Exclusive Interview | Edrox on New Wii U Survival Horror, Bizerta: Silent Evil

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Tip for all horror game developers. Restrict weapons/ammo, don't make it multiplayer, invest in the lighting and Sound. Have sections where its better to turn tail, run and hide. Don't include quick time events, they suck

^^ Exactly!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I agree with your points, Guest, but Shadows of the Damned did get released... I own it.

flower sun and rain (guest) 22.02.2015#3

and Fatal Frame IV. Though j-only

Loleta (guest) 22.02.2015#4

And out of all consoles you reach for Wii U , really ?
wow , this is like a doom circle for true survival horror games , why do good survival horror games has to stick to the Wii U only !? aren't they want money , do they want to help the survival horror genre by doing this ?
this is bad ,.. really really bad decision , Fatal frame series should comeback to all consoles regardless if Nintendo co-own the IP , Tecmo needs to do something .

Loleta (guest) said:
And out of all consoles you reach for Wii U , really ?
wow , this is like a doom circle for true survival horror games , why do good survival horror games has to stick to the Wii U only !? aren't they want money , do they want to help the survival horror genre by doing this ?
this is bad ,.. really really bad decision , Fatal frame series should comeback to all consoles regardless if Nintendo co-own the IP , Tecmo needs to do something .

I think the answer you're looking for is in the interview. The team would be developing the game at a loss if they stuck with Sony. If it comes down to making your game for just Wii U despite low console sales or risking your company going under before you can even release the game, I think most developers are going to stick with the former.

Also, this isn't an issue of install base anyway. Survival horror is a niche market. Has been for some time. That's why you saw Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Dead Space all shift heavily toward third-person shooter action later in their lifespans.

Fatal Frame in particular probably wouldn't greatly benefit from being multi-platform. For example, look at the series's sales numbers here: http://nintendoeverything.com/image-japanese-fatal-frame-sales-comparison/

The latest game, a Wii U exclusive, has almost matched the worldwide sales of the first game and the Wii remake of the second game, despite only being released in Japan. Compare it to only Japan sales, and it's the third best-selling game in the series. It beats out both Wii games, despite the Wii having a userbase of about 100 million compared to the Wii U's 10.

All that aside, the WIi U is setting itself up as the dream console for niche gamers. Several games or developers have survived on Wii U where they otherwise wouldn't exist (Bayonetta, Devil's Third, Fatal Frame) and, incidentally enough, most of them are M-rated games. This myth that Nintendo's consoles aren't for serious gamers or are only for little kids needs to die already.

As for survival horror, that's a beast of another color. It's hard to find anywhere. Silent Hills is shaping up to be amazing, but there really isn't much survival horror anymore, outside of indie games. Alien: Isolation performed extremely well for the genre, but wasn't big enough to keep Sega from taking an overall loss and shifting focus to their mobile department. Survival horror is too niche a genre for most companies to bother with, so the more we get on any platform, the happier I am.

Edit: Those are debut sales for Fatal Frame, not lifetime, my bad.

( Edited 22.02.2015 17:56 by crackedthesky )

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

^ Yeah, sorry, didn't know you meant just a Wii version. Never knew SOTD was planned and cancelled till I looked it up now. And not surprised not many people knew - it was never announced for Wii initially, and we only found that out until Suda came out and said so after it was cancelled. So I learned something knew today!

Hopefully something comes out of this Bizerta game. The name is pretty dumb, and right now it seems like extremely early engine assets and not actual gameplay. Guess it remains to be seen, but vibes of Sadness and stuff definitely do linger.

( Edited 22.02.2015 17:48 by Azuardo )

Ser2k2 (guest) 22.02.2015#7

They why xbox ones has Tom Raider and Playstation has Street Fighter V?

max (guest) 22.02.2015#8

i like the name bizerta, if you do some research guys you will find out that's a name of a city north Tunisia , i think this guy know exactly what he is doing 

Bizerta is all right. The "Silent Evil" part is a little gimmicky.

Interesting screenshots. I like the contrast between the blue and yellow, though it's a little too drab overall.

I'll be keeping an eye on this. Pretty excited to see where it goes.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

Yeah, it's the Silent Evil part that's a bit eye-rolling. No one will care about the name as long as it's a good game in the end, and I do hope it turns out as such.

Paul (guest) 05.12.2016#11

I'm assuming this never happened and never will, another promising wii u game that could have brought it up from the gutter, gone

Paul (guest) said:
I'm assuming this never happened and never will, another promising wii u game that could have brought it up from the gutter, gone

I forgot all about this. I just flicked through the dev's twitter, and he said in September 2016 that he hoped to release it this year and that it would stay Wii U exclusive, even after the Switch reveal. There's some in-game gifs and screens on there, but I still don't get the impression it's something that will end up released. Will be nice if it does, but looks like a lot of work for a tiny team to complete.

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