I wonder why HAL Laboratory isn't involved with this? Well as long as Project Sora is directing it, it should turn out good.
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I wonder why HAL Laboratory isn't involved with this? Well as long as Project Sora is directing it, it should turn out good.
I could actually see pac-man fitting in the ssb universe, aside from him maybe Nightmare or Mitsurugi from soulcalibur and jin or kazuya from the tekken series. I'm expecting the roster for this title to have atleast 7-10 more characters than what was in SSBB.
I would love to see more names who touched the fighting game genre like Katsuhiro Harada, Yoshinori Ono, and Takashi Nishiyama get in and help with this game. Seeing people like that come together on a party fighter like SSB would make fans of the fighting genre take another look at SSB being considered as a true "fighter".
One could only dream though.
I believe the prefect N-B representative to be Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia, as that game is the strongest seller of the series and has already seen a sequel exclusive to Nintendo hardware. Plus he's an extremely popular option for Brawl hackers, that has to count for something.
Hmmmm I wonder what Bamco characters will make the cut? Here's hoping for Lei Chaolan!!
Phoenixus said:
I believe the prefect N-B representative to be Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia, as that game is the strongest seller of the series and has already seen a sequel exclusive to Nintendo hardware. Plus he's an extremely popular option for Brawl hackers, that has to count for something.
Smash Bros x Jump Ultimate Stars? ;D Completely impossible, but would probably be my dream game. XD
I'd be happy with the inclusion of Lloyd Irving. ^_^
Oh nice, Namco Bandai. I wonder if this means there will only be a limited number of copies printed and the prices will skyrocket on eBay/Amazon.
Obviously I know the publisher will be Nintendo, just trying to make fun of how Namco only produce a small amount of copies of the Tales games.
( Edited 22.06.2012 09:48 by Mush123 )
Here's hoping they return to Melee style gameplay.
Oh god... I think I mite be the only one that's a bit pessimistic about this... I like Namco but theyre not what they use to be and last few tekken games have beeb pooop... as long as Sakurai/Nintendo stay in control and dont give namco too much freedom hopefully with characters aswell... I dont really wanna see too many 3rd party characters on this...!!
Nintendo_Maniac said:
Oh god... I think I mite be the only one that's a bit pessimistic about this... I like Namco but theyre not what they use to be and last few tekken games have beeb pooop... as long as Sakurai/Nintendo stay in control and dont give namco too much freedom hopefully with characters aswell... I dont really wanna see too many 3rd party characters on this...!!
I think it's just that Sakurai needed a bigger team than Project Sora, so of course he'll be in control.
Sort of like how Retro helped with Mario Kart 7.
( Edited 22.06.2012 16:52 by Stulaw )
Lets hope so Stu! Coz like many many many fans out there im looking forward to this sooo much!!
Just got me thinking actually we prob wont see this game til late 2013 if were lucky maybe even 2014!!
Also I wonder what Project Sora must be working on next... Kid Icarus U ...
( Edited 22.06.2012 16:56 by Nintendo_Maniac )
Most of the team will be working on Smash Bros, Sakurai's already said he doesn't know if anyone will make another Kid Icarus game in the near future.
Sakurai will be the director of this game, so basically everything he says goes. If Namco want to drastically change something, they will have to consult Sakurai about it first.
Sakurai says the prototype is working great, so they must be doing a good job.
Idk, I have very similar thoughts as Nintendo Maniac. This is worrysome to say the least. Namco seems like such a random company to work with.
Nintendo_Maniac said:
Lets hope so Stu! Coz like many many many fans out there im looking forward to this sooo much!!
Just got me thinking actually we prob wont see this game til late 2013 if were lucky maybe even 2014!!
Also I wonder what Project Sora must be working on next...Kid Icarus U ...
Late 2014 is asking a lot, tbh. This game is going to take ages. Remember, they're making one for Wii U AND 3DS.
bornforthis43 said:
Idk, I have very similar thoughts as Nintendo Maniac. This is worrysome to say the least. Namco seems like such a random company to work with.
I want more female characters in it. Ivysaur and ZSuit Samus were the only real additions to the Smash Sisters cast.
off topic but bugs me. why is sonic Photoshopped in?
He said it will start from brawl and work off of that but I'm still kind of scared they'll revert back to melee. There's too many people asking for it for whatever reason and I'm just not a fan of the skilless combos that melee had.