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Notice: Cubed3 are no longer accepting new reader blogs (as of 17th January 2015). Existing blog entries will be available to read, archived below.

My birthday

Now Listening to: An empty house

O hai,

It's my birthday, and it's been epic. I can now vote, which is my favourite thing about turning 18 Smilie

When/If I get any gifts, I'll post some pics up here but so far I got the QI Book of General Ignorance and I've already noticed about 4 spelling mistakes!

Peace, homies.

Fundraising. Buy things!

Now Listening to: Imogen Heap

I'm off to South Africa to help kids with AIDs, entertain them for a fortnight, educate, distribute etc. And it's foookin expensive. So I'm selling some games. PM me if you want anything below, or if you wanna hustle the price a little. All funds go to a good cause, and you get a game!


Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin �12
Diddy Kong Racing DS �12


Rocky Legends �9
ZoE - you tell me what you wanna pay
Alien Hominid �10


Viva Pinata Special Ed �15
Top Spin 2 �12
BioShock Lim Ed. Tin Case thingyo �22


Orig Xbox Controller (Unofficial) �6
Wii Box �180

'k, that last one's a joke. Add �1 for P&P, regardless of how many things you wanna get. And if you yourself don't want it, find someone who might!

Also, tell me if you disagree with any of the prices. I didn't really do market research beforehand Smilie


So I disappeared for quite a while. Most people won't even know who I am. And those that do will just be depressed.



DChoir Tour 2007

Hey, another blog beginning with D...

So I went on a choir tour to the north of Spain. And it was fun. And now I'm back.

'k bye


So it was my birthday yesterday. But I couldn't get on the net to trumpet about it, so I'm a bit late.

I'm now 17, which means I can...wait. Another year yet.


Cubed3 Birthday!

Yah, I joined here a year ago. Smilie


Now Playing: Excite Truck
Now Listening to: There is Nothing Like - United
Now Watching: Scrubs, obv

So I had this idea which could potentially impact people in third world countries and kids in distress. I'm currently thinking about a way to help charity. My thinking is a clothing line that is cheap to manufacture but still "fashionable", with the proceeds going to two main places - Children in Need and NSPCC.

The "brand", if you like, would be bringer

All Work, no...Work

Now Playing: That game we call "Life"


Easter Holidays. Notoriously known for the fact that they're a few weeks before the start of the national exams. Crafy bastards over in that government place. Why Summer? Why not the Autumn after, when everything has had a chance to sink in?

Ah well.

Yeah, I've had so much work to do during this holiday it is flipping unbelievable. I have a job in the first place, and they're expecting me to be at every other function and silver-service dinner to cover for Emma who can't be bothered to think about others and just goes and selfishly has a baby. I mean, come on. Maternity leave? It's a joke! You give birth then you're away for about nine years.

So yeah, this has obviously affected the amount of time I've been putting into my school work, which is immense in the first place. I only have a few compositions to finish - a repertoire to learn for music - two oral presentations for French and Spanish, oh, and a whole anthology - to go over. Nothing much.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't clever. Sometimes I wish I'd come out dull and boring, left school at 16, gone onto some dead-end job that paid enough for me to uphold my internet addiction and that was it. But no. I'm going to Uni, and I'm paying for it now.

It must be FANTASTIC not having to get up and think - "Time to go to -insert learning establishment here-, better get ready". But I'm not jealous. I'm just tired.

Too. Much. Work.


Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz

Now Playing: Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz
Now Listening to: Lenny Kravitz

I've had this game since buying my Wii, and I've never really gotten into it, but now I set aside 30 mins each night to have a little blast at the single player game. I thought it was a really dull and average game at first, but boy oh boy was I wrong Smilie

Seriously, there is just something about getting to the 8th Level without dying once that makes me happy hehe. If you don't have this game and were ever thinking of getting it, I'd say yes Smilie

Profile Update

I'm sure most people aren't bothered, but I thought I'd say I've gone and updated my profile...MySpace style (everybody say "YUCK!")...Thats all.


(PS, if you can't find the link...well...)

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