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samus_boy's wishlist

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Dragon Blade: Wrath of Fire on Wii1) Dragon Blade: Wrath of FireAdd Dragon Blade: Wrath of Fire to your collection Add Dragon Blade: Wrath of Fire to your wishlist
Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon on Wii2) Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the MoonAdd Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon to your collection Add Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon to your wishlist
Guitar Hero 5 on Wii3) Guitar Hero 5Add Guitar Hero 5 to your collection Add Guitar Hero 5 to your wishlist
Monster Hunter Tri on Wii4) Monster Hunter TriAdd Monster Hunter Tri to your collection Add Monster Hunter Tri to your wishlist
Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers on Wii5) Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie SlayersAdd Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers to your collection Add Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers to your wishlist
Project Zero: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse on Wii6) Project Zero: Mask of the Lunar EclipseAdd Project Zero: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse to your collection Add Project Zero: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse to your wishlist
samus_boy wants 6 Wii games

Super Nintendo

Castlevania: Vampire's Kiss on Super Nintendo1) Castlevania: Vampire's KissAdd Castlevania: Vampire's Kiss to your collection Add Castlevania: Vampire's Kiss to your wishlist
Claymates on Super Nintendo2) ClaymatesAdd Claymates to your collection Add Claymates to your wishlist
Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures on Super NintendoIndiana Jones' Greatest Adventures3) Indiana Jones' Greatest AdventuresAdd Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures to your collection Add Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures to your wishlist
Lufia on Super Nintendo4) LufiaAdd Lufia to your collection Add Lufia to your wishlist
Seiken Densetsu 3 on Super Nintendo5) Seiken Densetsu 3Add Seiken Densetsu 3 to your collection Add Seiken Densetsu 3 to your wishlist
Soul Blazer on Super Nintendo6) Soul BlazerAdd Soul Blazer to your collection Add Soul Blazer to your wishlist
Terranigma on Super Nintendo7) TerranigmaAdd Terranigma to your collection Add Terranigma to your wishlist
samus_boy wants 7 Super Nintendo games

Nintendo DS

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn on Nintendo DS1) Golden Sun: Dark DawnAdd Golden Sun: Dark Dawn to your collection Add Golden Sun: Dark Dawn to your wishlist
Guitar Hero On Tour: Modern Hits on Nintendo DS2) Guitar Hero On Tour: Modern HitsAdd Guitar Hero On Tour: Modern Hits to your collection Add Guitar Hero On Tour: Modern Hits to your wishlist
samus_boy wants 2 Nintendo DS games

Nintendo 64

Banjo-Tooie on Nintendo 641) Banjo-TooieAdd Banjo-Tooie to your collection Add Banjo-Tooie to your wishlist
Conker's Bad Fur Day on Nintendo 642) Conker's Bad Fur DayAdd Conker's Bad Fur Day to your collection Add Conker's Bad Fur Day to your wishlist
samus_boy wants 2 Nintendo 64 games

Game Boy Color

Blaster Master: Enemy Below on Game Boy ColorBlaster Master: Enemy Below1) Blaster Master: Enemy BelowAdd Blaster Master: Enemy Below to your collection Add Blaster Master: Enemy Below to your wishlist
samus_boy wants 1 Game Boy Color game

Game Boy Advance

Golden Sun: The Lost Age on Game Boy Advance1) Golden Sun: The Lost AgeAdd Golden Sun: The Lost Age to your collection Add Golden Sun: The Lost Age to your wishlist
samus_boy wants 1 Game Boy Advance game

samus_boy wants 19 games in total.

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