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Ha, LOVE the logo parody of Dissidia. Provided the main adventure is interesting enough, I might invest in this. Smilie

Here's hoping for something like Elite Beat Agents Smilie

This shit's got my name written all over it. Chibi Cloud, chibi Lightning... GAH!

Sounds like great fun. Nice twist to the rhythm genre.

Sounds interesting. Could potentially be a good idea, but those graphics don't look very good to me. Smilie

Well that's... interesting. So it's a take on the Taiko series with a FF skin?

Give me a damn numeric Final Fantasy game & QUIT FUCKING AROUND SQUARE!!!!! :-x

Seriously even a Dissidia like game done in 3D on the 3DS would be great. Nintendo BETTER get the Final Fantasy VI remake as an exclusive AND Nintendo better get some love by ALSO getting the official numeric series again since the 360 got 13 there's NO excuse to leave Nintendo out anymore!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I'd say that by announcing 13's sequel Square are looking to regain lost capital from the development of the original with reuse of base assets. If that is the case, a Wii U port is inevitable. They might bring over 13 itself too, who knows.

Unless PSP and 3DS architecture are too distinct from each other, and judging by this title's appearance, then if Duodecim gets a follow-up it will appear on both.

They're not exactly "fucking around". They've suffered huge losses recently, and with the 3DS selling like crap, I think they're just being a little cautious, and can you blame them? Even with PSP they're not making what they should because of the mod community. They aren't gonna do the FF remakes any time soon, and 3DS isn't going to be getting numerical games - they're console only. Wii U may get these though, as well as the XIII games and maybe even Versus XIII and XIV. There never would have been an excuse to leave Nintendo out if they hadn't released a shit system.

The next Dissidia sounds like it'll be either a console or Vita game, and that rules out 3DS. Going off of their uncertainty on how to release FF Type-0 overseas, I think we've seen almost the last of Square on PSP. They are working on an original game, Heroes of Ruin, for 3DS though, which sounds great. But I don't think you can expect a 3DS FF game or remake for some time yet. Don't be thinking a quick-fire rhythm game like this is being done in place of a true FF game for the system. They've got Type-0, XIII-2, Versus XIII and the XIV mess on the go. Nintendo might get some of these eventually, but just give it time and I'm sure we'll get some decent things from Square on 3DS, and Wii U.

Azuardo said:
They're not exactly "fucking around". They've suffered huge losses recently, and with the 3DS selling like crap, I think they're just being a little cautious, and can you blame them? Even with PSP they're not making what they should because of the mod community. They aren't gonna do the FF remakes any time soon, and 3DS isn't going to be getting numerical games - they're console only. Wii U may get these though, as well as the XIII games and maybe even Versus XIII and XIV. There never would have been an excuse to leave Nintendo out if they hadn't released a shit system.

The next Dissidia sounds like it'll be either a console or Vita game, and that rules out 3DS. Going off of their uncertainty on how to release FF Type-0 overseas, I think we've seen almost the last of Square on PSP. They are working on an original game, Heroes of Ruin, for 3DS though, which sounds great. But I don't think you can expect a 3DS FF game or remake for some time yet. Don't be thinking a quick-fire rhythm game like this is being done in place of a true FF game for the system. They've got Type-0, XIII-2, Versus XIII and the XIV mess on the go. Nintendo might get some of these eventually, but just give it time and I'm sure we'll get some decent things from Square on 3DS, and Wii U.

The problem with your "crap system" theory is that the N64 had more raw power than the ps1 even though it couldn't hold as much memory since it was cartrage based & the fact that the N64 didn't have as many games as the ps1 did over all which also shoots down your theory of the 3DS never getting a Numeric FF title.

Both 3D remakes on the DS of FF3 & 4 sold very well & until the 3DS gets more games it's not going to sell as well, that's what killed the psp even though it had more power than the DS; mostly ports starting out & a complete lack of many good games that the DS had.

I'm not saying the 3DS has to have Final Fantasy XV as an exclusive when it comes out, but a stereoscopic remake of Final Fantasy 5 & 6 would be VERY good on the system as well as the next Dissidia title since that's an arena fighter like Power Stone. I agree with only a few points of what you say namely the lack of sales & Square being cautious....but that's NEVER gonna change until devs start growing some balls & taking risks of releasing alot of great experimental games that boost the desire people have for the system.

