Oh, hello! What's this all about then?
This, ladies and gentlemen, is Nintendo's first original Smartphone App/Game/Thing!
Really? Woah! You didn't answer my question though...
No need, the awesome Mr Riley goes over it in better detail than I ever could, take a gander over here; http://www.cubed3.com/preview/585/1/miitomo-apple-ios.html
TL ; DR, it's a social app that uses Miis between Facebook/twitter contacts to earn coins for My Nintendo discounts, and generate discussion between friends. Nintendo going social, yep its 2016!
Ah, I getcha. So what's this thread for if all the friend adding happens elsewhere?
Well, I figured it'd be nice to keep a list of Cubed3 buddies. Maybe post the odd image up every now and again for a giggle. Post with your twitter ID and I'll add it to the list below!
Twitter ID - C3 Username
@ThePhoenom - Phoenom (duh!)
( Edited 31.03.2016 15:04 by Phoenom )