Luigi's Mansion 2? Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon?

Nintendo fans rejoice, because no matter which title you got, another Nintendo classic is among us! The game released pretty much worldwide last week and I'm sure many of you are already getting stuck into Luigi's latest erm, tragedy? Poor guy, if only he was having as much fun in there as we are playing his game!

I have so much to say about this little piece of gaming greatness, much of which has already been echoed in C3's review. Arguably unlike Paper Mario's 3DS entry, Luigi's Mansion 2 takes everything that was great about the original, and does a whole bunch of new great stuff. This is a game that just keeps on giving and giving until you can't believe it still has more to give, but believe me when I say it does.
What was once a little gimmicky Gamecube launch game to keep us going til Super Mario Sunshine has become right at home as a frankly amazing sequel on the 3DS.
How have your mansion explorations been going thus far, C3ers?