I'm not too bothered either way. I've started to shift more towards PC gaming anyway, picking up some new kit for that, so in that regard, generations don't matter anymore. I think I'll pick up one of the future consoles, but not sure which based on how readily xbox exclusives will end up on PC. I may opt for a shift and get a backwards compatible PS4 so I can play all the brilliant titles that came out on PS3 + I haven't had a sony console since the Playstation X days.
What will sway me the most is which friends pick up what etc, but also how future proof the consoles will be. The PC market is going through a huge graphical shift right now with DX11 and a host of new engines around, and is likely to progress further at a faster rate now because PC gaming seems to be making a comeback with titles like BF3, Crysis 2 etc etc and really pushing graphics as we know it.
If I'm honest, I could probably stick to PC gaming for a long while and be happy until I wait for the price to drop of the consoles. It will be a while before we get exclusives on said systems, and any third party titles are generally single player and come to the PC regardless.
For xbox its not too soon, for PS3, I think its definitely too soon. They would be shooting themselves in the foot slightly because its just come into its prime, and if I'm honest, the games look stunning (first party titles) compared to what you get on the xbox. My mate was playing Heavy Rain the other day and it looked immense and made me want the console. Developers are getting much better with the system compared to xbox which is basically DX architecture, similar to PC and therefore easier to develop for. Dev's such as Naughty Dog have stated that they don't want another Sony console because of the work it involves and also the fact that they are now pushing the system hard.
Xbox looks dated, and the Wii, don't even get me started, you only have to look at dolphin comparison shots to know how much better it could look if only it could process at higher resolutions. The fact that they are making it 1080p compatible is good with what appears to be the equivalent of a HD4850 card is good (though a little dated) but they need to go the whole hog and allow for 3D usage and keep a little extra power locked away for any future developments in viewing technology. I don't want it to be a .5 gen. If it manages that, I may just pick up the Wii U and be done with it as I've always felt the best of both worlds with a Nintendo console and a PC (before my PC was crap anyway) as I could play nearly everything.