added you, Josiah, fc: 0104-0412-1430
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added you, Josiah, fc: 0104-0412-1430
I honestly think that I have added everyone since page 10! Reply to me if I did not.
Add 1160 9956 5756 Spencer
MacNuzlocke said:
I don't know what type i have..4441 - 9507 - 3178.
I'm going to add some people above and below!
added. mine is: Nate --- 2552-1661-4865
George_no7 said:
Added all of the most recent
2707-1642-5682 Scott (shows up as Megan)
added you
4742-5944-4055 fc
MacNuzlocke said:
I don't know what type i have..4441 - 9507 - 3178.
I'm going to add some people above and below!
Added by Spencer
Add me 1160 9956 5756
It's not letting me quote so let me know if you add me fire is my type
added above add 4399 0060 5705
MacNuzlocke said:
I don't know what type i have..4441 - 9507 - 3178.
I'm going to add some people above and below!
Added, my FC is 5198 3053 3481
MacNuzlocke said:
I don't know what type i have..4441 - 9507 - 3178.
I'm going to add some people above and below!
DaGreatDelibird said:JohnJohn said:
Can someone add me please John fc4484-9013-5922 let me know who you are thanx
added you4742-5944-4055 add me please
JohnJohn said:
Can everybody add me too please John FCC 4484-9013-5922 thank
nicktimchula said:
larvesta, growilthe, and ninetales!! Add me!
all added please add me back 0404-6547-9416
hey steph, is your list full?
FC: 5413-0553-7858
Dark: Vullaby, Cacturn, & Sableye.
InuJames said:
hey steph, is your list full?FC: 5413-0553-7858
Dark: Vullaby, Cacturn, & Sableye.
Added, my FC is 5198 3053 3481
Can someone add me please John fc4484-9013-5922 let me know who you are thanx
added you4742-5944-4055 add me please
nicktimchula said:
Add me
added you
4742-5944-4055 my fc
Everybody please add me too FC 4484-9013-5922 John thank and let me know who u are
added you, Josiah fc: 0104-0412-1430
Anyone who has added me reply to this
JZ said:
All added! My FC is 4656 - 6505 - 7937
ign is JZ, have steel types - Skarmory, Ferroseed, and ?
Added in 3239 3626 0096
JohnJohn said:
Everybody please add me too FC 4484-9013-5922 John thank and let me know who u are
Zippy0201 said:
Hey I added you can you add me back?0576-4814-0966
added 0404-6547-9416
InuJames said:
hey steph, is your list full?FC: 5413-0553-7858
Dark: Vullaby, Cacturn, & Sableye.
Added by Spencer
Add me 1160 9956 5756
john added 4399 0060 5705
Type Fire
charmeleon, Pansear, ninetales
message me when you add me or email me at [email protected]. I will add anyone.
Zippy0201 said:
Anyone who has added me reply to this0576-4814-0966
( Edited 23.10.2013 21:26 by DaGreatDelibird )
Can everybody add me too FC 4484-9013-5922 John thanx
Hey there!
I'm @ 1822-0250-5880 you can call me Mik, Mickey Or Gowombat
Sadly, I don't know my safari type yet. sorry.
Macnuzlocke and zippy added. My FC is 1349-5169-3568
(42 Votes)