future game concepts

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basically i heard rumors of a 3ds copy of majora's mask and i want it so much so i thought what would you all like to see i.e. what game concepts can you think of or what games would you like to see (remake or new) so post your ideas and box art images and stuff this is totally open.SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie8)SmilieSmilie :p

also on the poll what is the best type of video game style?

Pc for the win! but nintendo make it best for me in the console market add my on skype if you wanna rant / chat about nintendo or anything and follow my deviantart (the-broken-0ne)

Well I know FPS is the most POPULAR however I really like Fighters, Racers, Platformers, Action Adventure & Action games like Ninja Gaiden. I suppose the only "style" that can truely be deemed as the best would be effort to make a game fun & not seem broken or frustrating. There are SOOOOO many styles that it's the effort of the devs that make it good or not.

As far as the Majora's Mask remake for 3DS that's just a rumor that Nintendo has discounted as "not planned for so far". I think that Zelda Fire & Zelda Ice games are most likely, given the push Nintendo is making with the Street Pass & connect/collect with people around you mindset.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Aonuma has previously stated that Majora's Mask 3D is not out of the question and it is something he would love to happen at some point. He as also said that he'd like an original Zelda game on the 3DS first though. I'm looking forward to both. Smilie

Old Resident Evil style cameras with new Resi aiming. But that won't happen cos we're in the future now

Simes said:
Old Resident Evil style cameras with new Resi aiming. But that won't happen cos we're in the future now
We've had Revelations which is basically the atmosphere of older Resident Evil games combined with the camera/controls of modern Resident Evil games. If you haven't picked it up already, you probably should.. providing that you have a 3DS, of course. Smilie Definitely one of my favourite RE games to date.

If you look at the video for what Capcom WAS going to do for RE4 that's what they did. Walking around used the static camera then it'd snap behind Leon upon drawing your weapon. I'd like to see how well that would work...

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I'm kind of confused at the thread. If you want to know whether we want Majora's Mask redux, or what kinds of genres we want in the future? If the former - of course, if the latter, I would like to see genres that do not exist today.

But with how many aspects games hwve covered over the years is there anything really left...?

One idea I had was a real life simulator (but trsvel is shorter & time passes quicker obviously) where you start as a runaway from a broken abusove home at the age of 12, you'd have to survive with the help of in game friends & neighbors, you'd be tasked with making it through life, possibly some area owning aspects through either legal means such as owning a property management company or being in a gang & taking over...I haven't really gotten much farther than that but the game would be in real life locals. The maps & areas would match real places like Phoenix Arizona or Liverpool, where ever you set your birth place & would end with you owning the town or if you play efficiently enough own the entire state or region.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I know, I find it basically impossible to imagine a new genre. Still, cleverer people than us invented new genres back in the day that I could never have imagined then. I guess the law of diminishing returns kicks in and what you'd get is some kind of hyper-fusion of loads of different genres rather than something wholly-new. Or something.

Fuck knows. Perhaps new technology which properly taps into senses other than sight and sound (force feedback doesn't really count, if you ask me). If you could smell the game, etc etc. We're talking about really hyperbolic, probably impractical technologies here. You'd either have to have some full-body apparatus, or something which taps directly into your brain (which I would never trust).

Your idea is interesting, but I don't think it's practical. Developers can't even accurately replicate one whole city, let-alone several (or the whole planet, as you seem to suggest). I think the best part of your idea is the 12-year old runaway from a broken home bit.

A great storyline could be constructed around that. I'm not sure what kind of gameplay you'd have, though. Maybe something Shenmue-esque, but without all the kung-fu? It's a difficult one. Once you go into those kind of deeply serious areas, there's a serious risk that gameplay elements cheapen the concept, and/or the game comes off as being offensive (not in a cool Rockstar way). A life sim seems a little long-term and mightily boring, to me at least.

Still, I like the idea of having much more hard-hitting storylines that go beyond the usual video game idiom of space marines, magical kingdoms, protagonists who can only solve problems with violence, etc. It's a central problem in gaming, in my opinion, and something that's really holding us back from that 'next step'.

The vast majority of games involve one or a mixture of the following as core gameplay concepts: killing/destroying things, arranging things, fetching things, being faster than others, yadda yadda. When you have such a personable story like you mentioned, these gameplay structures just don't seem to fit the idea all too well, nor with the motivations of the character.

