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Ive got to say i think the best strategy game is the medievil total war series or the age of empires series by the way welcome to the site look around,explore!!!
strategy, strategy, gotta be zelda or mario games here dude
Metal Gear Solid. It is kinda in the strategy genre because you have to be stealthy and such like. Or did you mean games like Command And Conquer or Age Of Empires? If you did then Idont like any of them, I find them tedious and pointless.
Yes he did mean games like command & conquer as i am sat next to him but they are not tedious!!!
Advance Wars 2. Not that big on the genre to be honest.
Total Annialation was good , Dungen Keeper1 and 2 and Advance wars.
well well, not too shabby posts there my friend (:lol
DemonHunter wrote:
Ive got to say i think the best strategy game is the medievil total war series or the age of empires series by the way welcome to the site look around,explore!!!
I've ben playing a game of AOE every night with Hanson recently. Something always breaks though so we have only finished 1 game.
Definitely has to be Final Fantasy Tactics Advance...but I also hold high hopes for Fire Emblem, when I can actually afford to buy it!
I also must vote for FF:TA. This is the first strategy game that I've really gotten into. The other times I've tried the games just couldn't keep my attention. I'm thinking about getting Omniusha (sp?) Tactics but I'm undecided...
Age Of Empires 2, Rise Of Nations (love that game) and Advance Wars 1/2.
Command and conquers(s) and advance wars (1+2)