Rumour: GameCube Games Downloadable on Wii U? [news]

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Does this mean we can use GC controllers? Smilie

PS - I dont think there's any GC game that I would want to download as I have the ones I wanted/need. Smilie

( Edited 20.07.2011 13:33 by Sherwinator )

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Same as Sherwiinator, there aren't any GameCube games that I'd want to pay again for when I already own on discs almost all the games I wanted to get. And the few ones I still don't own and would like to possess are very unlikely to find their way on the platform anyway...

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Same as above, i sold most of my GC games and kept some that I wanted to play again and again on the Wii, thats such a piss take if you have pay for them, there should be a system of some sort that existing GC game owners don't need to pay for the same game again. Im sure the Wii U is capable of reading a GC game disc. A option like "Have this game on disc already?" and you insert your game disc to verify a free download.

This irritates me a bit -- if the Wii U can play Wii games, it should be able to play GameCube games. The Wii and GameCube have nearly identical architectures.

The only reason I can think GC support isn't there is so that Nintendo can make money off of re-releasing them.

This would only excite me if the games were upscaled or re-released in HD or something. Like everyone else, I have everything I want on GC already. But for those who never got a GC or Wii or have a harder time tracking down certain GC games, relaunching them on WiiWare could be a good idea, as long as the price is right (which it won't be).

The prices for games on the gameboy games on the 3DS Virtual Console are a bump.

Coincidently, I was talking about this with Slydevil the other night.

I was saying that I thought Nintendo took the GC disc compatibility out so they could gain money, by making various Gamecube games downloadable. So it wouldn't surprise me if this was true.

Squidboy (guest) 20.07.2011#8


No, from what I understand it's the new optical drive WiiU uses, the custom HC discs (25G) require a new system which cannot support the tiny GC discs.

Squidboy (guest) 20.07.2011#9

Good, but I want all my games brought over too. I also want GC/N64/SF,NES Wii Remote add-on's. I already have two Super Famicom ones which are excellent. Nintendo should sell them all as a legacy set. I'd buy two if they did.

Honestly this isnt news to anyone who can put 2 and 2 together. The wii has downloadable games up to the N64, it covers all bases, so to loose disc combatibility is obviously leading towards DL games, hell the ps3 has ps2 games for DL... hell the ps3 has ps3 games for DL... makes me kinda sad though, i have alot of gamecube discs, but i got a cube and a wii so meh.

This opens up the door for the chance to get Japanese GC that never released here. I would pay $20 for a Japan Only GC game translated to english.

If this is true, I hope titles like Baten Kaitos (and it's Sequel) and MGS Twin Snakes gets put on there. Baten is hard to find at a good price and it's sequel wasn't released in Europe, and MGS is just too damn expensive.

I just hope they don't charge more than a tenner per game at most, but even that is a bit expensive.

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EdEN said:
This opens up the door for the chance to get Japanese GC that never released here. I would pay $20 for a Japan Only GC game translated to english.

They won't even translate all their Wii or DS games, so expecting them to do so for even older games is a bit idealistic i'm affraid... Not for text-heavy games anyway (like Giftpia :/ ...).

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Squidboy (guest) said:

No, from what I understand it's the new optical drive WiiU uses, the custom HC discs (25G) require a new system which cannot support the tiny GC discs.

That doesn't make sense. The GameCube uses the exact same technology as a Wii disc -- its just smaller. So it really should be as simple as putting instructions for the where the laser needs to start and end -- something Nintendo likely had to do for the Wii disc drive as well, and honestly something that can't be that hard to manage.

I think the reality is they saw an opportunity to both save cash by scrapping GC controller/memory card ports, and make more money by then adding the GC portfolio to the Virtual Console.

jay (guest) 18.08.2011#15

are there any games that are one dollar and that has to do with the mlb

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