Nintendo Revealing New Fire Emblem RPG?

By Adam Riley 22.04.2009 76

Nintendo Revealing New Fire Emblem RPG? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Following the massive success of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, a new game is set to be revealed, it would seem. A brief snippet of text in Japanese publication Nintendo Dream states: There has been no information about a new game for a while, but...Fire Emblem fans, look forward to the next issue!" Later in the same magazine, again whilst talking about the next issue, it states "And the blockbuster game is revealed...!?"

This is all speculation for now until something more concrete emerges, but it has been more than eight months since the Japanese release of Shadow Dragon, the DS remake of the very first entry in the series from 1990 on the NES. In Japan the game has gone on the sell nearly 300,000 units, back in line with how the games used to sell at the height of the series' popularity. Due to this, the team at Intelligent Systems hinted heavily in Cubed3's interview at the end of last year that another remake could be on the cards. Could this be another DS remake, or perhaps something brand new for Wii? Or maybe it is a different take on the long-running franchise, something that the team also touched upon wanting to do at some point.

What would you like to see from the Fire Emblem series' next entry?

Box art for Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon

Intelligent Systems







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another one.......this series is becoming like dynasty warriors in volume, almost 2 games a year

Maybe they can try an MMORPG type of game. they have enough characters and even "plank" characters, such has the basic swordsman enemy wouldn't have a name just has an example. Or even something along the line has a tradition/real-time RPG that will be something the Wii really needs.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

If it's a new game, I hope they majorly revamp the formula this time around, because while the FE series has promise, it massively needs a makeover because there are some aspects of it that are just unbearable in the modern era of gaming.

I hope it is not a remake. I really enjoyed Shadow Dragon, but the game never managed to fully shake its age, despite the work they did. I think it would be better if they just made a new game.

One remake I would welcome is the GBA game that never made it to the States, that tells of what happens to Eliwood's son Roy. I'm dying to play that one.

mage_mccloud said:
another one.......this series is becoming like dynasty warriors in volume, almost 2 games a year

This generation, there have been two total Fire Emblem games. One for Wii. One for DS. That's hardly flooding the market.

You also have to remember that though this might be announced soon, it likely won't arrive for another year or so at the least.

If it's a new game, I hope they majorly revamp the formula this time around, because while the FE series has promise, it massively needs a makeover because there are some aspects of it that are just unbearable in the modern era of gaming.

I dunno, Fire Emblem to me is almost perfect. Tweaks here and there would be good, but if you want major changes then look at other series. Fire Emblem to me represents an excellent slice of near-perfect old school gameplay...I don't want them completely changing it.

Massive Success? Did it do well??? I'm happy to hear that!! Smilie Please bring out another one!!! I love shadow Dragon, I'm in the last stage now fighting Medeus without losing 1 Character except for the one you have to sacrifice at the start! Smilie

Jacob4000 said:
I hope it is not a remake. I really enjoyed Shadow Dragon, but the game never managed to fully shake its age, despite the work they did. I think it would be better if they just made a new game.

One remake I would welcome is the GBA game that never made it to the States, that tells of what happens to Eliwood's son Roy. I'm dying to play that one.

mage_mccloud said:
another one.......this series is becoming like dynasty warriors in volume, almost 2 games a year

This generation, there have been two total Fire Emblem games. One for Wii. One for DS. That's hardly flooding the market.

You also have to remember that though this might be announced soon, it likely won't arrive for another year or so at the least.

If it's a new game, I hope they majorly revamp the formula this time around, because while the FE series has promise, it massively needs a makeover because there are some aspects of it that are just unbearable in the modern era of gaming.

I dunno, Fire Emblem to me is almost perfect. Tweaks here and there would be good, but if you want major changes then look at other series. Fire Emblem to me represents an excellent slice of near-perfect old school gameplay...I don't want them completely changing it.

Jacob4000 said:
I hope it is not a remake. I really enjoyed Shadow Dragon, but the game never managed to fully shake its age, despite the work they did. I think it would be better if they just made a new game.

