (guest) 12.03.2010#36

ikes story sucks i want the game with roy

Darkcloud386 (guest) 13.03.2010#37

free roaming as in FE2 and sacred stones and some more Shamen, pirattes and maybe a brigand

DaRogue101 (guest) 14.03.2010#38

What would be really cool is if they put a little more RPG into it, like you can choose where the stats go, more equipment options (head, body, gloves, feet, belt, offhand, etc.). one other good thing would be a way to revive people, even if it's a rare item or ability, it would be awesome. :-x

FEFAN (guest) 18.03.2010#39

stuff for the new fire emblem... moar IKE

Snow (guest) 20.03.2010#40

Personally, I'd like to see a remake of Fire Emblem 3, since it's a sequel to the original FE. But a new game would do fine I guess..

thats right (guest) 20.03.2010#41

by they way there have been way more than two this generation i would know i have all of tbem that have been realesed in america all togather thats 6 if you count sword of seals

Jibbly (guest) 21.03.2010#42


I would be so happy for any new type of fire emblem i dont even care hahah SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

FireEmblemFan (guest) 25.03.2010#43

For all you guys crying for a MMORPG or RPG go play WOW or Final Fantasy Fire Emblem is a strategy series with deep characters and story the formula is what makes it great and should stay the same just go back to the GBA graphics with the gameplay of FE 5 6 or 7

killer (guest) 06.04.2010#44

fire emblem games 2nd best games ever mayd

FE fan 92 (guest) 09.04.2010#45

i really didnt like shadow dragon but im a huge fan of the series i would like them to go bak to the beginning of the english copies {they had the best ratings} and use that game engine

Ikewillfindyou (guest) 13.04.2010#46

I would like a FE game that has u playing as Altina, Soan, and Dhegensia in the war against Yune, or an FE6 remake.

I AM FIRE EMBLEM (guest) 19.04.2010#47

I'd have to disagree, personally I like Sword of Seals the best,btw, this is coming from a guy whoa has played all 11 Fire Emblem Games.(Patched them on a flash cart)

The Col (guest) 23.04.2010#48

Whats up with all the Ike love? I mean yeah those games were good but they are the only Fire Emblem games i have not managed to do multiple times. The dragon characters were almost useless and there was no point in leveling any of the other characters because once Ike was ready he could SOLO maps all alone, not even ranged characters would stand a chance since his unbreakable god weapon was ranged to. Can anyone here honestly say they didnt Solo Ashnard's level in Path with just Ike and whoever they called in for reinforcements?

FESothe (guest) 23.04.2010#49

I hope they make a new FE, while I did like shadow dragon it just didn't seem as fun as others in the past, if they do make a remake then I hope they make a remake of the one with roy in it except more improved than shadow dragon, other than that I'd say to just make a complete new one, a sequeal to Radiant Dawn would just ruin it, though a prequeal of Ike's parents isn't that bad of an idea... In any case I'd play it anyway, even if it sucks (which it won't) Smilie

Gunti (guest) 27.04.2010#50

OMG that would be awsome a prequel to POR/Radiant Dawn in which you play as Soan, Deginsea, Altina and mabey Lerhan

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