Now, (hopefully) quite a few people here on C3 know that I am a Christian, and by no means am I ashamed of it...
Well, about an hour ago I got back home from a live album recording that I went up to take part in in a huge (4000+) church in Bradford (Abundant Life Church: England), and it was just amazing. I sang as part of the band because my church (Grace Family Church Liverpool) is networked with them. We recorded about 10 songs and had it all captured on camera so in about four or five months, the CD and DVD set will be released and, boy, will I be making people buy it ...I thought I'd just share with you all that it is possible to have an immense amount of fun at church...
...and that is exactly what I did, who is gonna buy the album and DVD, just because "dojo99" is on it? I'm looking at you, jb
Well...after almost 9 years of being glasses bound- I've finally got contacts! They hurt like hell at the moment, but hopefully in a few days I'll get used to them. Anybody else got lenses? I find (esp when playing my DS lite) that EVERYTHING is a lot brighter, and my eyes sometimes automatically dilate to stop me going blind...
Hey, its not really videogame related but I thought I'd share anyways
The people who made me happy-->vision express
Okay, the world of work is probably so dull and boring that a speck of lemon rind would be more interesting to quite a lot of you. - for some people - but I got a JOB! WOOH! Er, yeah. That's, uh, it.
But there is something special about it - I went to one of Liverpool's Museums on tuesday, enquired, got a form, gave it in on thurdsday, and started TODAY! Now either they were desperate, or I was just plain lucky.
I have the biggest feeling that most of you reading this will get a big welling up of adultfulness (its a word, look it up :sarcy and tell me I am stupid for being excited about what is basically monotony^2, but as I am still living with my family, I will soon have a grand and, uh, nothing to do with it! Yay!
Oh, and please don't bother commenting if you are gonna say something like "Just wait 10 years, and then see if you are excited about having a job" or "You are so st00pid! Just steal a bank!". Because I might cry inside.
I have had some sketches around my house for a while now and they basically took the mick out of some games related stuff. I now have about 30 of them and a "new" (but awful looking) website attempting to get them around. One of them was my sig for the past few days, you know, this one
Well the basic idea is that you have a really simple illustration and a little phrase afterwards to, er, make it funny. I really want to go somewhere with this and make a "GameTake" a known kind of thing. Of course, everything starts small, but thats good, methinks.
Here are some more of the ones that have survived the transition from paper to adobe illustrator CS2 to internet.
^^A great one, with a great one liner too
^^One that might show my negativity towards EA, but another one of my favourites
^^Ok, am I starting to look like a Nintendo fanboy?
Well, I do have some more but I don't wanna just shove them on the net willy nilly. Please tell me what you think of them, and if you want to see anymore just PM me or something. Oh, and the "swish, new" website is
I got my shiny new black DS lite today, but not how I expected to...
I prepared to say goodbye to my bought-on-day-of-release grey DS, and took of my stickers from ONM issue 1, deleted my username, personal message etc. I then got to gamestation and found something out- my friend was going to get me a DS game for my birthday
Well, it turns out that I spent the money that she was gonna use getting me a game towards the DS lite without the trade in, subsequently got a free game and had a *spare* DS.
What did I do? I let my friend have it . Now she is gonna get a DS lite soon, get more games and pass the original DS on to other peeps, spread the word of the DS and make some new game-heads. Influence? Yeah, I reckon. Before she met me she wasn't even interested in games. I hope you can be in the same situation, and give your old DSes away for a good cause, like boosting Ninty's profits. Will you do that? Will you?
Erm, I am slightly irritated.
You might have read my post in the capcom reveals nintendo plans article which you can read here -->
If not, here it is again-- (fyi the PS2 has 33 capcom titles coming its way)
After seeing this (PS2 with 33 more titles), and recently seeing Sega's plans to bring out another 30 or so PS2 titles, I really do get pissed off knowing that graphics are not an issue for GC porting, hell even audio isn't (both the GC and PS2 have Pro Logic II don't they?), and the ONLY factor that is the difference between 57ish more games being released for one system is the userbase.
Yes, it makes sense to release games on popular consoles, but I am certainly not going to shell out
Ok, so I will get bored of writing a journal entry every day. I presume that I will, anyway. I have just had a French Oral exam today. What question did I get?
Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire ce soir?
(What are you going to do tonight?)
Je vais lire les choses sur le sujet d'E3 sur Internet. Puis, je vais faire mes devoirs.
(I'm gonna read on the internet about E3, then I'm gonna do my homework)
On the brain all day. That is where E3 has been. Not in LA, but on my brain. Is it Sadness? Am I getting into a bit of a Wild Fire about this? Am I just going Bananas (blitzingly, ok, joke is dead)?
No, it is E3, so I have EVERY RIGHT to be a bit excited. I purposely wrote this before the Nintendo conference, as I think my typing fingers may be broken afterwards. Hey ho, its nearly here anyway (5.20 up in Liverpool at the moment)
Can't wait. Simple.
So, one more day. Tension? Excitement? It would take too long to describe my feelings. I know, you could say that I am sad for being so darn excited about something that I will merely read about on the internet, but E3 this year will be the tip of the iceberg that Nintendo wants to RAM up everybody's ars..enal to make sure we go out and get a Wii. I suppose I should really revise for my exams. And I suppose I should choose a more interesting name for the subject of my journal entry. I don't plan on writing this for people to start a pya topic- that is what I use the forum for- but I reckon it is kinda nice to tell you guys about where I am at. Whether you care, is a different matter.
Looking forward? Words cannot explain...just been to church...It was amazing...etc. I don't think being excited justifies anything...E3...woah...