I'm yammering now. Before gaming really grows up into something all humans value, it might just have to surpass the term 'gaming' and turn into something like 'a virtual experience'.

I love Zelda as much as the next guy but for some reason I could never get in to Majora's Mask. Maybe it's because the first Zelda game I played was A Link To The Past so maybe I'm hard wired to only like similar Zelda game play? At any rate I welcome any Zelda re-releases!


Because I care...

...enought to be overwhelmed by a compulsion

I think you mean "more clever"

@vorash: a classic idea, unfortunately, wildly impossible

@op: how about a good game like heavy rain

Heavy rain was the first ever good game, we were told, because rather than be about killing people (which is what it was about curiously) it would be about charcters, you know, like narratives used to be about before gun fetishism in movies.

Before john wayne

And it would have all these meaningful choices

You, know, like a text adventure. Or those interactive novels where you have to turn it to the correct page.

I suppose the logic diagram involved is much different in 3D. The 3d viuals just make it much harder to achieve and result in an entirely different logic diagram whcih is why we never saw a good game until the ps3 came along

Still, the last of us looks good (because I am stupid and just say: "yes what the guy next to me said". I suppose finally (as many others have said) the last of us will see our hobby graduate into an artform because of the overwhelming power of the PS3, it is important to have a third of the sillicon of the wii U if you want grunt.

Those DF guys are pros right martin? They really are, it takes some skill to spin the GPU story that came out a few days ago as a negative story but they managed it.

Of course, the info wasn't new, Neogaf have known that the wii U graphics card has as many transistors as 3 xbox gpus combined since launch but you'd have to be well informed to know that right?

The PS3 is more powerful than the xbox so not 3 PS3 gpus, no, don't be ridiculous the PS3 has the cell processor silly, that's why it's so good. Not the 256MB gpu

6 year old tech right? I know it's a conspiracy, nintendo are just so evil they even steal off children, aren't sega and nintendo bad for actually making games and having many IPs

I suppose we should give our money to microsoft and sony who are the good guys with all their development teams and ips and just let nintendo die like sega, it's not like they're making the wii and wii U because we failed to support the powerful GC because of how good all the mature games on ps2 were (no, not the anime-style japanese games, they weren't the good games on ps2 didn't you watch the adverts?)

That way if we give all our money to microsoft we'll definately get loads of good games out of it, hey, we could give it to sony and we'd get really good adverts instead and be cool at the same time

it is important to be mature right? And because mature=hardcore that explains why sony has been the home of hardcore games since 1996 not like nintendos kiddy, unhardcore zelda game majora's mask whcih true connoiseurs know is crap really.

like uncharted, that's a good IP, and I'm sure the last of us will be just as good, gosh isn't everyone online so cleverer, they've definately got all their shit straight

^so much sarcasm and upside down and then again and then down a rabbit hole

actually@op: this is my game idea, it's called: The city of london is decadent and depraved

Because I am cleverer I have come up with a new genre: murdersim

It's like dayZ except, unlike postal, the point of the game is to kill people: londoners, the more politically incorrect kill the higher the points

howzat? and sorry for the hijack attempt, I know forums are not buses. I should get my head checked.

EDIT: it's not trolling if you don't reply, that way you can just chew it, you know, just have a good old chew you nasty old troll and think about it, think about why you hang around here, perhaps it's because you needed it,

It's absolutely fine, don't worry, I like helping people, I don't go around being an internet hardman or anything, helping people always takes priority.

I should just stop, I'm never as funny as I think I am because of all the right people on the internet, they always tell me about rightness, suspiciously violently, I have a theory about those people, you know the ones easily swayed by adverts who all bought ps2s in the GC days because of issues with their masculinity.

My theory is that they are the same people I would consistently beat at MK et al. Just butthurt, no-one likes to hear they just paid 500 quid for a shit console. Thank god that the PS4 will save us from nintendo constantly ripping us off for shit hardware!

LOLOLOLOOLOLOLOl god everyone else is just nowhere near as funny as me I am so much cleverer.

( Edited 12.02.2013 19:37 by KingDom )

2509 2156 5486

^^ What did I just read?? Smilie 

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Yea heavy rain was fun.

