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TipsyRabbit's wishlist

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Nintendo DS

Animal Crossing: Wild World on Nintendo DS1) Animal Crossing: Wild WorldAdd Animal Crossing: Wild World to your collection Add Animal Crossing: Wild World to your wishlist
Frogger: Helmet Chaos on Nintendo DS2) Frogger: Helmet ChaosAdd Frogger: Helmet Chaos to your collection Add Frogger: Helmet Chaos to your wishlist
Harvest Moon DS on Nintendo DS3) Harvest Moon DSAdd Harvest Moon DS to your collection Add Harvest Moon DS to your wishlist
Metroid Prime Hunters on Nintendo DS4) Metroid Prime HuntersAdd Metroid Prime Hunters to your collection Add Metroid Prime Hunters to your wishlist
SBK: Snowboard Kids on Nintendo DS5) SBK: Snowboard KidsAdd SBK: Snowboard Kids to your collection Add SBK: Snowboard Kids to your wishlist
Space Invaders Revolution on Nintendo DS6) Space Invaders RevolutionAdd Space Invaders Revolution to your collection Add Space Invaders Revolution to your wishlist
Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble on Nintendo DS7) Viewtiful Joe: Double TroubleAdd Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble to your collection Add Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble to your wishlist
TipsyRabbit wants 7 Nintendo DS games


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on GameCube1) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight PrincessAdd The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess to your wishlist
TipsyRabbit wants 1 GameCube game

Game Boy Advance

Mario vs. Donkey Kong on Game Boy AdvanceMario vs. Donkey Kong1) Mario vs. Donkey KongAdd Mario vs. Donkey Kong to your collection Add Mario vs. Donkey Kong to your wishlist
TipsyRabbit wants 1 Game Boy Advance game

TipsyRabbit wants 9 games in total.

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