justonesp00lturn said:
I actually give GameFreak a lot of credit. They're good at changing just enough to keep things fresh, and not changing so much that they lose really any of their fanbase.This is actually why I think the environments in X and Y are so DS-like, similar to the way Ocarina 3D upped the graphics a little but not nearly as much as it could have. I don't think they want to go into full-blown 3D instantly, they's easing into it.
I agree. With an extremely popular franchise like it, it's a risky move to do drastic changes. Some fans may complain but in the end those are just a small part of the amount of people who are buying the games. I don't mind the approach they're taking because it makes sense from a business perspective, though I wish other studios were given the franchise for home consoles. Pokémon is a massive brand and even most spin-offs are on handhelds, so why not take advantage of its popularity on home consoles too? Just makes no sense to me.
Phoenom said:
Another thought. Digital or Retail people? I usually end up trading in my Pokemon games when a newer one comes out so it'l be physical for me. ^^
Retail for sure. Animal Crossing: New Leaf is really the only game I want in a digital format right now because I'll be playing that daily for a very, very long time, while I tend to play Pokémon a ton after it comes out and then slowly stop playing it when I achieved everything I wanted to.