KingDom said:

Because I care...

...enought to be overwhelmed by a compulsion

I think you mean "more clever"

@vorash: a classic idea, unfortunately, wildly impossible

@op: how about a good game like heavy rain

Heavy rain was the first ever good game, we were told, because rather than be about killing people (which is what it was about curiously) it would be about charcters, you know, like narratives used to be about before gun fetishism in movies.

Before john wayne

And it would have all these meaningful choices

You, know, like a text adventure. Or those interactive novels where you have to turn it to the correct page.

I suppose the logic diagram involved is much different in 3D. The 3d viuals just make it much harder to achieve and result in an entirely different logic diagram whcih is why we never saw a good game until the ps3 came along

Still, the last of us looks good (because I am stupid and just say: "yes what the guy next to me said". I suppose finally (as many others have said) the last of us will see our hobby graduate into an artform because of the overwhelming power of the PS3, it is important to have a third of the sillicon of the wii U if you want grunt.

Those DF guys are pros right martin? They really are, it takes some skill to spin the GPU story that came out a few days ago as a negative story but they managed it.

Of course, the info wasn't new, Neogaf have known that the wii U graphics card has as many transistors as 3 xbox gpus combined since launch but you'd have to be well informed to know that right?

The PS3 is more powerful than the xbox so not 3 PS3 gpus, no, don't be ridiculous the PS3 has the cell processor silly, that's why it's so good. Not the 256MB gpu

6 year old tech right? I know it's a conspiracy, nintendo are just so evil they even steal off children, aren't sega and nintendo bad for actually making games and having many IPs

I suppose we should give our money to microsoft and sony who are the good guys with all their development teams and ips and just let nintendo die like sega, it's not like they're making the wii and wii U because we failed to support the powerful GC because of how good all the mature games on ps2 were (no, not the anime-style japanese games, they weren't the good games on ps2 didn't you watch the adverts?)

That way if we give all our money to microsoft we'll definately get loads of good games out of it, hey, we could give it to sony and we'd get really good adverts instead and be cool at the same time

it is important to be mature right? And because mature=hardcore that explains why sony has been the home of hardcore games since 1996 not like nintendos kiddy, unhardcore zelda game majora's mask whcih true connoiseurs know is crap really.

like uncharted, that's a good IP, and I'm sure the last of us will be just as good, gosh isn't everyone online so cleverer, they've definately got all their shit straight

^so much sarcasm and upside down and then again and then down a rabbit hole

actually@op: this is my game idea, it's called: The city of london is decadent and depraved

Because I am cleverer I have come up with a new genre: murdersim

It's like dayZ except, unlike postal, the point of the game is to kill people: londoners, the more politically incorrect kill the higher the points

howzat? and sorry for the hijack attempt, I know forums are not buses. I should get my head checked.

EDIT: it's not trolling if you don't reply, that way you can just chew it, you know, just have a good old chew you nasty old troll and think about it, think about why you hang around here, perhaps it's because you needed it,

It's absolutely fine, don't worry, I like helping people, I don't go around being an internet hardman or anything, helping people always takes priority.

I should just stop, I'm never as funny as I think I am because of all the right people on the internet, they always tell me about rightness, suspiciously violently, I have a theory about those people, you know the ones easily swayed by adverts who all bought ps2s in the GC days because of issues with their masculinity.

My theory is that they are the same people I would consistently beat at MK et al. Just butthurt, no-one likes to hear they just paid 500 quid for a shit console. Thank god that the PS4 will save us from nintendo constantly ripping us off for shit hardware!

LOLOLOLOOLOLOLOl god everyone else is just nowhere near as funny as me I am so much cleverer.

*¿scratches bum?*

KingDom is a massive retard.

( Edited 19.10.2013 04:17 by Mr James2t3 )

OMG I just reread all that nonsense.

I am a little mad you see.

That was a delayed reaction to:

"those digital foundry guys are pros" - martin

From a different thread. weirdly.

Professional journalism and eurogamer are not as I see it bedfellows.

Professional or pro in the context of jounalism means a lot more than a tendency to wank over little pieces of sillicon.

Trilinear filtering! lol! western gamers: what a load of idiots (idiots is the most accurate word).

no martin, silly boy, they are not pros.

2509 2156 5486

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