The name of the person I got is also wrong.
I know who it's meant to be though.
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The name of the person I got is also wrong.
I know who it's meant to be though.
Kafei2006 said:
err Why do I have to give a gift when I said i didn't take part specifically because I didn't know what to give out ?I got a pm but I said I wasn't taking part. You didn't mistake me for onlykafei, did you
(not that I don't want to give out something, but I have no idea what to offer, seriously :/ )
Yes...Yes I did... I mucked up horribly, sorry. Its really confusing!
Sorry Marzy, If I got anything wrong guys and you don't end up with a SS, I myself will gift you some stars to compensate.
( Edited 24.12.2011 03:36 by Echoes221 )
I've gave my SS a star.. I would give about 5 stars to him, but I can't seem to find any of his posts. Sorry if it's a bit of a shit "present" I would've done more mate, but I've got quite a lot of crap on my mind right now what with some bad stuff happening over Christmas. Hope you guys understand...
^ Sorry to hear Mush. Hope it gets better.
But if you did want to give more, can't you go to his profile and view his posts from there?
Azuardo said:I didn't think of that. Cheers. I'll do it a bit later. I need to get some sleep now though.
^ Sorry to hear Mush. Hope it gets better.But if you did want to give more, can't you go to his profile and view his posts from there?
I drew you a picture of link, and then recoloured it 4 times. I can send larger versions if you would like.
I did originally want to Santa-ify the red one to theme it around Christmas, but won't really have any more chance to I'm afraid
I will try and get mine done soon, but it probably won't be up until after the new year.
Merry Christmas Mush, hope you did have a good day and things improve for you soon.
Here's something I whipped up the other day
jb said:Thanks for that JB, that has cheered me up quite a bit. Merry Christmas mate.
Merry Christmas Mush, hope you did have a good day and things improve for you soon.Here's something I whipped up the other day
Many thanks to Azuardo for my ten stars - very happy with them, I never seem to get any stars (probably because I rarely post) - cheers!
Hopefully my recipient won't mind waiting a few days - I don't get back from Ireland till tomorrow evening and until then I can't really do much.
Merry Christmas everyone!
My SS will get theirs soon, so don't panic! Just a bit offline because of family visitations and some actual time to relax and play games!
Sorry guys, will hopefully give my gift tomorrow. I've been having a horrible last month or so, so I haven't had time to sort it out yet. :s
Thanks Cheese.
This can also act as a reminder for everyone else who hasn't done SS yet to get them sorted!!!
Okay, I know it's probably not the best gift you'll ever receive (it mean clearly has nothing on a NINTENDO SIXTY FOURRR!), but Merry Christmas Lrr!
Im going to have mine up soon still working on it
Yeah I have to apologize for being shit with this. I have been away for most of the holiday and my laptop died so haven't had much time to put anything together quiet yet.
Omg Strat, do you realise that you're only 4 posts away from being level 100!?
Cheesing it up said:
Omg Strat, do you realise that you're only 4 posts away from being level 100!?![]()
I did not.. I'm old.
Anyway, sorry for the extreme lateness of this JB. I spent ages trying to think of something, in the end I had to settle for this random jam. I tried to make it somewhat retro video-game ish to suit C3.
Link should play it, if not it's under my profile called C3:
Merry Christmas JB:
( Edited 06.01.2012 16:09 by The Strat Man )
Just a quick bump, seen as I'm sure not all prezzies have been dished out yet.
I've not done mine yet, still working on it.
It's now February and I still haven't received anything. :'(
Sorry Cheese, I'm still working on it. Just been busy lately. You'll definitely get it though.
Only just saw this, cheers Tom! Tis a mighty fine tune
No immediate rush Marzy, just so long as you haven't forgotten about it.
...and now we're in March.