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Conduit 2 on Wii1) Conduit 2Add Conduit 2 to your collection Add Conduit 2 to your wishlist
de Blob on Wii2) de BlobAdd de Blob to your collection Add de Blob to your wishlist
Eventful Journey! Pole's Big Adventure on Wii3) Eventful Journey! Pole's Big AdventureAdd Eventful Journey! Pole's Big Adventure to your collection Add Eventful Journey! Pole's Big Adventure to your wishlist
Okami on Wii4) OkamiAdd Okami to your collection Add Okami to your wishlist
Rayman Origins on Wii5) Rayman OriginsAdd Rayman Origins to your collection Add Rayman Origins to your wishlist
Super Mario Galaxy 2 on Wii6) Super Mario Galaxy 2Add Super Mario Galaxy 2 to your collection Add Super Mario Galaxy 2 to your wishlist
The Beatles: Rock Band on Wii7) The Beatles: Rock BandAdd The Beatles: Rock Band to your collection Add The Beatles: Rock Band to your wishlist
The Conduit on Wii8) The ConduitAdd The Conduit to your collection Add The Conduit to your wishlist
The House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return on Wii9) The House of the Dead 2 & 3 ReturnAdd The House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return to your collection Add The House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return to your wishlist
TAG wants 9 Wii games

TAG wants 9 games in total.

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