Tomanobu Itagaki was a GREAT dev who suprised alot of people with Ninja Gaiden DS....& no other dev team has been able to create the same level of ballsy support since World Ends With You....but once devs like Epic & ID start growing a pair like Suda 51 has for games on Nintendo systems things WILL be different. Nintendo doesn't hold guns to devs heads saying "Make these types of half assed mini games or your done!!" it's the dev companies that lack spines enough to do what people say won't work.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I don't think there's a problem with my "crap system" theory at all. If the Wii was on the same level as the PS3 and 360, we'd have had FFXIII on it by now. Surely you can agree with that? Bringing the N64/PS1 debate into this is completely irrelevant because it was a totally different reason for going from N64 to PS1. The Wii U may end up getting both XIII games simply because it can handle them. Wii couldn't, just like every other HD game out there.

And nothing is shooting down my "theory" of the 3DS never getting a numerical FF game - Square recently said so themselves that numerical FF games will remain on HD consoles for that reason. XIII-2 producer Kitase said: "Square Enix sees the series as being on the cutting edge of visuals and doesn’t believe the 3DS could deliver on that vision." (source)

No one's saying remakes of V and VI etc won't happen though. It's likely they will. All I'm saying is, quoting from the guys themselves, that 3DS won't ever get a main FF title. That's not an opinion; it's what they said.

I'm sure Square have more than this and Heroes of Ruin in the works for 3DS. I'm sure there's a new Chocobo Racing game coming, and the name Final Fantasy was listed in a list of 3DS games months ago, but what sort of FF game it will be, I don't know. Point is, we'll get games from Square on it, but just not main FF games. Maybe a new Tactics or Crystal Chronicles. Maybe even a prequel/sequel spinoff a la Crisis Core or Revenant Wings if we're lucky. You just have to bear with them and wait for the 3DS to pick up steam. A rhythm game like this shows they aren't forgetting about the 3DS and are putting something out there to tie things over till they start bringing out some bigger games, like Heroes of Ruin, and whatever else they have planned. That, and to obviously make a quick fix in helping recoup some of those losses perhaps.

Azuardo said:
I don't think there's a problem with my "crap system" theory at all. If the Wii was on the same level as the PS3 and 360, we'd have had FFXIII on it by now. Surely you can agree with that? Bringing the N64/PS1 debate into this is completely irrelevant because it was a totally different reason for going from N64 to PS1. The Wii U may end up getting both XIII games simply because it can handle them. Wii couldn't, just like every other HD game out there.

And nothing is shooting down my "theory" of the 3DS never getting a numerical FF game - Square recently said so themselves that numerical FF games will remain on HD consoles for that reason. XIII-2 producer Kitase said: "Square Enix sees the series as being on the cutting edge of visuals and doesn’t believe the 3DS could deliver on that vision." (source)

No one's saying remakes of V and VI etc won't happen though. It's likely they will. All I'm saying is, quoting from the guys themselves, that 3DS won't ever get a main FF title. That's not an opinion; it's what they said.

I'm sure Square have more than this and Heroes of Ruin in the works for 3DS. I'm sure there's a new Chocobo Racing game coming, and the name Final Fantasy was listed in a list of 3DS games months ago, but what sort of FF game it will be, I don't know. Point is, we'll get games from Square on it, but just not main FF games. Maybe a new Tactics or Crystal Chronicles. Maybe even a prequel/sequel spinoff a la Crisis Core or Revenant Wings if we're lucky. You just have to bear with them and wait for the 3DS to pick up steam. A rhythm game like this shows they aren't forgetting about the 3DS and are putting something out there to tie things over till they start bringing out some bigger games, like Heroes of Ruin, and whatever else they have planned. That, and to obviously make a quick fix in helping recoup some of those losses perhaps.

Well you didn't specify which system you were talking about, the original reason why Square first left Nintendo was because they wanted to use the Disc format to show off the flashy cutscenes & Nintendo had no reason to do that since there were several examples of disc based system failure like the Atari Jaguar & both SEGA systems prior to the Dreamcast. As far as you shooting down a numeric 3DS title just because the psp Vita (dumbest name for SOny thus far)is stronger than the 3DS here's something you missed in the article " Kitase stated that Square Enix wouldn’t be looking to create a new core game in FF series on Nintendo’s 3DS, like they did with Dragon Quest 9." And with that a fully 3D remake of Final Fantasy VI is entirely possible since it's NOT a NEW entry & I see Square releasing it on that system as a sign of reverance & respect to Nintendo & it's original fans who've played the FF series LOOOONG before it jumped to playstation since FF6 was the last exclusive game in the series....& it's by far the best. Smilie

I'm also keeping to my argument that Dissidia would benefit on the 3DS since it is an arena fighter & the sense of depth would be great. There are already games on the 3DS that show how well it works & use it well. I'm still pissed that Square didn't use Sabin, Shadow, Mog or Setzer from FF6 so having a new Dissidia....maybe taking place further back since that's the only way they can continue the story with how things turned out.

