I can't believe how fast this year has rolled around again, its December already, the ponds are freezing, the ground is getting covered with snow, oh! and it's time for me to host C3's very own Secret Santa all over again! This year, like every year, our friendly C3 members get together to celebrate Christmas and hand out pressies, and this year is no exception!
For anyone unfamiliar with secret santa, you submit your names below on the forum, I will then randomise the names and hand them out via PM, the name that you get must be kept a secret until the designated date below when you submit your present to the lucky guy or gal!
Anything can be a gift; a picture, steam game, a poem or just a few stars! Whatever you think sums up or will make your secret santa happy! Be creative!
Closing date for all names shall be around the 21st of december so that just gives you guys over a couple of weeks to sign up, you will then be PM'd with the lucky festive mate and that gives you a furthur week to come up with your present! Posting of presents can be either on this thread or via PM over the christmas period (24th - 28th)
Like last year, we will have a ranking system for the best presents like so:
1st Place: 30 Stars
2nd Place: 20 Stars
3rd Place: 10 stars
4th Place: 5 Stars
5th Place: 2 Stars
( Edited 06.12.2011 11:46 by Echoes221 )