Pokémon X and Pokémon Y (3DS) - Official Thread

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Discuss Pokémon X and Y (Nintendo 3DS), news, the latest pictures and videos!

User Poll - Who will/did you pick as your starter?

Chespin is the way to go!
I'm gonna pick Fennekin!
I think I'll go with Froakie
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Pokémon X and Pokémon Y for Nintendo 3DS, out now!
It's finally here! Finally a 3DS Pokémon game, finally the battles are all 3D in a cool and characterful cel-shaded style!

Adding your Pokémon X and Pokémon Y 3DS friend code

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Click here to add your Pokémon X and Y friend code and get started! Your friend code will then automatically be added to our list of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y players!

Then you can enter the live chatroom and post in this topic!


Announcement Trailer:


May 2013 Trailer:


  • New Region, Kalos, based on France! A huge, diverse, star-shaped region!
  • New Pokémon, new starters look great!
  • Fully 3D!
  • Customizable Trainer! (change their race and clothes)
  • Finally, moving diagonally!
  • Worldwide release in October 2013!! GET HYPE!

Your new Starters! Froakie, Fennekin and Chespin!

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Post screenshots, friend codes and discuss the games here! What do you guys think? Are you as excited as I am?!

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

We really need a "What starter are you going to pick?" poll somewhere around here. I really, really want to see how Fennekin's evolved forms will look like. Ninetales was beautiful but too weak for me to use in any game. Hoping it'll end up looking equally as awesome and maybe even get a cool second type, like Psychic or Ghost. That would be a real nice change after three Fire/Fighting starters in a row.

Any guesses what the second move it uses in the trailer could be? Purple usually indicates either of those two types, but it might just be a fancy Growl attack.

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

After trying to figure it out for ages I added a poll, yay!

Fennekin looks very Japanese, a lot moreso than Ninetails, I'm really looking forward to seeing any of these in their evolved forms.. I mean, Chespin (my choice so far!) Is a weird little thing, his evos must be a total mystery!

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Anyone questioned the names yet? Obviously the legendaries resemble the letters but could it also be a clever move by Game Freak/Nintendo? X, Y and possibly Z as a third game, each standing for an axis...3 dimensions, on the 3DS.

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

As long as Fennekin doesn't somehow turn into another fire-fighting hybrid type like the last 3 gens, I'll choose that.

Actually excited for this Smilie.

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

SirLink said:
Anyone questioned the names yet? Obviously the legendaries resemble the letters but could it also be a clever move by Game Freak/Nintendo? X, Y and possibly Z as a third game, each standing for an axis...3 dimensions, on the 3DS.

Well actually yes! I was gonna make a post about my specualtions but I forgot oops.

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Take a look at the Japanese logos, they got Double Helixes in them. That as well as the X and Y of the names, and the colouring of the logos and legies leads me to believe Gen6 will be DNA focused.

Actually, since finishing BW2 I've really liked the Fusion mechanic of Kyurem, infact, when I saw "Who will Kyurem be fused with?" when I went to fuse it with Zekrom I wondered, "is this going to be something you can do with other Pokémon?"

That's what I think is going on here with XY; I think we're gonna see Pokémon fusions and maybe even more to do with HOW Pokémon evolve or change! The axis thing also works.

Also the new Legies look based on the letter X and the letter Y.

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red Y
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blue X when he stands with his legs apart

Also gotta wonder if Deoxys will be involved in some way, maybe connect in to a possible Gen3 remake.

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I have a theory. Since this is the first 3D games in the series, it means the team will have to be working with the XYZ axis formula.
And the The X axis is straight across the earth = the X mascot is surrounded by an earthy forest 
Plus the Y axis is straight up and keeps going almost like the sky = the Y mascot is in the sky 
I theorize that the Z mascot is a third Dimensional Being  
This allows for my theory to be very possible 
I hope it is i hope I'm right

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

Changed the topic title to reflect an interesting tidbit I hadn't noticed yet!

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I just.. assumed the word "Version" would be in the title. Whoda thunk! Pokémon X and Pokémon Y sound quite cool as they are.

DogofWar said:
I have a theory. Since this is the first 3D games in the series, it means the team will have to be working with the XYZ axis formula.
And the The X axis is straight across the earth = the X mascot is surrounded by an earthy forest 
Plus the Y axis is straight up and keeps going almost like the sky = the Y mascot is in the sky 
I theorize that the Z mascot is a third Dimensional Being  
This allows for my theory to be very possible 
I hope it is i hope I'm right

I think it's very plausible too! The interesting thing about Pokémon naming recently is all the little ways they reference it or use it, like in Black & White.

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Does Chespin look like a water version of Oshawott to anyone but me? Aha, but I can picture his evolutions looking awesome. But I'd go with Froakie! Can't wait for X and Y!

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

ScreamoPichu said:
Does Chespin look like a water version of Oshawott to anyone but me? Aha, but I can picture his evolutions looking awesome. But I'd go with Froakie! Can't wait for X and Y!

(you mean a Grass version right? Smilie )I can see that yeah, Chespin is the most bizarre of the bunch for sure.

I only just clicked that Chespin is like some mix between a Chestnut and a hedgehog! Very clever.

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( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Just woke up, took a quick leisurely browse to Nintendo of Europe's website to watch the video.

...boring 7 minute recap...

Ah, here we go..