Nope sorry a remake of 5 & 6 are entirely possible for the 3DS.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash, may I remind you that the FF III remake didn't show up until around 2 years after the release of the DS? We're not even half a year into the 3DS' lifespan yet and if you're already expecting such games, you're going to be disappointed. That's just the way things go. Things looked grim for the DS until a bit into its lifespan too, so just give it time.

Vorash, are you not reading my posts properly or something? In two posts now all I've said is we won't be getting V and VI remakes any time soon, but it's likely we will get them in the long run. I fully agree about that. Every time I've mentioned the 3DS won't be getting numerical FF games is in reference to them stating it won't be getting any additional main FF titles, completely ruling out FFXIII, XIV, XV, etc - nothing to do with ruling out remakes, which is a different matter. You keep saying I'm shooting down theories of V and VI remakes not happening, but that's not what I'm saying at all.

And I know the reasons Square left Nintendo all those years ago. I'm saying if the Wii was PS3-level, we'd have had XIII by now.

Our member of the week

Personally, seeing how XIII doesn't appeal to me at all, I could live without any new numerical installment in the series, seeing how Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light on DS, to me, is the best episode the series has had in ages (not THE best, but a super nice episode nonetheless).

Type-0 is the only one coming up that I care at least a little bit about, and makes me regret I don't own a PSP and don't want to buy one just for that one game. Shame it's unlikely that it'll get a 3DS version.

( Edited 09.07.2011 12:15 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

The Sunleth Waterscape

yes please.


Sounds like it's got a lot more depth than people initially gave it credit for. Already a great selection of tracks. Can't wait to hear the different remixes of Zanarkand, Sunleth and the rest of them.

Azuardo said:
Vorash, are you not reading my posts properly or something? In two posts now all I've said is we won't be getting V and VI remakes any time soon, but it's likely we will get them in the long run. I fully agree about that. Every time I've mentioned the 3DS won't be getting numerical FF games is in reference to them stating it won't be getting any additional main FF titles, completely ruling out FFXIII, XIV, XV, etc - nothing to do with ruling out remakes, which is a different matter. You keep saying I'm shooting down theories of V and VI remakes not happening, but that's not what I'm saying at all.

And I know the reasons Square left Nintendo all those years ago. I'm saying if the Wii was PS3-level, we'd have had XIII by now.

Well alright then I appologise, from what I gathered i thought you were saying the 3DS wouldn't get ANY numerical FF & just spin offs like the CC series (even though I absolutely LOVE the GameCube original, Selkies FTW Smilie) & that they'd have more of a chance on the Vita.

Yes I'm aware the 2 remakes won't be coming to the 3DS for at least 2 years minimum, sorry if I jumped the gunblade....still I don't like the Avatar look they took from the bonus content of KHRE: Coded, they just look WAAAAAAY too simplified (almost like they're Manikins themselves...plot?) & the Behemoth looks more like a Cow with the face design lol!!

( Edited 11.07.2011 15:03 by Vorash Kadan )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Good, glad you understand now. It's nice to hear you love the original CC too, because I'm a big fan of it myself. The original is brilliant in my eyes, and it's a shame about the sequels.

That said about V and VI remakes on 3DS, I feel that the Vita has more of a chance of getting remakes/HD ports of the PlayStation FF games than the 3DS ever will. Like, I think a much sought after FFX HD would end up on Vita and PS3. If FFVII were to be remade though, I'd want it PS3-only so it really makes the most out of the hardware.

I agree using the KH designs seems a little cheap for this game too, but they're too cute to put to waste. I hope they have more animations than what we've already seen on the website too. I'm actually really looking forward to how this game pans out. I love addictive simple games, and this seems to be just that but coupled with Final Fantasy and its RPG element. It seems like one of the best games I could ask for to waste time away in.

Actually you'd want the FF7 remake to be for Wii U or ps4 don't you mean since the Wii U is stronger than the ps3 & therefore would look better on Nintendo's next gen system.

