Yeah I want him back.
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Yeah I want him back.
@Nuneso... ok... can you come online?
@Nuneso... He is ready for you to take back
@Nuneso... thnx man
Hey I have a Palkia with a 1 IV timid nature for a victini.
nah... thnx anyway
i got someone getting me a 6 IV Palkia
@Jordan... i finished cloning your Luxray... its ready to go home
Ok Cool . I'm ready whenever
k i can get on now
@Cantupac... i got your 2 cloned an ready to go home also
Hi IrishMac you probably know me already,can i have the 1st Charizard that is holding the Charizardite Y,the 18th Heatran and the 19th Girantina,would appreciate it.
My friend code :1692-1927-0250
( Edited 28.01.2014 10:58 by ZyvalceusXMecha )
@Zyvalceus... what do you have to offer?
Hey IrishMac, are you willing to take trades on white/black (1 or 2) as payment for your clones on X/Y? I've got much more appealing pokes on that then my X and I doubt you'd be interested in my X pokes. If not, I'll get back to you after bank sees and actual release...
@Swedish... if you wanna hit me up when bank comes out that would work... i dont really use my White 2 :/ sorry
Sounds good man, it's frustrating because my collection of shinies and perfect natures/IVs is stuck on a TBD release date...
Regardless, concerning my X, all i have thats fairly decent is
Staraptor (not shiny :/)
lvl 79
1 IV Speed
Jolly Nature
EV trained in speed and attack, knows Close Combat, Bravebird, Fly, and U-turn.
Everything else thus far is (more) lackluster so i'll hit you up after bank!
Any chance I could get a Genesect or Mewtwo? Got a Shiny Aegislash, 5IV Jolly non shiny Dratini, 5IV non shiny Kangaskahn
FC: 1075-1139-2592
IGN: Wads
( Edited 28.01.2014 23:13 by Wads )
Willing to trade xerneas for mew or even my articuno!
Friend code:
let me clarify- I meant I want mew sorry!
willing to trade my x legendary - xerneas or my articuno
Hi, my friend code is 3883 5404 9374
I have flawless adamant talonflame with quick guard, flawless jolly kangaskhan, flawless icicle crash adamant mamoswine, flawless timid telepathy gardevoir, modest 5 iv rotom, and flawless vivilon.
I was interested in the first charizard, and the timid charmander, the shiny ditto,
5 IV Timid
Not Shiny
5 IV Mild
Non shiny
Hey IrishMac can you clone my shiny toxicroak.I'll be on the chat every day.
My friend code :1692-1927-0250
Shiny genasect 2 ivs lv 100 jpn