One remake I would welcome is the GBA game that never made it to the States, that tells of what happens to Eliwood's son Roy. I'm dying to play that one.

mage_mccloud said:
another one.......this series is becoming like dynasty warriors in volume, almost 2 games a year

This generation, there have been two total Fire Emblem games. One for Wii. One for DS. That's hardly flooding the market.

You also have to remember that though this might be announced soon, it likely won't arrive for another year or so at the least.

If it's a new game, I hope they majorly revamp the formula this time around, because while the FE series has promise, it massively needs a makeover because there are some aspects of it that are just unbearable in the modern era of gaming.

I dunno, Fire Emblem to me is almost perfect. Tweaks here and there would be good, but if you want major changes then look at other series. Fire Emblem to me represents an excellent slice of near-perfect old school gameplay...I don't want them completely changing it.

*kisses cheek* You sir are correct. I love this game over FF and other traditional turn based RPG's because of the way it plays and feels in comparison.

While I did enjoy the remake on the DS I would very much prefer a brand new game but incoperating (and futher enchancing) the online aspect which I found quite fun. Either way any new Fire Emblem game announced to me is Smilie

Our member of the week

If you remember, they said last time that the next Fire Emblem is gonna be targetted to the casual audience.

If this is still true, i'm not looking forward to it at all...

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I myself would love to see another game with Ike.

John (guest) 14.10.2009#10

I think if its gonna be a remake, it would be really cool if they did something like remake FE6 or FE7 on the Wii...that would be cool...

But i have to say, a brand new game on the Wii would be best

jim (guest) 31.10.2009#11

if they make a remake i would want them to remake the sealed sword... the prequel to fire emblem with eliwood

FE fan (guest) 08.11.2009#12

i hope its a prequel too radiant dawn with Ike although it says he was never seen again but i wish it would be his journey to find new lands....I can only wish

Bow (guest) 02.12.2009#13

Id like to see FE series continue to move on with new storys. Shadow dragon seamed like a step back. If they can continue on with great story lines, an occasion diffrent classes, and diffrent terrain, the series should continue to do well.

shaman (guest) 21.12.2009#14

flashier and less boring battle animation

Fan :D (guest) 23.12.2009#15


I would love a new Fire Emblem! no matter what it was haha

Draug (guest) 27.12.2009#16

I've been scouring the web as of late to find any news of a new Fire Emblem game. Around two years ago I read a review of Radiant Dawn and was intrigued. I never got into RPGs until I went ahead and bought Radiant Dawn. I absolutely loved it! I proceeded to buy Path of Radiance, Fire Emblem, The Sacred Stones and Shadow Dragon and have been steadily playing these games ever since. I am now at the point where I don't have any new games to look forward to playing in the series so I guess I'm going through a bit of withdrawl. I would most like to see another game released for Wii as Radiant Dawn has been my favorite. If I had to choose, a brand new game would be what I'd ask for, but I haven't played any of the "Japan only" releases so anything I haven't played before would be great! Just give me some news about it so I can have something to salivate over! Smilie

Dudewithnolife (guest) 01.01.2010#17

i hope they remake fire emblem genology of the holy war it was the best one!

JAKE (guest) 09.01.2010#18

I think they should have like 4 a year Smilie

Abhijeeth (guest) 09.01.2010#19

A nice DS remake pf path of radiance/radiant dawn.

fe fan (guest) 17.01.2010#20


hiitsme (guest) 21.01.2010#21

they need to bring back post game monster maps. like in sacred stones where they had the tower and the ruins. Also they should make 3rd class advancesments again.

SUPERMARIOFREAK85 (guest) 30.01.2010#22

Probably a DS remake of Fire Emblem: The Sword of Seals. I would really like that but if not, a new game for Wii.SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie�_�Smilie8)SmilieSmilie:-xSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

Guest (guest) 06.02.2010#23

Perhaps a remake of FE2 in DS version, or a new chapter in DS or Wii

Guest (guest) 06.02.2010#24

Hi gaizes.

gbeast24 (guest) 10.02.2010#25

i dont think they should change anything. fire emblem is perfect they just need new story line and characters. plus after radiant dawn ended im extremely anxious to figure out where ike couldve :-x

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