I'm no graphic whore, I can appreciate graphics but I know there are more to games than pretty pixels & the sense of REAL depth that the 3DS provides far outshines any amount of detail provided on an HD flat screen in the sence of fake 3D like what you see on the 360 & ps3 (up until just resently for SOME games) so nah they'd be put to better use on Nintendo's handheld than the Vita.

Remember SOny also has to fight it's bad history with the psp & ps3 in terms of failing the fans & getting a bad reputation. It'll definatly help SOny to price the Vita as the same price for 3DS....but again you're getting a very flat HD experience.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

You make a valid point about Wii U and PS4. Let's face it, an FFVII remake is years away, if at all, so more likely to happen on PS4. But I wouldn't want it being Wii U-only either...and it wouldn't be. The FFVII series itself pretty much has its roots in PlayStation with the original on PS1, prequel on PSP, sequel on PS2 and movie on PSP. I'd want it on as many platforms as possible, so for sure on Wii U and PS3/4, but would imagine if there was a choice, it would always end up on a PS console.

I can't vouch for the 3DS' true 3D capabilities because I've not played one, but it obviously comes down to personal preference. If FFX HD were to happen, I'd want it looking as beautiful as we could get, and the 3DS isn't really going to provide that when compared to Vita. I know it's pretty good, as seen with RE Revelations and MGS3, but there wouldn't be much point in doing FFX HD if it wasn't going to look HD. And the consoles more likely to get the best out of a game like that would be the Sony systems.

Again, that's just my personal preference. If I had to choose what I wanted FFX HD on out of 3DS and Vita, I'd say Vita because I know it would look much better. Otherwise I'd just stick to playing the PS2 game. Obviously I'd prefer a true PS3 version instead, but I can see a dual Vita/PS3 release being likely in the future.

That's not to say 3DS won't get some true FF games that really get the most out of the system though. Sure, it's been confirmed 3DS won't get new numerical games like FFXV etc. But that's not to say it won't get its own new FF games. Square could very well create a brand new FF game designed specifically for the 3DS, making full use of the system's features and its 3D. It could really look amazing. I think I would prefer brand new takes on the FF franchise on the 3DS, and then HD ports on the Sony consoles.

This could be the first Final Fantasy game I actually like. Smilie

......Did you just call it the "FF7 series" Azuardo? Yes I'm aware of the compelation but still that's a REALLY newb thing to say & frankly irelivent. From your mind set Square should NEVER have rereleased FF1,2,4,5 & 6 on ps1 since all of THOSE games were on Nintendo first.

SOny isn't the only game company with a fan base that would enjoy the ff7 remake but I'm glad you're honest with the fact that you haven't played the 3DS yet, it REALLY works well though!! Smilie

I just want the FF6 remake to stay on Nintendo's system since it's the best in the series, it was the last exclusive we had & people who started with 7 & after don't have the same experience & might not understand why 6 is great but I'll give a hint....Kefka did FAAAAR more than Sephiroth ever did & Terra acutally got over her issues unlike Cloud who's still brooding & beating himself up in the Advent Children timeline which are my 2 biggest problems with 7. I'd also like a redo for FF10 since the lip syncing & voice acting we pretty bad over all.......PLEASE FIX Seymour's VOICE!!!!!!

Look I'm not here to start a pointless fan war (which if we both love the FF series it won't matter what system it's on since we'll enjoy it all the same for what it is), it doesn't matter what either of us want since Square is the last to decide. All we can do is hope & give our best educated guess, my argument in favor of the 3DS over Vita stands firm since the 3DS can provide great graphics (if you acutaly need those to enjoy a game) that are good enough for the FF series.

Take care friend, I'll be getting Uncharted for my Vita though THAT IS FOR SURE!!!!Smilie

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Come on, don't be so picky. It's like calling the Metroid Prime games the Metroid Prime series; which I also do and have no problem with. They are mini series in their own right and it keeps things simple so you know exactly what I'm referring to when I say that.

From your mind set Square should NEVER have rereleased FF1,2,4,5 & 6 on ps1 since all of THOSE games were on Nintendo first.

That's not what I'm saying at all. What I am saying is that if an FFVII remake were to happen it would never be Wii U-only. Regardless of history, I believe this is a completely different case and it would always end up on at least a PS console over all others first and foremost. Likewise, an FFVI remake would almost definitely end up on 3DS first and foremost.

But yeah, that's my opinion.

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