add me and message me when you do
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:15 by Guest )
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add me and message me when you do
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:15 by Guest )
hey my friend code is 0516 7904 4368 I would appreciate a swap for safari, looking for a ditto safari specifically but i consider it more of a bonus ^^
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:15 by Guest )
If anyone could give me your friend code, I would appreciate it. Mine is 4184-2472-7525
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:15 by Guest )
FC is 1005-9782-5003 lmk if you add me so i can add back!
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:15 by Guest )
0361-7517-1488 no friends added yet pm me ur friend code pls
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:15 by Guest )
Please add me, This is my FC 3496-9508-6312
I have Pawniard, Sneasel and Sableye in my Safari ^^
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:16 by Guest )
You duuudes!!
I've got Articuno and I need Zapdos and Moltres and also Xerneas for my Pokedex!
I dont wanna keep them just straight swap!!!
Please add me
Ive added all of you in this page!!
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:16 by Guest )
fc: 1693-1514-3846
message me so i can add u
btw sarafi is poison
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:16 by Guest )
My friend code is 3926-5636-6338
Message me so i can add you
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:16 by Guest )
aready beat the game, you can add me c: idk what my pokemon type is though but its okay
Name: LilChizu
FriendCode: 3411 1417 5116
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:16 by Guest )
He will be a fire and physic type
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:16 by Guest )
Add me m fc is 3609-1932-0191
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:16 by Guest )
Any 3DS friend around to help me? I'm looking to evolve my Rhydon to Rhyperior. I have it already into a Rhydon lvl 42 with a protector attached, I just need to trade it and get it back to make it evolve
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:16 by Guest )
Ill help if you still need it, I dont have you on there though whats your friend code, I cba scrolling back through the pages haha
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:16 by Guest )
It's on my profile and in that list of registered players which is conveniently displayed on top of each page of this thread . If you communicate yours I can add you and vice versa, if only for Friend Safari (I don't even know what's in mine though, I haven't looked into that too much yet)
Mr. Sirlink here has already helped me register the entries of several Pokémon which evolve through trading .
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:16 by Guest )
Sorry for the late reply, got a little to into a Link between worlds, will do it now, my FC is 3497-0026-4300.
While were at it is there any others you're after inparticular before we trade back, I'll have a quick look in my boxes to check If I have it It's been a while since I was on the game.
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:16 by Guest )
i am looking to trade a shiny Blastoise for a shiny (male) Axew i have the mega stone for it i will trade that for a shiny Kabuto - Joltic - Zorua - Spinarak - Durant or a shiny Heatmor any one of those but i can make a deal for both if the shiny male axew has good IVs like attack and defence. my fc is 4399-0318-4962 i know others would ask for legendary pokemon but i wont.
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:16 by Guest )
Yo dudes!!
I need Zapdos & Xerneas for my pokedex! Straight swap though! Im not interested in keeping them.. unless you want to get rid of them!!!
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:17 by Guest )
I had a Zapdos but swapped it for a Moltres on the GTS, and then swapped the Moltres for a Articuno, still on the GTS, which I intend to keep.
So can't "show" you a Zapdos, but if you have a Yveltal to "show" me, I can "show" you a Xerneas, no prob!
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:17 by Guest )
Yes Rudy!!
I tend to believe people in here more than the Randomers you meet online which usually dont tend to send you Pokemon back!
Ill add you now!!
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:17 by Guest )
I'll add you in just a few minutes. We can meet online right away if you're available
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:17 by Guest )
Rudy I added you a while ago, register my friend code please do you still need help getting the Rhyperion because I still need to see it myself.
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:17 by Guest )
Sorry Im_Neutral, I'll add you too! I don't need help with that specifically anymore but if you need being shown one, or if you want your own, send me a rhydon carrying a protector and I can send it back
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:18 by Guest )
Sorry Zapp my Wi-Fi is acting up, I'll try again.
EDIT: Oh well you're offline now, but next time I see you online, I'll hit you up again .
Im_Neutral, I added you back now .
( Edited 13.07.2017 19:18 by Guest )
(42 Votes)