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Okay, slightly dodgy-looking overworld and what looks to be that feckin-4-way-movement-yet-again-for-gods-sake-gamefreak, this looks incredible. Smilie No need for big console stadium/coliseum games any  more if the handheld ones can keep this layer of graphical ability.

Also, every territory release at once? Jesus. That practically confirms an eShop simultaneous release, no way they'd be able to produce enough cartridges otherwise. 


( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

Phoenom said:
this looks incredible. Smilie No need for big console stadium/coliseum games any  more if the handheld ones can keep this layer of graphical ability.

Agreed! Hopefully the WiiU will be able to do something else entirely now that Stadium/Battle Revolution is practically redundant, is it ok to still hope for console RPGs? Hmm.

Also, every territory release at once? Jesus. That practically confirms an eShop simultaneous release, no way they'd be able to produce enough cartridges otherwise. 


I'm expecting sellouts, and probably huge server issues with so many people trying to download it! Pokémon is the kind of game that people will want to take with them wherever they go, definitely perks to owning a digital version (gonna stick with physical myself, I wonder if the carts or boxes will look cool Smilie )
Infact, I expect a massive increase in 3DS', 3DS game and eShop sales after this hits.

Random speculation, but when the game comes out, people who take analogue control in 3D games for granted are going to be very shocked when they find this game is grid-based again, especially with people who wanted to avoid Pokémon until it went 3D.I wonder if the outcry will persuade GameFreak to finally do away with grid-based play for Gen7, or maybe even latter games of Gen6.

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'll probably go with the fire type again, with a vain hope that it won't evolve into a Fighting monster again. Smilie

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

Phoenom said:
I'll probably go with the fire type again, with a vain hope that it won't evolve into a Fighting monster again. Smilie

I agree, it's certainly not the type of foxy boxer I want to see...

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

Gif time!

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Badass. Can't wait to see this in 3D. Smilie

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

So Fennekin's Japanese name is Fokko? No wonder they changed that! I'm glad they're putting effort into a worldwide release, it means less chance for spoilers!

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

I've seen talk that the starters might get a new type triangle in addition to Grass/Fire/Water. Notice how they show two attacks for each starter? One of their obvious type but then a second one, possibly Dark for Chespin, Psychic for Fennekin and Fighting for Froakie by the looks of the animations.

It would make perfect sense, because then each type could counter the starter that it would normally be weak too. Grass/Dark against Fire/Psychic, Fire/Psychic against Water/Fighting and Water/Fighting against Grass/Dark. What do you guys think? I'd love to see that, partly because Fire and Psychic are my favourite types.

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

Where's the Chespin love! Smilie Looks like I picked the Oshawott of this gen, I'm sure people will love Chespy eventually!

Also, new info!

  • In addition to existing Pokemon, there will be a large number of completely new Pokemon. The additions will bring the total number of Pokemon in the franchise from the current 649 to over 700.
  • Because of Pokemon X and Y, the Pokemon anime, movies, card game, and merchandise will "break into a new dimension."
  • People around the world will be able to simultaneously experience "Real Play." (I'm assuming this is referring to the game's global October release.)
  • The game will utilize the 3DS to its maximum abilities to leverage its overwhelmingly beautiful presentation.
  • The game uses an innovative communication system that makes it feel as if you are playing with other players around the world.
  • The bonds between players and Pokemon will deepen, and Pokemon will become stronger with the new battle structure.
  • Everyone will enjoy the game's scenario and music.

From here.

I bolded what I feel to be particularly interesting, especially for those who want to know more before they get hyped. I hope we get info on these soon! The biggest thing imo is, will there be overworld CoOp? Will you be able to play multiplayer with other people and have them show up in real time in your world whenever you want? Would be amazing.

Also, the bit in italics I found funny. Because well... it really doesn't look like it's pushing the 3DS to its limits to me, as nice as it looks.

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
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( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

The legendaries' names have been revealed.

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Certainly keeping in theme with the games. Smilie

Have been giving this a fair bit of thought, but is anyone else highly optimistic about X and Y's worldwide release in particular, and what it could mean for other 3DS games? Aside from boosting the userbase and giving more games a bigger crowd to come over to, a highly positive reception (and possibly higher sales) might motivate other japanese companies to try localizing alongside development as opposed to the usual latter before former. Atlus badly need to take notice of this.

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

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( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

This is how I imagine GameFreak company meetings to actually go.

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I actually give GameFreak a lot of credit. They're good at changing just enough to keep things fresh, and not changing so much that they lose really any of their fanbase.

This is actually why I think the environments in X and Y are so DS-like, similar to the way Ocarina 3D upped the graphics a little but not nearly as much as it could have. I don't think they want to go into full-blown 3D instantly, they's easing into it.

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

Here's a thought. Will there be fainting animations? Have never seen them in a mainline handheld Pokemon game. Jigglypuff's deflating-like-a-balloon was awesome in Pokemon Stadium, hopefully there are some more equally creative ones. Smilie

Another thought. Digital or Retail people? I usually end up trading in my Pokemon games when a newer one comes out so it'l be physical for me. ^^

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

I'm hoping for fainting animations too, I'm wondering how animations will be effected by environment, certain hits, water, etc..

And actually, while I almost always go for physical, a digital Pokémon game would be so handy.. I mean, I always play Pokémon games, regularly, sometimes in little blasts, sometimes for long amounts of time, carrying the games around with me everywhere can be a pain.
For the first time, I might get a digital release!

( Edited 30.10.2017 01:35 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

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