Azuardo said:
Come on, don't be so picky. It's like calling the Metroid Prime games the Metroid Prime series; which I also do and have no problem with. They are mini series in their own right and it keeps things simple so you know exactly what I'm referring to when I say that.From your mind set Square should NEVER have rereleased FF1,2,4,5 & 6 on ps1 since all of THOSE games were on Nintendo first.
That's not what I'm saying at all. What I am saying is that if an FFVII remake were to happen it would never be Wii U-only. Regardless of history, I believe this is a completely different case and it would always end up on at least a PS console over all others first and foremost. Likewise, an FFVI remake would almost definitely end up on 3DS first and foremost.But yeah, that's my opinion.
Yeah I know & I never said I'd want the FF7 remake to be on Nintendo's system only, just FF6 since us 20+ year FF veterans would like it on Nintendo's handheld or home system more as a nostalgiac reminder of our childhoods of playing it on the awesome SNES (best system ever to date, ps2 had alot of games but in terms of good game over bad/mediocre games ratio the Super Nintendo has a higher mark) & seeing Kefka conqure the world in 3D would be great!!
Also since you can only summon 1 Esper per character PER BATTLE in FF6 (one of the VERY few things I don't like about that Gem) I'd think Square would want to give the over the top summon scenes that the series is known for an even greater visual punch like how Crisis Core did but in 3D since you can't spam summon like in FF8 & the others.
I think out of any possibility the FF7 remake might be one of the PSP Vita's power titles Square would make for it like how Crisis Core was for PSP. If anything since FF7 is so popular (regardless of quality) Sqaure should put it on all home systems & then the Vita if they had to chose & I'd be fine with that.