The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo Switch) - Official Topic

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29 days till we play this game. I actually cannot believe it, I'm so excited.

I just keep thinking about what I'll do when I first enter the world. I can easily see myself just exploring for a while and not really moving on with the story.

Nice little interview with Aonuma and Miyamoto.


Also, I'm curious which versions people on here will be getting. The Switch or Wii U?

( Edited 02.02.2017 13:05 by Marzy )

Switch. It's amazing how many people are buying the Switch just for Zelda. Watched Angry Joe talking about it and he's doing the same thing, and it made me think about how many people are actually doing that. We're effing crazy to be buying a console just for one game lol. But I'm fine with it. The convenience of playing a game like this in bed is too hard to pass up. It actually makes me think the game was designed around being portable, but it clearly wasn't.

Anyway, I'm still avoiding things like interviews and whatnot. I'm kinda annoyed about the minor details that I've stumbled upon simply due to headlines and titles of videos, but not much I can do when I spend time online.

Very much looking forward to it.

Yeah, going for Switch version also. It seems like the best version; with a much better draw distance, lighting changes and also a more steady frame-rate. Though that's based on comparisons to the older E3 build of the Wii U version.

I do think the Switch is going to be great for convenience and portability. Even though I've kind of lost some interest in handhelds, there's been a lot of times where I enjoyed just playing on the Wii U gamepad when sometimes I felt like playing in bed or at my desk. So I can totally see myself using a mixture of both the dock and handheld mode options.

There's definitely a lot more games I'm interested in though this year. Snipperclips, Splatoon 2 and Mario Odyssey being the big ones. I'm sure they'll be a few more that catch my interest. I may even pick up MK8 if it drops in price a lot.

15 days! Smilie

Naughty, that.

Good analysis on this game. Agree on many points.


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